Dumbass Of The Day

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by Duff_Beer_Doug, May 2, 2014.

  1. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Well, in an update to my previous Dumbass post and his second nomination in two days (a record for this thread - which upon further consideration, does this require a Dumbass Hall Of Fame?):

    I'm hoping the courts throw this out ASAP. More than likely there will be a temporary block of the mask mandate while this gets sorted out. Then there will be appeal after appeal and by the time it's over it will be too late for the mask mandate to have much effect IF it is ruled legal.
  2. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    These are Toronto Raptors team buses and the comments in this thread are hilarious for being witty or dumb.
  3. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

  4. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Whoever was behind the music at President Donald Trump’s appearance at an Ohio washing machine factory on Thursday might want to rethink the playlist.

    The Guns N’ Roses’ cover of Paul McCartney and Wings’ “Live and Let Die” blared on the loudspeaker before the president’s speech at a Whirlpool plant in Clyde, Ohio.

    The Intercept’s Robert Mackey posted video of the tasteless moment, noting that Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine could not attend because he had tested positive for COVID-19, “the disease that killed over 1,400 Americans yesterday.” A second test later showed DeWine negative.

    The U.S. has surpassed 160,000 coronavirus deaths under Trump’s watch and the toll is projected to reach nearly 300,000 by December.

    The same song played during Trump’s visit to a Honeywell factory that makes face masks in May.

    Twitter was aghast at the offensive encore, which was perhaps made worse by Trump’s callous “It is what it is” comment about the death toll in an HBO interview broadcast this week.

    And in response, someone tweeted:

  5. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    This was less than a mile from my house.

    I was shocked there wasn't more security leading up to the event. Tuesday there were formation helicopters flying around, Wednesday...nothing that I saw. Then I left for work yesterday morning around 5:30 am and there wasn't anything going on at that time either. My wife said there were a lot of people lining the highway when she went out, but nothing else. By the time I returned home around 6:30, it was completely cleared out. A neighbor said Marine One took off around 4:30-4:45, so they cleared out pretty quick after Trump left.
    Duff_Beer_Doug likes this.
  6. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Derrius Guice
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  7. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

  8. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Bison attacks woman in South Dakota for getting too close to calf

    Shocking video shows a bison dragging and thrashing a woman in a South Dakota state park after she reportedly got too close to a calf, as thousands have traveled to the state for an annual motorcycle rally, according to multiple reports.

    Footage of the Wednesday attack, captured by witness Jo Reed, shows the bison taking hold of the woman and dragging her across the street into the grass.

    The animal continues to violently shake and spin the woman as other bikers look on in horror, the video shows. The animal ripped off her pants before running off as onlookers describe the woman as being unconscious.

    Who says "you can't fix stupid". That bison sure did !!
    Duff_Beer_Doug and gidion72 like this.
  9. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    And then they will put the bison down because of her stupidity
  10. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    No. then they will put the woman down because of her stupidity . I wish !!

    Sorry gid. Had to fix it.
    Duff_Beer_Doug likes this.
  11. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

  12. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

  13. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I've never heard of this El Dorado park. So I Google mapped it. Now I remember where it is. It's on a two lane road going up into the mountians . One, mabey two acres. Half a dozen tables etc. But the place is surrounded by open fields full of dry weeds. What were they thinking ??
    1) Your not supposed to be throwing parties right now.
    2) These idiots are wanting to have a kid during this covid stuff ??
    I weep for the future.
  14. I weep for the future.

    Well said SCS.......we were all young once.......But the youth of today is very different.....NO Social Skills....and they are glued to their phones.
  15. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    The weirdest part is all the dipsticks that love these gender reveal theatrics are the same generation that keep trying to tell us gender is fluid and they’ll let their kids decide for themselves what gender they are.
  16. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    And the whole time dressing their boys up like girls. Because they somehow think that it will make them less aggressive.
    NO. We're boys. This is the way our brains are wired.
    Girls ??
    I don't have a clue !!!
    It's nature. Go figure .
  17. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    As it turns out, they have video in that park. It shows them walking out into the weeds and lighting a "smoke-generating pyrotechnic device". Thus far they are lucky. No injuries and only one out building burned. No homes. To me that's amazing. A10,000 acre fire and no homes lost.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  18. No injuries and only one out building burned. No homes. To me that's amazing. A10,000 acre fire and no homes lost.

    Did they figure out if they had a Vagina or a Penis........lol........sorry I just don't get all this Gender Shit.
  19. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I don’t get it either. But I heard some lady named Miss Bobbit was a gender change specialist
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2020
  20. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I think that was Lorena Bobbitt.
    gidion72 likes this.

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