Discussion in 'MLB General Discussion Board' started by Willie, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

  2. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    It's all good, Iggy :)
  3. Catfish Guest

  4. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    That was the biggest douche-off in MLB since Harper-Papelbon.
  5. Catfish Guest

    manny actually paused and the catcher still couldn't cut him off. haha.
  6. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

  7. Catfish Guest

    i missed the DDT Manny gave him. Yes, I'm an old school WWF/WWE fan!

    Loved the DDT! BWHAHAHA.
  8. igloofn68 Guest

    I don't like it when pitchers throw at defenseless batters. The batter should be aloowed to go out to the mound and take it up with him. It's only fair....... *YES*
  9. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Conversely, if batters don't want to get thrown at - especially by guys that throw 100 and are known to have short fuses - they probably shouldn't stand at home plate and admire routine fly ball outs, either.
  10. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Good point, Underdog... maybe they shouldnt flip bats and admire their HR's and crawl around the bases too.
  11. Catfish Guest

    but in this case ventura threw inside and almost hit manny twice bf finally hitting him. so if you watch a hr or walk slow around the bases, you should get beaned? yeah that makes sense. christ. just bean every hitter for getting a hit off a pitcher and call it a day!
  12. Catfish Guest

    so basically the batter can't do anything now without justification for getting beaned? that's not right. if you don't want them to get a HR off of you - you're the pitcher - GET THEM OUT. Strike them out. Make them ground out etc. You have the ball and all the control in your hand. Blame yourself for them getting a HR, not the hitter.
  13. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I don't think pitchers should be throwing at guys, either, but we all know it happens, and I'm not going to muster any sympathy for Machado when he was acting like an assbag in his own right. We're not talking about slow-trotting a HR or a bat flip after really crushing one...we're talking about a guy standing at home plate and posing,...on a routine fly ball. Machado has his own rich history of being a dink on the field and so maybe he should consider toning down his own behavior before he wigs out on someone else for theirs.
  14. Catfish Guest

    fair enough u dog but he was almost hit twice bf in the same at-bat? so who is the bigger dink? you can't fault manny this time bc he didn't do anything. he almost got beaned twice bf and then finally plunked. if you have an issue with him - hit him the first pitch. not 2 in tight and then finally paydirt.
  15. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I think you're ascribing the pitch sequence of the 2nd inning to the 5th inning AB. Machado hit a pitch off the plate for a double in the 1st, so Ventura busted him inside a couple times in the 2nd to push him off and Machado gave him the hairy eyeball for it, then yapped at him running down the line after standing and posing for his routine flyball. After that round of asshattery, Ventura did hit Machado with the first pitch when he came up again in the 5th. Machado is far from blameless in this.
  16. igloofn68 Guest

    Depends on your point of view. A player looking at the ball he hit and has to run around the bases fast? It's not in the rule book. Beaning a defenseless batter on purpose is. I agree with my 1st post and Fish. If the pitcher doesn't like it, he shouldn't be giving up the HR.........
  17. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Nope, there isn't a rule about how fast you have to run the bases. Nor is there one against pitching inside. There is one about not calling out opposing players on the field, though.
  18. igloofn68 Guest

    Yes, but before that one is "no throwing at opposing batters!
  19. Catfish Guest

    the video doesn't show that? the video i saw was 2 in tight and 1 that hit him. they never stated it was in different innings and the way it was put together, i thought it was the same at - bat.

    so i apologize for not knowing all the info here based on the video as it seemed like 1 at-bat.
  20. Catfish Guest

    i tried looking on youtube for the other at-bats to see what manny did, although i believe you u dog, and can't find anything except for the beaning. damn technology.

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