I just read an article in which Quincy Jones mentions the Giancana mob in connection with the death of John F Kennedy. This is an interesting interview of Quincy Jones. http://www.vulture.com/2018/02/quin...?utm_campaign=nym&utm_source=tw&utm_medium=s1
I worked with an italian guy once whose uncle was a made guy in the Giancana mob. That was when Cicero, Illinois was wide open and run by the mob. A lot of the mobsters lived in unincorporated areas around Chicago. Buhrnam, Illinois which was close the where I grew up had a row of mob homes along Buhrnam Avenue and actually built their own golf course which now is known as Buhrnam Woods and is a forest preserve golf course. I learned to play golf at that course. It was rumored that a lot of dead bodies were buried along that area which was kind of a swamp really.
I just think the marks on her body and cut on her neck is a sign of an attack from one of the 3 on board and especially wagner since he saw her last. may not be evidence of foul play, but sure is a good starting point.
about Quincy Jones...if Michael Jackson stole songs or lyrics, why wasn't he sued for them? Vanilla stole a beat from Queen and David Bowie for Ice, Ice Baby and was sued and lost and that was for a rhythm beat. If Jackson stole lyrics, why not go after him ? THe mob and JFK goes back a long way. The mob made a deal with Joe Kennedy to get JFK elected and in returned, the President would look the other way on organized crime. Well Bobby Kennedy was the Attorney General and he reneged on the deal and went after organize crime and Giancana was pissed, so he organized the killing of JFK. Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor. Then he says Pryor was not shy about his sexuality ? I never heard of him being with a man, let alone open about it. This one is crazy. I don't doubt Brando was. There's a article I read years ago that many big male movie stars were bi-sexual including Brando, Hudson and others. One that was on there was Paul Newman, but I don't believe it. Who knows with these actors? I'm not a big Beatles fan and I heard they were terrible in concert and were really a studio produced band for making studio albums. everyone knew Ringo was a bad drummer. this isn't shocking. Trump and Jones? nah, not buying it.
or some just couldn't bare to sue Michael Jackson and bring him to court because they were buddies like Diana Ross etc.
Thanks. The old mob fascinates me as does the entire Kennedy clan story. I remember very well when Kennedy got killed. I was a freshman in college when it happened and early intelligence was that it was the Russians who had killed him. A bunch of us left the campus an went to the local recruiting office to see if we could enlist. The officer in charge told us to cool our jets and it was way too early to know what happened. I will never forget that day. Sometime later I was talking to my dad about the assassination and he said that it was mob that did it because old man Joe reneged on his promise that Kennedy's justice department would take it easy on the mob. Bobby Kennedy, instead attacked at the mob and the Teamsters and John Kennedy paid the ultimate price.
Why wouldn't this be public knowledge then? They are still making movies about this and there is so much mystery surrounding the whole event ... why is the truth being hidden under so many other possible scenarios? I find that so weird.
bc the mob doesn't like their business aired out. Babyfan-look at my post - THe mob and JFK goes back a long way. The mob made a deal with Joe Kennedy to get JFK elected and in returned, the President would look the other way on organized crime. Well Bobby Kennedy was the Attorney General and he reneged on the deal and went after organize crime and Giancana was pissed, so he organized the killing of JFK. This is roughly what Al in Cal says. Yeah, The Kennedys screwed over the wrong people and JFK died for it. Joe Kennedy got rich during prohibition being a bootlegger and screwing over people, so he and mainly his son, Robert, tried to do it to the mob, once JFK was elected. The mob had other plans!
It's an interesting theory Cat, thanks Has the story just remained hidden all these years or has it ever been corroborated by the authorities? Like I understand how the mob doesn't want this stuff to go public but they don't run the media/government do they?
a lot of HISTORY Channel stuff on JFK mentions the mob tie-in all the time, but they can't prove it. The History Channel made an excellent 7 part mini-series on JFK with so many signs pointing to 1 thing - Oswald didn't act alone. My 1 older brother, who is a brilliant Doctor, really thinks it was Oswald. This mini-series proves there are so many conspiracies involved that it's not just Oswald and Oswald didn't kill Police Officer JD Tippett. My brother in law, who is a CPA and attorney is a JFK conspiracy nut and the JD Tippett falsehoods alone rock this whole thing to the core. I think the mob had enough influence when JFK died to control the papers. They have their fingers in every pot. I bet they know someone at the head of every major paper in the country.
That's pretty huge Cat. Holy smokes. This makes me wonder what you can actually believe of what you hear reported. There is so much misdirection in the media and in the government.
they have 3 eye witnesses that lived on the street Tippett was killed or waiting for a public bus nearby. 2 of them say the man they saw shoot Tippett was short and fat. hmm, who else was short and fat - Jack Ruby. Why kill Tippett at all ? Tippett didn't know Oswald killed JFK. The radio said JFK was shot, but not by whom. And when Oswald goes in the movie theater. He wasn't arrested for not paying the ticket fee. 20-40 FBI and Police rush in and grab him and arrest him for the murder of JFK. Who did they know he was the shooter? No evidence linked him to the crime. No one saw him shoot the gun? And when he was arrested what did he say "I'm just a patsy." he didn't say "I didn't do it!" Why is that? The movie theater was a meeting place for Oswald to go too. Yet somehow the Dallas Police and FBI all go there to grab him. No one said on the radio "the shooter is Lee Harvey Oswald." yet 20-40 Cops and FBI are in the movie theater arresting 1 man they think already killed JFK. I could go on and on... http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/2862-j-d-tippit-was-he-part-of-the-conspiracy/
Marilyn Manson accused by Charlene Yi. He also recently had a meltdown at a show in Huntington NY (Long Island). The dude has some shit to work through. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/charlyne-yi-accuses-marilyn-manson-200708404.html The show/meltdown: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-e...rmance-rant-setlist-fans-injury-a8215161.html
Don't know why but the Kennedy family is still very powerful. And the Kennedy "secrets" still get hushed up because if there was probably a God in Dimm politics it was John Kennedy.
We're already seeing another Kennedy rise, so it will be important to US history and the family name to keep those secrets under lock & key for a bit longer. #CamelotIsAFuckingLie
speaking of the Kennedys, Bobby's son Max was a Philly ADA - Assistant DA, with my older brother. When my Mom died, Max came to the funeral viewing. He looked and sounded like his Dad. I met him. Kind of spooky that I was meeting the son of Robert Kennedy.