General Discussion

Discussion in 'Political Discussion' started by Campbell, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I agree. Just settle it tonight. If not ?? Dueling pistols, 10 paces, at dawn tomorrow. Damn the court system. How much fun would that be to watch !!
    patg006 and blang84 like this.
  2. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Put it on every channel instead of idiot talking heads.
  3. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Pay per view or just Fox and CNN ??
    patg006 likes this.
  4. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    This is, by far, the most nerve-wracking election process I have ever lived through.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Imagine living here...

    Pre-COVID, my fiance and I were creating very real plans to move out of country. This morning, she lamented to me that we're still unable to do that, as she was reading up on who Tommy Tuberville is and how predictably he won election to the Senate. We're both very much looking forward to COVID being over for many reasons, but one of which is so we can get out of this broken-ass country.

    Votes still aren't counted. I'm waiting a few more days before I start having any real reaction. But man, this has reminded everyone how broken the US is at every turn.
    Vancouver Volcanos and babyfan like this.
  6. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    It really has shown the truth about where a lot of Americans place their priorities.

    I don't think you are alone in considering a move. I have a brother-in-law and nephews who live in Florida. Jerry has always had a huge repugnance towards, "That moron Trump". I wouldn't be surprised if he packed up and moved once Covid is over.

    My husband is a long-distance trucker and is in the States everyday and sleeps over in Ohio and in other states 3 nights a week. He said that in Ohio last week they were putting boards up over business and homes windows and doors because of a fear of rioting once the votes are counted. How can people live with such uncertainty and fear?

    The system is so broken, I wouldn't be surprised to see a civil war break out due to the election, covid, lives matter, humanity outrages and every other bloody reason under the sun.
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    I've already accepted Trump will win. Save me the disappointment and anguish later on.

    On a side note, (this should have happened 4 years ago too) every last fucking professional pollster should be fired and barred from ever being a pollster again. If not, the media needs to stop citing polls forever.
    EvertonBears and babyfan like this.
  8. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I wonder how many other Americans are thinking the same blang? How are any of you going to survive a validated Trump for the next 4 years? I can't.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    I despise him as much as you do.

    But talk about survival is extreme. I'm fortunate enough to have a stable job, a home I own, a family, and more money now than I did 4 years ago. Millions of Americans are in a similar position as me. Millions of others are not. I feel horrible for them. But we made it through 4 years of this deranged narcissist. I think we can make it 4 more. Though I won't shed a tear he doesn't survive the next 4!
    Vancouver Volcanos and babyfan like this.
  10. blang84 Legend Bears

    This feels like a bad Bears game that we watch knowing the ending will be tragic, but we keep watching due to that tiny bit of hope that the ball bounces our way...

    Biden is now looking good in MI and WI.
    babyfan likes this.
  11. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    It might be extreme but what cost will there be if he is able to continue doing some of the things that he has over the last 4 years? I understand that he's done some good work economically-speaking but is that enough to forgive the outrages? It's been really interesting to see this unfold over the last 4 years but the system in the U.S. is fundamentally changing and not for the better.
  12. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I think it's a really good idea to stay cautiously optimistic. You have to have some hope and to send some positivity outwards. The Law of Attraction, right?
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    No, of course not.

    This is actually my point. Even if Trump wins, stay cautiously optimistic that we will not only survive but be ok at the end of all of this. Getting all hysterical and talking about the end of the world, like most libs and the media will do if he wins, is what I'm pushing back against.
    babyfan likes this.
  14. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I see your point.
    Is it just the liberals and liberal media who come across as Doomsayers or do the Republicans do the same? I've read a lot about how if Biden wins it will be the end of all freedoms in the States etc.
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    True. Conservatives are saying the same thing. Which pisses me off just as much.
  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Exactly. I think that a lot of people have stopped thinking critically and for themselves and are just content to mimic the responses and actions of the media.
  17. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    You say that as if the economy isn't that big a deal. It's everything !!! If you want a job, go get one. Don't like the job you have now ?? Go find another one. Their out there. And you mentioned outrages. What. He runs his mouth on Twitter too much ?? I wish he'd stop doing that but he won't. Would you have us bowing down to the rest of the world that wants something for nothing from us ?? Pfffft !!!!!
  18. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    The economy is important. I give him credit for the improvements that he's made.

    What is inexcusable are the outrages against humanity that he has put his stamp of approval on. His sheer ignorance and arrogance has validated the breaking down of fundamental rights. The international world has read and heard if not impacted from these excesses since his term of office began.

    Answer me this ... why is it that you feel like the world expects the U.S. to bow down to them?
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  19. Answer me this ... why is it that you feel like the world expects the U.S. to bow down to them?

    Great question Baby..........
  20. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Right off the top of my head. There's that Paris climate accord. Most of the burden was thrust on the US, some on the rest of the industrialized world. But, third world countries ?? Exempt. India ? Exempt. China ?? Exempt. That's why Trump threw his hands in the air and walked away.

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