General Discussion

Discussion in 'Political Discussion' started by Campbell, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Not sure where to post this but I guess here is as good as anywhere:

    SoCalSaint likes this.
  2. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Trump kicked Harris’s ass, the republicans take everything over. Got to love it.
  3. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I slept very well last night. Only down side is that we get 4 more years of "Trump Derangement Syndrom". Did you see the stock market this morning?!?!:up:o_O
    gidion72 likes this.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I have a feeling that the pest will be invading soon.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Ignorance will do that for you.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    You're already here Gid.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    They say his biggest demographic was uneducated males and look which two idiots show up first.
    gidion72, babyfan and BearsWillWin like this.
  8. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Anger, hate, and ignorance. I've asked at least ten people, via Facebook (and I hate being there in the first place) that I grew up with as to why they voted for Trump. None of them had a real answer. Most immediately "unfriended" me, some responded with some hateful shit (as did their other friends), and one or two responded with an answer that had no actual basis in fact or reality, just a general feeling of theirs.

    The United States is run by anger, hate, and ignorance. It fucking sucks, dude. Explaining that to my kid this morning was hard, but not as hard as you might think - he sees those things every day, as we all do. Just gotta teach my kids not to be the problem, in this world. Not really sure what else to do, at this point.
  9. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    The stock market's not real, though, and you know that. It's a bunch of rich people being excited that they'll make more money at our expense. Like, how do you celebrate that? Be honest with yourself about it, here.
    gidion72 likes this.
  10. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    And there it is. TDS started early. You going to call me a Nazi next?
    gidion72 likes this.
  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I have TDS because you’re an ignorant fool?

    I’d love to hear the explanation on that one.
    gidion72 likes this.
  12. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Ignorant fool? Me and OVER half the voters in this country.

    Go buy a tank of gas and shopping cart full of food and tell me you are better off now than 4 years ago.
    gidion72 likes this.
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I’m specifically talking about you though. Don’t be a pussy and try to deflect. You’re not smart enough for that to even begin to work.

    A majority of voters on both sides are ignorant. Because they barely understand the issues at play. You’re the walking, talking example of the every day ignorant voter. You run your mouth but you’re fucking clueless.

    Will do. Then let’s discuss how gas prices come to be and all the mitigating factors behind the cost of living….many of which any elected POTUS has little to no control over.

    You ready for that conversation sport? Because I am. But you’ll run from it because there’s no chance in hell you can think or talk past generic headline talking points.
    gidion72 and EvertonBears like this.
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Fucking crickets.

    As expected.
    gidion72 and EvertonBears like this.
  15. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Hang on. I got things to do.
    gidion72 likes this.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Yes, you've said that before in other discussions.

    Didn't believe it then either.
    gidion72 likes this.
  17. Very good post dline........I visit the United States (Washington, Oregon) as much as I can.......I do not see the Hate, maybe it is a West Coast thing because my GF and I thoroughly enjoy visiting your country.

    I had to goggle "TDS".............I had no idea it was a really don't need to call people names because of who they Vote's called Democracy and it's the Governing of the Will of the People.

    My take on your election on Tuesday is.......Trump won because United States is not ready for a Woman President......that is the 2nd time he has beat a woman.

    There are a LOT of people freaking out and scared that Donald Trump will destroy the United States..........BULL SHIT.......Canadian News Media is reporting a HUGE jump in Americans looking at Buying real estate in Canada yesterday.

    That is Fear Mongering.........and not True.

    Donald Trump won the election Fair and Square........72 M - 51% voted for him.........Kamala Harris got 67 M Votes 48 -%.

    I'm not a Fan of the Republicans and I'm sure I would Vote Democrats if I was an American Citizen ..........I'm a HUGE fan of Democracy and I believe this election will play out in Positive way.

    dline hopefully you able to go too your son with a pair of Bauer Supreme Skates and tell him these are from Mum and Dad because of The Will of the People and not Donald Trump.
    gidion72 and SoCalSaint like this.
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    To the red geniuses out there, can we all safely assume there won't be 4years of crying about stolen elections now your guy won? I mean its only a stolen election when he loses right? When he wins it suddenly becomes fairer than Snow White.

    Also, seeing how the Dems executed the perfect crime in 2020 and made a clean getaway with an election, can someone explain to me why they didn't just do the same again this time? Did they just decide, "nah, this time we'll let them win", even tho they apparently have a formula for never losing an election again?

    Two genuine questions for you. Bet you don't have a coherent answer.
    gidion72 likes this.
  19. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Ignorant? Don't understand the issues? Let's start with energy prices. Biden took office and instantly canceled the Keystone pipeline. Then stopped all the offshore oil leases and the same thing on the north shore of Alaska. You think that the oil/gas companies saw that and thought that there were tough times ahead? So the price of energy goes up. When energy priced go up, so does the price of everything else. It costs more to deliver those goods. Biden started this.
    gidion72 likes this.
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Which has zero effect on anything. Why? Because Keystone XL wasn't even operational when it was shutdown.

    Just another right wing Facebook talking point with zero real world impact.

    Also approved the Willow oil project. But I guess you don't want to mention that.

    Restrictions on oil are mainly to protect animal life and environment. I mean...I guess fuck the polar bears, right? And who needs a clean environment for our grandkids future? Fucking environmentalists and their forward thinking.

    They were probably too busy worrying about the tough times they were already experiencing. Like supply chain power pandemic...and weather.

    Yeah because, fucktard, the energy crisis started before Joe Biden took the oath of office.

    Went up before Biden took office.

    Cost of living was skyrocketing before Trump left office.

    You're an idiot and you should have stopped typing a long time ago.

    He didn't, actually. Because he wasn't in power when it started.

    I award you no points for your bullshit, poorly thought out, uneducated post.
    gidion72 likes this.

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