Minnesota Vikings vs Chicago Bears Game Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by babyfan, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I’d punt there

    no chance Bears score the rest of the game
  3. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Whitehair benched.
    blang84 likes this.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Bagent to the rescue!

    Fuck you Twitter nerds.
    patg006 likes this.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    just cut him
    blang84 likes this.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Great job holding onto the catch by DJ. Huge hit.
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Nice drive
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Bagent is trying at least.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    D needs a turnover.
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    He gets the ball out on time better than Fields. Just does.
    vvarder and blang84 like this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    He seems more decisive. Probably gonna throw a ton of picks if he plays a lot but will make a lot of plays too.
  12. blang84 Legend Bears

    Alright Bagent, let's do it.
  13. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    What the fuck? Sure. Okay.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Foreman has been a whisker from breaking a big one several times.
    patg006 likes this.
  15. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Minny is playing soft defense
  16. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Lol what was that?
  17. blang84 Legend Bears

    Bagent clearly looking for Scott. Must've gotten a lot of reps together in camp/preseason?
    EvertonBears likes this.
  18. blang84 Legend Bears

    There it is
  19. blang84 Legend Bears

    Too unsustainable.
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    Exactly what Bears QBs do in this situation.
    patg006 likes this.

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