Draft Thread?

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I think his tackle pick here is bust proof.

    Big and physical and plays offensive line exactly how you’re supposed to...aggressive and mean.

    But yeah...all of my excitement for both these picks gets dragged down a little knowing we once again give up so much. It’s a merry go round Pace can’t get off of.
    vvarder likes this.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    I continue to wonder what Pace's short term goals are (fans need to shut up about how the last 2 nights were all part of the "plan") and just how long of a leash Georgie has given him. If it's simply to draft a franchise QB and surround him with talent, and let him grow over the next 2-3 seasons... well then that plan will ultimately fail unless a solid LT is brought in and maybe even a new HC. If it's to win now, obviously way too many holes to do that and no money or draft capital to fill those hills. The trade ups indicate its win now at all costs, but also Georgie trusts him to get the QB right at some point. I don't know and more and more I'm starting not to care.
  3. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    But we can’t assume fields and Jenkins will because Floyd did.

    Jenkins isn’t preinjured. He he’s got this edge we haven’t seen since Kyle Long you like to see in an olineman, especially a tackle. He’s know for great technique and footwork. I’m with bww, I think this guy is bustproof unless injury strikes, and you can’t draft a guy worrying about that. Plus some dickhead thought he should go to the bears in the 1st round.
    vvarder likes this.
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Agree with so many of the thoughts here. Always appreciative for you all, because my wife listens but can't have much of a conversation over all this. This is the best place to be.

    Copied my thoughts from the other draft thread on the Jenkins pick:

    I wanted Fields or Jenkins in this draft. To get both of them has me sky high. To know that Pace gave away a bunch of capital this year and next to do it, and that Pace and Nagy are still in charge of this team, has me so PREDICTABLY depressed. Absolutely conflicting emotions. A genuine roller coaster, seeing the trade up and thinking, "Yup, fuck Pace", then seeing the player and thinking, "Fuck yeah, they're a Bear", and then back to, "Oh, this awful roster and no way to fix it. Fuck Pace".

    Keeping my therapist employed.

    Pace doing his usual thing of giving away meaningful capital because he desperately needs to fix a problem he short-sightedly created. The solace here is that I like Jenkins as a player, and he'll be a day one starter at RT, which presently has no one otherwise to play it. There would've been an OT there at the 20th pick, but maybe not the that would've been best for Chicago now and going forward.

    Bears receive:
    • 2021 second-round pick (No. 39)
    • 2021 fifth-round pick (No. 151)
    Panthers receive:
    • 2021 second-round pick (No. 52)
    • 2021 third-round pick (No. 83)
    • 2021 sixth-round pick (No. 204)
    vvarder likes this.
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I came into the draft hoping for a LT at 20, and knowing that they were probably not going to get the top 2 guys. I was conflicted over taking an outstanding RT (Jenkins) at 20, or a potentially marginal LT. But they have to cover both spots, so either way would be fine. I also knew that Pace would trade up, and that there's no way he'd trade up for a position he's never cared about, so I had my fingers crossed Fields or Lance would slip, and that he wouldn't get a WR or something stupid.

    To get Fields in the first and Jenkins in the second addresses two major positions of need in the best ways possible. Yes, we all hate that Leno is even near the football field, protecting the blindside of our new sports car. Yes, Pace has absolutely wrecked this roster, and it has so many holes it's likely impossible he will plug them while our QB is on his rookie deal. Yes, Pace traded up as he always does.

    But at least this time he got the right players. This isn't Trubisky, or Floyd, or that receiver he drafted that never did anything for us. We all knew those guys were going to suck. These two might genuinely be among the best in their class at the position. Fields could be franchise defining, and Jenkins could lock down an OT spot for a career.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  6. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Hey Guys and gal. Hope you all have been doing well.

    I agree with most of y’all. Excited to land some top talent. Disappointed by the price of moving up to get the talent. Taking a wait and see approach. No trust in NagyPace. So I’ll believe they are starting to get it right when I see it.
  7. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Most concise summation of the current situation for Bears fans. Paste it all over the media outlets and save them the breath.

    Very excited to see Fields and Jenkins come camp time. Hate that they'll be playing for Nagy and Pace.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  8. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    So, obviously I am ok with Jenkins, though I am not changing my avatar because I thought *if he slips*, for Captain Trade Boner to give up *even more* draft capital means he really is that delusional on how many holes this team has to fill. You've gotta be perfect to ditch as many picks as Pace does and he's far from perfect. But damn it, I am not upset with these choices.

    I don't get it either. These are desperations moves, but they're good players? It almost feels like when we broke the bank for Mack, feeling like we are "just" one player away. But on the other hand, sane picks like RT and a developmental QB behind two short term QBs.....that speaks at least 2-3 years out? How do we fill LT when we traded away our first next year?

    Well, except aggie who was all fucking in on Floyd being awesome. That WR was Kevin White, NEVER FORGET and I remember plenty of grumbling on that one, just like with Trubs.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  9. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Well that sucks dude, you should move back to the city where you have a signal and can call, and they can deliver the alcohol to you the same day.
    BearsWillWin and babyfan like this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I read it as excrement not excitement, and Zager and Evans wrote an entire song of what Pace has given up.
    babyfan and BearsWillWin like this.
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    No one gave me some love for this called it? You assholes.

    I've lobbed plenty of grenades at Pace over the years because grenades deserved to be lobbed. But i also give credit where its due, always have. Im trying to think of a Pace pick i like more and im struggling. I really liked the Goldman pick but this is another level. I love this pick. Jenkins was my favourite player pre draft and he's going to be my favourite Bears player soon.

    Classic throwback player. They've squeezed the game so much that throwback players at positions like LB & Safety are largely extinct, but one place you can still get away with it is O-Line heh. This guy is going to fucking mash people, every week dragging defenders into a war they dont wanna have. Pace's tradeups usually fall into the categories of either needless or massive overpay or both. This is neither. Sometimes the trigger needs to be pulled and this was the right move at the right price(for once). Of course, its more future draft capitol gone and there are going to be clear weakness on this team due to the lack of picks. Like blang i cant say i have any idea what the real plan is other than self preservation?

    Jenkins will walk straight in at RT, but with the hope/assumption he does well i dont rule out a possible move to LT next season. We all wanted a LT now, but the fact is Leno is Pace's baby and it always felt like he would be here to see out the end of his contract, as much as i hate that.

    Given the way things were shaping up G to G i was previously in favour of playing Daniels at LG & Whitehair at RG cos Daniels was clearly better than Whitehair last year before getting injured. But Daniels is also much stronger than Whitehair and i have to say, if you were to put Daniels next to Jenkins you would now have a powerhouse right side of your line in the run game.
    vvarder, blang84 and dlinebass5 like this.
  12. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I see you saw his concise and raised him a very concise.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  13. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    True enough, Ev. Credit is due. There was a run on OT's right around Chicago's original pick, and Radunz was there for their original slot, so it left me wondering whether I was glad for the trade up and Jenkins, or would've settled for a guy like Radunz. Also made me revisit Jenkins' tape, to reconsider his potential on the left side. Here's some 4 AM thoughts:

    Jenkins is mean. And not just because he plays mean, but because he's actually mean. And he enjoys it. Watched an interview where he was reviewing his own tape, and he pointed out that he likes to pancake people, then step over them as he gets up. As he puts it, "I want to be a dick to them and let them know I whooped their ass, every play". Also, "If I'm landing on top of them every play, that's gonna hurt. I love doing it". "Oh, I was talking shit there, yeah".

    The difference between a typical "run blocker" and Jenkins is that Jenkins is already very developed as a pass blocker. His hands are phenomenal, and he understands them. Lots of room and capability to grow there, but he already comes in with NFL-level hands. It's impressive to watch. He also identifies and understands his flaws. I have a feeling he's just gonna get better with good coaching.

    Can he play LT? What are his flaws? Well, he's aggressive. And when he fires off the line at his man, he wins. Every time. But when he has to sit and let his man come to him, he can lose position. Over setting is easily coachable, though. And it's not for lack of athleticism - he's not as quick as you'd want an elite LT to be, but he's not a brick. He's going to struggle with quicker rushers, but with more technique development, he may be adequate enough at it to be a LT.

    The problem is Nagy. If he has Jenkins sitting back on every play, counter to this kid's mauler nature, he'll be wasted regardless of what side he plays. The upside is that Jenkins was ALWAYS left on an island as a blocker, and Nagy likes to give his awful OL little help. So at least he'll be used to bad coaching.

    I think he's plug-and-play at RT. And I think he could be a solid LT after some additional seasoning, specifically with pass blocking coaching. He doesn't have lightning feet, but he's not slow, and he's smart and mean. I'm glad he's a Bear. As long as coaching doesn't fail him (fuck), he's gonna be good.
    blang84 and EvertonBears like this.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    +1 just for putting together thoughts at 4am.

    Hahaha. Dont you just fucking love this guy.
    babyfan and dlinebass5 like this.
  15. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Ha! You can see directly in the post above his that I was talking through my feelings in real-time. It was a three-post run a therapist would be proud of - me, Rob, then me again - talking through it and boiling it down to the bare bones. Saves me months of over-explaining, now!
    babyfan and EvertonBears like this.
  16. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    He said it's a move he worked on. Like, he intentionally developed the way he humiliates people. That's mean. And I'm excited to see it on Sunday.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  17. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I looked that up as well dline. There were still a couple of good options had the Bears stayed put. And normally id be for the more disciplined, patient move. But Jenkins looks every bit a 1st rounder to me. Also very close to bust proof as others said. He was clearly a notch above some of those other guys like Radunz imo. And this dude will be a tone setter and hopefully even a culture changer.

    I have zero problems with this pick, not losing a wink of sleep over it.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  18. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Agreed. Except I am presently losing sleep, but for different reasons.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    There arent actually many players at all in the league is extreme as Jenkins. For a DE to get the better of him over the course of a game the first thing they'll have to do is match the intensity and desire to get into an ugly fight play after play. A lot wont be able to manage that.

    It reminds me a lot of forward play in Rugby actually. Can be a total battle of attrition but the one who's more prepared to battle on those terms often wins. Particularly in the 4th quarter.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Indeed. Thanks for the chat tho. Have a good one buddy.
    dlinebass5 likes this.

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