Goodbye Ryan and Matt.....hello Ryan and Matt?

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Well you may have been right all along:
    EvertonBears and babyfan like this.
  2. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    I liked the Poles hire until I heard the press conference. Have to agree with with Ev. He sounded in over his head. He did not exude confidence and I cringed when I pictured him on the phone with Belichick hashing out a draft day trade. I like the addition of an assistant GM. Maybe I am wrong and Poles just had a bit of nerves on the presser. I hope so.

    As for Eberflus. I was a bit surprised. But everything I have seen and heard about him has been positive. I like the culture he plans on bringing in and I like that he will let his coaches coach. BUT the new OC will be calling his first play in the NFL when the Bears open the season. A bit more experience from the OC would make me feel. After but who knows? He does come from a top tier offensive staff so maybe it’s his time.

    I am not gonna hate on the new staff but it’s difficult to get all that excited about them other than they are replacing the prior shit show.
    patg006 likes this.
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    The one thing I read about him is he is pissed at Ifedi the way he got in Jenkins face during the Vikings game when he was standing up for his QB.
    It looks like he's going to change the culture on that offensive line and I love that. They might still suck, but they'll suck with an attitude.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yes totally agree the burden of proof does lie with him and that is an incredibly difficult thing to do. This has long been where the problem lay, because we all know there are big problems with various forms of racism in the NFL, either subtle or more overt. Already in the last page or two multiple people have referred to the old boys club. Things like that are a vehicle to racist practises in the NFL. Connecting dots in an entirely logical manner is frequently a thing that is not difficult to do. But however obvious it may seem, dot connecting will never be more than conjecture. There kinda needs to be proof. This is the curtain that racist practises are able to hide behind to this day, and the close knit nature of the NFL makes that extremely hard to penetrate imo.

    Ultimately i tend to think for the curtain to be pulled back properly it will need to come from the very top. There needs to be more black owners. Actually, lets just start with one cos there's fucking none! That alone is a black mark(no pun intended). How to get more black owners? Not sure. That would require the old boys club to ok it in the first place which seems counter-intuitive in a way. But not all teams are owned by one person like the Cowboys are. I dont know exactly how many, but there are multiple teams which are essentially syndicate owned with varying %'s. Maybe getting a majority stake is a doable first step.

    I tend to think i might work the other way. Flores when he did the media rounds this week was basically calling for others to step forward and share their own stories. Hue Jackson has already spoken of this kinda thing happening at the Browns. Now i know what i just said about burden of proof and all that. But what Flores has done is create a trickle. He hopes for it to grow into a stream and for that to grow into a torrent. If enough people came forward it will become pretty impossible to deny, even if there is no single smoking gun. But that will require a lot of people to put careers on the line, themselves in the spotlight, their families open to abuse possibly. Not everyone is as principled as Flores apparently is. In fact id say most arent sadly.
    vvarder and blang84 like this.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Well said Lord Fat!

    If true then this would be a very good thing. Jenkins wasn't in the wrong in that instance, i would hate for that part of his game to get snuffed out while he's still young in terms of NFL experience and learning what his pro game is. I want the OL's to go after anyone who puts a cheap hit on their QB. And not just one of them but all of em!

    My big hope for Poles is that he will give this team something they haven't had in i dont know how long. A top10 O-Line and a take no prisoners attitude. Maybe even top5? I guy can dream! :notes:
    tunafat and babyfan like this.
  6. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    That's the biggest problem with any racism claim, plausible deniability. Are the owners racist? Very probably yes. Can you prove that? Very probably no. Hell, Dan Synder's dirty laundry is well known, and they investigate him, and find.....racist shit Gruden said? Gotta deflect from the owner asshole.
    babyfan likes this.

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