Dumbass Of The Day

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by Duff_Beer_Doug, May 2, 2014.

  1. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Assuming the woman was his wife, I'm guessing she and the other tamer are having an affair and put some meat in his pockets and dipped his outfit in gravy or bacon grease. Tamer #2 jumped in to make it look like he was helping out. And the damn lion just didn't do his part so that the wife and Tamer #2 could be free of the husband.

    And that would be Duff's Conspiracy Theory Of The Day..........
    firehalo and IrishDawg42 like this.
  2. firehalo Guest

    An incident like that would get a person to reconsider their career choice, right?
  3. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    I dunno. I keep going back to my job everyday. Sometimes I wish I could just get eaten by a lion so I wouldn't have to go back, but no such luck.
    Dogside18, IrishDawg42 and SAS like this.
  4. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    Maybe they're adrenaline junkies?
  5. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

  6. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Nah. That makes me married with two kids and a mortgage and a couple of cars.
    SAS and Lyman like this.
  7. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    . . . and travelling soccer team tournaments. :point:
    Duff_Beer_Doug and gidion72 like this.
  8. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Kids don’t play football anymore. Ain’t that a shame?
  9. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    We don't have soccer in my hometown... Football program won't allow it. They tried to get a soccer "club" in here about ten years back and it was squashed. The surrounding towns have it, so if you want to play bad enough, that's where you go.
    gidion72 likes this.
  10. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I hate that so many people have their kids play soccer instead of football .
  11. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Its a sign of the times, Gid. Most pee wee soccer programs are co-ed. It gets girls involved in sports at a young age. Which, IMHO, is a good thing.

    Another sport gaining popularity in the Midwest is lacrosse.
    IrishDawg42, TopDawg and gidion72 like this.
  12. TopDawg Legend

    This might not be a popular take, but I honestly feel there should be NO contact football before HS level. It really is a different game that they play today. Back in the 80's you could have your Safety basically just lurking back there waiting to take someone's head off, and many teams had a guy that was feared throughout the league just for his devastating hits, regardless of if he could cover or not. Linebackers could hit QB's as hard as they could. DE's and DT's could literally pick QB's up off their feet and body slam them driving all their weight on him. None of those things were ever flagged unless it was late....Today's game is nothing like that, and dudes are still getting knocked out every week...It's just a violent game by nature, and I think at the Junior High or Middle school level, they don't need to be playing tackle football.
    Lyman likes this.
  13. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Maybe if they start later like you suggest coaches could actually train them the proper way to tackle.
    TopDawg likes this.
  14. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    I feel like this belongs here today was draft day for a huge league in the area I live in (there are 16 seperate leagues that draft today 13 of them drafting at 1 time). In the 9th round in one league a team selected DeAngelo Williams.
  15. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    I'm allowing my younger son to play in 7th grade this year but only because the coaching staff at his middle school has been in place for several years and I know how serious they are about player safety. Still scares the hell out of me though.
  16. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    He proceeded to draft Justin Tucker, Steelers Defense, Terry Bridgewater (which gave him 4 qbs in a 1 qb non dynasty league) and Matt Bryant a second kicker. before he was done he drafted two more kickers and another qb I don think he even has enough RBs to make a starting line up.
  17. Dogside18 Franchise Player Browns

    Mass genocide is the most grueling test of physical endurance that one can incur, next to soccer. -Matt Damon/Dogma

    I kid.

    I was on a traveling soccer team and played football when I was in Jr High in Ohio. Great conditioning in soccer, and there are a lot of traits that can translate over to football. We see this a lot more often where guys grow up playing other sports and are recruited to play football their SR yr or when in college and they end up turning pro. Some even high picks (i.e Ziggy Ansah). I think a bigger problem we have today is parents/kids doing 1 thing and doing it all year. That just leads to injuries from repetitive motion. They need to mix it up a little bit more. What does it matter that your kid was a beast when he was 12 playing baseball if he is worn out by 15?

    That's the approach I took when I was coaching little league. I told the parents on the first day that I wasn't worried about winning. My goal was to teach the kids the game, teach them respect, then when it was time for baseball to be "more important" and actually mean something, then they would be prepared. Now, the result was that we lost more than we won. But the kids had a good time, we developed skills, team work, and while their physical abilities might not have been there with the hardcore teams that we had in the league, they did show a better overall understanding of the concepts of the game, and I couldn't have been more proud.
    Lyman and IrishDawg42 like this.
  18. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

  19. TopDawg Legend

    Lmao! That's really bad driving. wow.
  20. firehalo Guest

    Introducing... Brandon Johnson (Demi Lovato's drug dealer):
    Demi Lovato’s dumbass drug dealer makes on-camera confession to TMZ
    [​IMG] Alex Young,Consequence of Sound 9 hours ago


    The man responsible for supplying Demi Lovato with the drugs that led to her overdose last month spoke candidly about the incident in a new interview with TMZ.

    Brandon Johnson admitted on camera to providing Lovato with “aftermarket pills,” which they smoked together in the early morning hours of July 24th. Johnson said Lovato had fallen asleep when he left her house, but maintained she showed no signs of distress.

    “100%… she knew what she was taking,” Johnson said. “I disclosed to her that these were not pharmaceutical, they’re after market pills… they’re much stronger. She understood fully. It was unfortunate what happened, but for anyone to think there was any misconception on my behalf is absolutely ridiculous. ”

    ^^^The man responsible for supplying Demi Lovato with the drugs that led to her overdose last month spoke candidly about the incident in a new interview.
    Later, when asked if the incident was a “wake up call,” Johnson answered, “It’s definitely a wake up call for her, and for me, it definitely opens my eyes to the dangers of these drugs. In the wrong hands and in the wrong usage, they can be hurtful. I’m not trying to hurt my friend, she’s a really good friend of mine.”

    As TMZ points out, Johnson was arrested in March after being found in possession of drugs, guns, and cash. The follow month, he was arrested again and charged with a DUI and possession of cocaine. He has not yet been charged for his role in Lovato’s overdose, but something tells me his on-camera confession might expedite that process.

    For Lovato’s part, she recently entered an out-of-state drug rehab facility.
    Duff_Beer_Doug likes this.

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