That's surprising. I think it's probably more likely that they're going to be trading for someone, or are primed to pick up someone's leftover. I don't think Pineiro has distinguished himself from Fry, personally.
I'm guessing it's Piniero against the field at this point. He can win this job by drilling all his FGs over the last 2 games, otherwise I think we find someone on the waiver wire prior to week 1.
Does Matt Nagy have a problem?
Why because he went a little outside the box trying to find a kicker. During OTA’s no less. Or maybe because some felt he wasn’t letting go of the loss to the eagles. Constantly reminding the team to not forget the hurt? From everything being reported that all stopped when camp opened. He had his two kickers. Which is very common and the team as a whole moved in to this season. That article sounds like a bunch of sour grapes from some guys who were deemed not good enough. And a writer trying to find a crack in the reigning coach of the years armor.
I can see both sides to this. On the one hand, I'm glad he's still hurting from the playoff loss and putting these kickers in high pressure situations to test their mettle. On the other hand, as we all realize but don't often admit, the missed FG wasn't the only reason we lost. Would it be weird if he had the defense practicing a 4th and goal from the 1 play over and over again? Or forcing O'Donnell to make that same punt without shanking it at the worst possible time? As fans we scapegoated Parkey and I'm absolutely not apologizing for it. I expect the coaching staff to react differently than fans. The whole message he's sending to the team is that Parkey's miss is the only reason we didn't win it all. That could very well be true. But I don't want the rest of the players/coaches believing that.
You can’t honestly think that Nagy’s message of remember the hurt was all about the missed kick. In reading the article it seems that way because the article is about the kicking part of that loss. But in general a coach doesn’t want his team to become complacent. Remember how it felt to lose. Let that drive you to be better. It’s basic coach speak. As for the kicking part whoever the kicker is going to be he is going to be under a lot of extra pressure because of how the season ended. You can only do so much in OTA’s and mini camp. Kicking is one thing you can do as much as you want. This article try’s to make you think Nagy made the hole off season program about kicking. When in reality he hired a consultant to put some extra effort into finding a good cheap kicker. In the end it is very likely our kicker isn’t even on the team yet.
That's fair. I also think it's fair to question whether the Nagy-organized theatrics detailed by the article are sending the wrong, or at least distorted, message to the team.
I'd be all about it. If she can hit FG's consistently, we know for a fact that she can handle the pressure - that woman is clutch.
Regarding the Nagy story: it reeks of an author wanting some big flowery piece about something that could be really interesting, and instead trying to give it a dramatic spin. Clearly, picking a kicker the old way didn't work. I'm down with Nagy trying a new way - whether it succeeds or fails, it looks like a "no stone unturned" policy, and I'm all about it. That said, the team has definitely obsessed over the kicking, when there should be an equal amount of pressure on the offense - that kick wasn't necessary if the offense wasn't inept. And, yes, of course the team has made this bigger for the media. I don't necessarily agree with how big / public they've made it, but they leaned into it, rather than away. And I think that's to be expected / alright.
Can she make a shitload of kicks? Cos if she can make a shitload of kicks, specifically more than whoever she's competing against for the job, then i really don't give a fuck what her gender is. Just as long as the game doesn't have to change purely on the basis of another gender being out there. Cos kickers can, and do, get run over from time to time. Which is just part of it not being the NFFL.
I don't know that bitch looks like she can run over nearly everyone other teams kickers by herself, and still have enough leg to bang a 53 yarder.
Carly Lloyd's a badass - I think she'd be more than capable of stepping up to make a tackle. At least, in comparison to most kickers. And yeah, if she can hit FG's all season long, then that's what matters.
The old way being the GM actually doing his job heh. Lets be clear, if Parkey had been banging FG's all season this would never have been a story, because Parkey would still be on the team. No way they cut him off that one miss if he'd been good prior. The problem was Parkey was dogshit most of the season. None one believed in him to make a clutch kick like that(ok rob prob did) and of course he missed it. And i guess it was a double doink which made it extra painful. Its totally true there were plenty other factors in that loss. Mistakes on both sides(particularly O), and this may seem counter-intuitive, but if a high % kicker had missed that then we'd be talking about the other stuff. But because it was Parkey, who failed so often, thats what the focal point became. And frankly i think Nagy has allowed himself to be sucked into playing to that in a very naive way this offseason. Because these kickers they've had in this summer? The Philly game had ZERO to do with them. IMO Nagy has been projecting Parkey's inability to handle pressure onto these guys bigtime and he's let the whole thing get WAY too big in the media/public. Not sure about that approach. Its not mentioned often enough in the mainstream that Parkey shouldn't even have been on the team by then. Pace should've cut his ass after the Lions game but didn't. Probably cos of the money. The mess at that position is Pace's failure before anyone else. Obvs i really hope it works out at the kicker position this season. But i don't like the way either Pace or Nagy have gone about it.
You guys clearly know more about her than me. Can she punt too? Cos right now we've got a deadbeat back there and the extra roster spot might come in handy.
Ev nails it that the entire reason Parkey gets the scrutiny is because he was complete crap all year. EVERYONE knew this and we knew he would cost us a game, just didn’t think it would be the first playoff game in ages. I don’t mind the different approach, honesty they’re just giving the media stuff to chew on and keeps them focused there. I’m hopeful actual practice isn’t affected as much. That much has me a little concerned but not a ton. That article I agree with big rob that it does sound like sour grapes from those that weren’t good enough. Honestly my biggest problem is that Pineiro, in limited time, is already missing kicks. I don’t think all the hoopla has resulted in the best kicker available.
I go back to this because now it seems the Bears kickers weren’t so bad after all. Pineiro wound up finishing 8 of 9 with missed extra point. Almost identical numbers to Slye from Carolina who many were very high on. Vedvik who the Vikings gave up the 5th round pick for finished 1-4. Imagine we did make that deal? Anyway seems Bears just might have found their kicker. And he is cheap.