Franchise League Draft 2023

Discussion in 'Franchise League' started by LAOJoe, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    Board is updated.
    Willie and LAOJoe like this.
  2. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Rosters are updated. Let me know if there are any issues.
    Willie likes this.
  3. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    Mine look good
  4. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    It feels weird not having a draft after going B2B2B2B2B with 3 of them here.
    My bro has a league but we haven't scheduled it yet. It's more casual and we still need to confirm a couple owners though.
    Willie and gidion72 like this.
  5. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Its half the fun... Drafting is cool!
    gidion72 likes this.
  6. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Thanks to @StlCrtn for helping, especially when I was sick early on.
    gidion72, IrishDawg42, Willie and 2 others like this.

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