General Discussion

Discussion in 'Political Discussion' started by Campbell, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    Just a few dissenting organizations that are censored everywhere possible. When you have information kept from the general public, just because it doesn't go with your narrative of the day, that is not freedom, that is tyrrany.

    When you cannot discuss a situation openly, when you are attacked for those views, removed from platforms and other such manuveurs, that is not freedom. it is TYRRANY.

    Shouldn't you be asking yourself. I want to hear the whole story before making a decision, but the general public is not receiving the whole story. the Media/medical establishment are actively discrediting anything opposing their narrative, all the while, owned by the billionaires, funded by the global organizations that have ulterior agendas which is the Great Reset.

    Your embarrassed for me? You should be embarrassed for yourself for blindly trusting the govt and medical/scientific establishment that are funded by those globalists that truly run this world.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Dr Coleman claimed HIV and AIDS were no threat to the homosexual community. He was wrong. He’s wrong about masks and Covid too.

    Don’t play the fucking dissident card. You’re not a dissident. You’re an idiot spreading false claims. You’re not a prophet. You’re not warning anyone of some great terror coming their way. Just fucking stop man. It’s sad. Your tinfoil hat rhetoric is pathetic. And your sources are laughable.

    The NFL has raised the idea of vaxxed and non vaxxed players wearing different wristbands. Don’t fucking even try to compare that to Jews wearing armbands….what’s wrong with you?
    One are a group of millionaires playing a game…the other we’re mostly poor people being segregated from society with the goal of eradicating them. That’s really the card you wanna play? Stop while you’re behind kid.

    Yes masks are coming back? Wanna know why? Because unvaccinated idiots are still spreading the fucking curable disease. God damn it you’re stupid.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Misinformation and pesuedoscience doesn’t equal dissent. Stop making that claim. Facebook and YouTube “research” isn’t dissent. It’s stupidity.

    I’m vaccinated. I also wear a mask when required or appropriate. I mainly do it for my wife. She’s a cancer survivor. And if putting a piece of cloth on my face when we are in a crowd of people means I’m possibly reducing her risk of a serious illness by even 1%…not a problem. I’ve been vaccinated a lot in my long life. For various things. Like polio. Know anyone with polio? I don’t either. Because medicine generally works.

    You have no idea what tyranny is if you think wearing a mask or getting what is still a voluntary shot is tyranny. There have literally been millions of victims on this planet of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war, poverty, famine, and regime change.

    But no you’re right….you, a poor little sissy, being asked to put a piece of cloth over your mouth and nose in public, is equal to tyranny.

    In all seriousness….go fuck yourself, you uneducated puke.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Nothing screams tyranny like posting on a message board, looking at social media, and spreading false information from your iPhone, android, tablet, PC, or other electronic device.

    What a poor victim you are.
  5. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    Oh, but as you seem to forget, MILLIONS of public viewers go to watch the NFL every week, and those armbands are SYMBOLS to be identified and remembered. They are EXACTLY like the Gold stars of WW2, designed to identify and separate. It is laughable that you cannot even see that symbolism.

    Now I am claiming to be a dissident. I just love how you like to put words in people's mouths. I am showing you that there are TWO sides to a story or narrative. That is all. You can believe what you want, but the attacks and belittling, of which, you are always doing on these forums just shows the rigidness of your indoctrination.

    Keep trying to defend the narrative, that is your choice. As you have already taken the injections, what is done is done, no detox for you and you likely won't be around to see the digital prison society being erected all around the world. That is ok, there are others here that might can see the big picture and aren't completely indoctrinated and mind controlled.

    It is easy to predict what comes when you know the outcome, and unless the PEOPLE start to see the danger that this country and 194 countries of the world are facing, that outcome will be realized.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    They are exactly like armbands worn by people that were sent to concentration camps to die?

    That’s what you’re going with?
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Right and wrong.

    You’re wrong.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Cool bro.
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    @Kyreal can you explain and clarify your statement here?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    That not enough people have taken the vaccine (over 50% nationwide still unvaccinated), very few if any people are wearing masks anymore, and the virus is mutating like all viruses do.

    The vaccine isn't going to prevent you from getting COVID if you're constantly exposed to it - it's going to prevent you from getting really, really sick. So yeah, the positive cases are going up. But of the 10,000 people that died over the last month from COVID in the US, about 50 of them had been vaccinated. Now, that's still a terrifying number - 50 is way too much - but if you're going to draw vague conclusions about numbers, maybe try these ones first.

    For the people that got COVID specific to the Bay Area flare? Almost all incidents of vaccinated infections were verified to be the Delta variant - a variant that has proliferated with the help of the unvaccinated. Also, over 70% of infections were middle aged men. Not coincidentally, there had just been a large sporting event there that was well attended without any face mask requirements (according to all local reports I've read). So... gotta figure that's the spot for an outbreak.

    This stuff is easy to read up on. Why don't people do that, instead of crafting conspiracy theories, panicking, and then getting angry? Or go to a therapist, and let them help you? Life would be WAY happier for you that way, I promise.
    babyfan likes this.
  11. They are exactly like armbands worn by people that were sent to concentration camps to die?

    That’s what you’re going with?

    I have had moments of Pure Hell concerning Da Bears with BWW.........But totally agree with his Post's.

    KY.....Your wrong....Never compare or associate Hitler to Covid.

    I’m vaccinated. I also wear a mask when required or appropriate. I mainly do it for my wife. She’s a cancer survivor. And if putting a piece of cloth on my face when we are in a crowd of people means I’m possibly reducing her risk of a serious illness by even 1%…not a problem. I’ve been vaccinated a lot in my long life. For various things. Like polio. Know anyone with polio? I don’t either. Because medicine generally works.

    Well said BWW........that is everything in a Nutshell....very happy to hear your wife is a Survivor.

    Science and Medicine do work.........Wake up KY.
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    No sane person says this. Very genuinely, from a place of love - you need help. Life gets better. I had to stop being stubborn and buy into therapy within the last two years, and it is the best thing that's happened to me. Please, let people help you.
    babyfan likes this.
  13. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    The gold stars that the Nazis had the Jews wear for years before they took them to concentration camps were to separate them from the rest of society. They were used as symbols to keep them out of shops, jobs, opportunities etc, then in the end, they were rounded up and taken to camps.

    The NFL is contemplating using colored armbands to differentiate the unvaccinated from the vaccinated. To the viewers of the NFL, this is symbolism of division and separation. It is the beginning of the segregation of society as a whole through symbolism and was the same way those Gold stars were used back in late 30's-40's Germany.

    You can include vaccination passports as another way to separate the populace as well and you will see the division of society more and more in the coming months to the next few years to the point where there will be two societies.

    Science and Medicine used to work until they were taken over by the global titans that fund their projects and direct their narratives through them. Virology has been used for a century to create massive profits for all involved, period.

    Here is a video that completely debunks CV

    Once Upon A Time in Wuhan....
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'm serious, man, you need help. This is dangerous thinking. You're going to hurt yourself and others. Please go talk to someone.
  15. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    The Great Reset that Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum cohorts are enacting around the world will usher in the end of nations, the end of the current financial and economic system, completely change society in various ways.

    The current systems are going to end in the near future as they are unsustainable as they are currently. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how this is happening in various articles/videos. Various large hedge funds are buying up Real Estate/Homes/Entire Neighborhoods right now (this is why the housing market is booming) and turning them into rentals. Once the markets come crashing down, wiping out most people's financial status. They will offer debt forgiveness but in return, they will assume all assets from yourself. This is why the WEF's motto is that You will OWN nothing, but you will be happy.

    Physical currencies will cease to exist, they will introduce the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and all the banks will replace your accounts to the equivalent of this new one currency for the world. This is to secure ALL transactions through monitoring by those Central Banks. This means no more side deals under the table, everything you may earn will be taxed, controlled by the Central Authority. You will have a social credit score attached to these accounts, and you will be tracked, monitored and controlled through that score. Your social behavior will determine your earning/privilege status, up or down.

    Vaccination status will also be tied into this new system of control as you won't be able to enter shops, work, go to school, do anything in the new society without it. So, in my eyes, you will have no privacy, no freedom, stuck in a digital prison world.

    CV was the trigger event to get this whole agenda rolling (although they have been working on this since 1992/Agenda 21) 9/11 brought in the majority of current mass surveillence through our Great Patriot Act etc. They are all connected to bring about their vision of society.

    Believe, do not believe. That is your choice. The evidence is readily available at your fingertips if you can pull away from the Media's daily propaganda. Planet Lockdown unveils quite a bit of this agenda.
  16. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    Dangerous thinking? In what way? I observe what goes on around me, that is all. I do not believe in any type of discrimination or segregation but here it is, being contemplated and being enacted every day in the name of health and safety.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  17. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    You're really going to triple down on this fucking nonsense?
  18. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Someone watches way too much Black Mirror.
  19. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    You do realize that the TV and Hollywood are USED for Predictive programming. Black Mirror is just one of the many, MANY programs and movies that show you their agenda.

    Btw, China already has this system IN PLACE and being used.
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    All you offer is doomsday hyperbole in the face of what is really just business as usual for mankind.

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