shocked he didn't win the Oscar for it. I never understood in the movie Swank beats the girl and the ref stops the fight so on her (Swank's) way back to her stool, her opponent cold cocks her and sends her into the stool ? Very odd way to get her when the fight was stopped. Her family was such pieces of shit the latter half of the movie.
Saw it once. Tragic ending. Lost in Translation beat MDB for the screenplay oscar. LiT was a really good story and movie.
Bill Murray was awesome in that. And Scarlett J is always fun to look at. Check her out NAKED in Under The Skin. Really good, sci-fi-ish film.
Harvey Weinstein attacked at a restaurant in Scottsdale Arizona. NO COMMENT
Stan Lee Stans Lawyer says its a blackmail/shakedown
Tiger Beat babysitter in trouble? Scott Baio accused by former "CiC" co-star Nicole Eggert.
I have my doubts about a lot of these claims. Some of these people have lost their fame and what easier way to get back in people's minds than getting a couple of weeks of news clippings with your face exposed to the world. People want fame and money and a lot of them will do anything to get it. I just can't believe that all these people accused who could get more sexual partners than they know what to do with would lower themselves to rape and sexual assault. Another aspect that may be true in some cases is a film director or casting agent may say to someone that if they have sex with them they will have a better chance to land an acting gig. If you have sex with them then you sold yourself they didn't rape or assault you. You consented to it. I believe there is a shit load of that going on in Hollywood and now people feel violated when it was their own choice.
wait a minute - didn't these 2 date when she was 16 and he was 24? funny how this comes up now and not when they were dating....? she was hot when she was younger. then she got fat. then huge implants and got fatter. I think she took out the implants and ate lettuce for a year, but the pix they had on tv this weekend, she looked horrible. she needs some sand and sun.
see-I thought the ref stopped the fight bc the girl was getting her ass handed to her. the ref got in between them to stop the fight and the opponent in anger hit her after the bell to send her to the stool. haven't seen it in a while. gotta watch it again.
Looks like LA County Sheriffs are still working the Natalie Wood/Robert Wagner "event". Watch out, Bobby! They're looking at you again.
Time to stoke those fires again... Kate Upton accuses Guess of sexual harassment. Guess' company stock plunges.
Using "big names" to lure actresses... like Weinstein did. Halle Berry's former manager, Vinny Cirrincionne, facing multiple charges.
Uma Thurman opens up on Weinstein assault and "work-issues" with Tarantino.
pretty soon - no one will wanna work in Hollywood. I mean Weinstein could be in jail or banned from movies etc. however I'm sure there's another Harvey lurking somewhere. I mean hell, look at golden boy - Matt Lauer. The guy had a button to lock his office door to keep women inside ! yeah - others are out there lurking.