Do you think that as the branch began to break and he heard the cracking sound that this guy had that "Hey, wait a minute....." moment?
Better question, did the person taking the pick just stand there and laugh their ass off while he is lying on the ground?
[video][/video] Apparently this is how it's done down here with palm trees! *OK*
lol! I just watched it again. I didn't realize that WAS the driver....dude just got out like nothing happened. He's lucky...that could have been way worse.
I'm surprised no one decided to put this guy up for Dumbass of the day: [video][/video]
Again, I wonder how this idiot managed to do this. I bet it started out with a few beers and a "watch this !". *SCRATCH*
Sorry, you had a GREAT one today bluez, but I had to contribute... I am submitting the idiot who sent in and filed this lawsuit against Johnny Manziel.. I am sure he/she will be enjoying their own lawsuit very soon:
Irish is that real ? funny to read . it cant be true . what IDIOT would submit a lawsuit like that ? or worse yet what loser of a lawyer would take that case ? then again Manziel is only 5-11
well, all i can say is thank God it wasn't lebron favreing her, i can't even guess how much money she'd feel entitled to if it had been. i'm thinking a minimum of 50 million, after all, 4.5 x 2 = 9.