Discussion in 'MLB General Discussion Board' started by Willie, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. He didn't bring one to DC and those teams were loaded for a while.

    Your right BWW...........But I liked Harper and wish him the Best in Philly.....\+/
    Catfish likes this.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    He's a really great hitter and fun to watch at the plate.

    I wish him the best of luck except for when the Phillies play the Cubs.
    Catfish likes this.
  3. Catfish Guest

    VV my good man, the Phils thanks to Harper have more money to spend this year. They still may add Keuchal and Gio Gonzalez. That significantly helps that starting rotation a lot. Velasquez is bullpen bound as he can't last past 5 innings. So add him to Dominguez, Robertson and the 2 guys they got from Seattle with Neshak and Harris.

    And you forgot Arrieta and Pivetta for their rotation too VV.
  4. Catfish Guest

    very classy BWW. Phils policy is if the player makes the HOF they retire the #. Issue is Halladay didn't play in Philly that long and Thome had 2 stints with the team and is in the HOF and they didn't retire his # for the same reason - longevity. Harper said "he thinks of Halladay as as Phillie and no one should wear #34 again." Classy. Press conference was interesting. Harper seemed soft spoken and very honest about his history of the game and respect. he won a lot of people over today.
  5. Catfish Guest

    make it 200,000 now. haha. amazing what 1 guy can do to ticket sales to a starving team in need of a major boost.
  6. Catfish Guest

    AROD went to a team with no pitching. Team never got better around him.
    Pujols' skills rapidly declined. Team invested in FA that just didn't work out. AL West is a good division. Team didn't rebuild the right way.
    Mariners just never put it all together. Cano seemed to get hurt and his drug suspension didn't help.
    Fielder had to leave baseball for an illness. Went to 2 WS and lost. Almost pulled it off.
    Scherzer is a stud. Team just couldn't win with all that talent. More talented teams beat them.
    Arizona never seemed to have anyone good except for Grienke, Goldy and Pollack before injury.
    Cespedes is always hurt and the team is a mess. Top pitchers are looking to roll out of dodge and Harvey went from the Mayor of NY to the Joker.
    Hamilton was injured and an addict. Great story but just plagued with demons and bad luck.
  7. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

  8. Catfish Guest

    ^^^ha. peanuts. he's getting $500-600 mil now.
  9. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Tack on the long contract with a quaranteed additional $350M, its not really peanuts. Its a super deal.
  10. skinny123 Guest

    I saw a bit of Vlad play over the weekend, he got thrown out at the plate. He was 3 for 12 with a double, he looks a lot like Prince Fielder.
    He weighed in at 250, they had him at 200 a couple of years earlier. Some are saying that he could be as high as 265. He needs to put off at least 15 lbs to play proper D at third base. He better put it off or we'll start calling him Fatty jr.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2019
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  11. Catfish Guest

    well Prince could've lost a few pounds as well. 265 is a ton of weight to carry for a ball player.
  12. skinny123 Guest

    Prince could only play first, and couldn't play past 31. He's still getting paid for a few more years.
    Catfish likes this.
  13. Catfish Guest

    yeah some neck injury forced him out of MLB.
  14. skinny123 Guest

    I remember the jays had a chance to sign him but wouldn't go more than 5 years, can't blame them.
    Catfish likes this.
  15. Catfish Guest

  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Catfish likes this.
  17. He needs to put off at least 15 lbs to play proper D at third base. He better put it off or we'll start calling him Fatty jr.

    Very valid point Skinny...........he needs to get like his Dad shape.
    Catfish and skinny123 like this.
  18. skinny123 Guest

    Can't see him playing much of a hot corner at that weight, or being a threat on the bases.
    Vancouver Volcanos and Catfish like this.
  19. Catfish Guest

    he does. it was a good article.
  20. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

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