Getsy's play calling has been pretty underwhelming. He's clearly tried to establish the run which I like, but the OL has failed to do that. Outside that there's been a lack of creativity and a lot of caution. But there's also been a total lack of brains. Having tried the screen twice and it looking terrible twice, Getsy decided to call a 3rd screen cos why not and it was also shit. It took until 4mins left in the half before Getsy called a rollout, and that was to Fields' weak side, he still hasn't called one to his throwing side. How in the hell do you call more screen than rollouts? That annoys me. The O-Line has been a complete train wreck and anyone who expected different is a damn fool. This is what happens when you take a collection of turds and then don't take the position seriously in the offseason. The INT was on Fields that was a bad play. Other than that he has had maybe 1 clean pocket all half, has taken 6 sacks/qb hits and has been consistently running for his life. THESE THINGS ARE NOT TAKING PLACE INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER. A dogshit OL is going to = a dogshit offence. F Poles for approaching the OL the same way as every other idiot forever and F Getsy for showing all the brains of Mike Fartz. If Lance hadn't been poop this game would already be completely out of hand.
Fields needs lots of work on his pocket awareness. Even on the TD he risked a sack by bailing backwards instead of stepping up in the pocket, where he would have had a much cleaner view of the field.
Great play call on that 3rd down. Great to see every lineman getting nasty after that punks cheap shot on Fields.
Beautiful. That is literally the only good thing Equidistant St Brown has done this entire game. He has been god awful all day.
Best throw of the day for Fields. That's now 4 points our punter/kicker have taken away from us today.
Remember we spoke about discipline leading up to this. Bears have been the far more disciplined team today.
The way he runs sometimes I think Monty could lead the NFL in rushing if 1) the o-line wasn't high school level and 2) he actually got enough carries.
Totally agree. Herbert has done very well also. Its a great RB room they've got right now, arguably the strongest position on the team.