John Fox: Bears not changing QB plan after one game

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by News Desk, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    No, I didn't Bigrobo, thanks for the f*cking history lesson Captain Obvious. Did you know that you are a koolaid drinking contrarian?

    Listen shithead, don't compare me to a f*cking meatball fan but if you talk about Tim Tebow and your highly drafted QB in the same sentence, you are a f*cking moron.

    I expect him not to compare him to a garbage QB in any fashion. He should be happy the fans are excited about a player and not focused on his garbage record as Head Coach of this team. I never said anywhere that he should be plugged in as the starter but I also don't expect the Head Coach to throw water on us as fans trying to put out the flames of excitement over a player on our team by comparing him to a piece of garbage QB in anyway, even if it just was the hype machine.

    I expect him to ignore the noise if he doesn't agree with it but in no way is Trubisky anywhere close to being the fake hype machine that Tebow was so it is an absolute ridiculous comparison.

    There are better ways to handle it than he did, but as usual he appeared agitated and immediately went to the old, grumpy, "get off my lawn" John Fox that loathes talking to the media and having anyone question his decisions.
  2. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    No, I didn't Bigrobo, thanks for the f*cking history lesson Captain Obvious. Did you know that you are a koolaid drinking contrarian?

    Listen shithead, don't compare me to a f*cking meatball fan but if you talk about Tim Tebow and your highly drafted QB in the same sentence, you are a f*cking moron.

    I expect him not to compare him to a garbage QB in any fashion. He should be happy the fans are excited about a player and not focused on his garbage record as Head Coach of this team. I never said anywhere that he should be plugged in as the starter but I also don't expect the Head Coach to throw water on us as fans trying to put out the flames of excitement over a player on our team by comparing him to a piece of garbage QB in anyway, even if it just was the hype machine.

    I expect him to ignore the noise if he doesn't agree with it but in no way is Trubisky anywhere close to being the fake hype machine that Tebow was so it is an absolute ridiculous comparison.

    There are better ways to handle it than he did, but as usual he appeared agitated and immediately went to the old, grumpy, "get off my lawn" John Fox that loathes talking to the media and having any question his decisions.
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Again. He didn't compare the players he compared the situations. If you are not intelligent enough to comprehend that don't get mad. Study more.
  4. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    Funny, you insulting anyone's intelligence. As the board Bears apologist you have been wrong more than anyone else in here. I guess I should read more of opinions of other people and regurgitate them in here like you do.

    What I do comprehend is your opinions about anything as a contrarian and Bears koolaid drinker have bit you in the ass more times than not but yet you keep doing it. Since a definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, you are definitely the biggest dumb ass left here.

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