Deep passes....

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    They don't play Trubisky this year, and that stadium will be empty by the end of the year. I get it, the kid is raw, I generally believe in bringing them along slowly.

    But I'm drunk and can't stand this shitshow. Fuck this fucking team.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Imagine you're Trubisky last night:

    Glennon is clearly incompetent and unacceptable. Everyone knows it. The team is hamstrung and defeated, thanks to it. They know it. Every player there has to know that Glennon ruins any chance of even competing in game with a team that isn't actively trying to lose...

    And yet, you're still on the sidelines.
    You're being treated like a child. You're not being treated like a professional - like an adult - you're being treated like a child whose parents know better.

    I teach/coach a lot, and the mood and atmosphere of a team means a lot. Getting everyone to put forward 100% for their teammates requires a certain unspoken understanding and mutual bond. If you break that atmosphere in just the right way, it can be irreparable, even for someone with the best of intentions.

    How does Trubisky step into the starting role and inspire confidence enough so as to be surrounded by talented teammates? We all know he's going to encounter a beaten, defeated team that's ready to walk. And what does that do his confidence and the team chemistry/atmosphere going forward, now and in the future?
  3. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    ^ Full disclosure, I was asleep enough when writing the above that I don't remember writing the back half of it. Poorly written or not, my point stands - at this point, you're doing more harm than good to the kid. I'd rather he go in and take his lumps from the other team than sit on the sidelines and take then from his own coaching staff/management. The frustration and disappointment can't be good for him.
  4. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    It is time to hand the reigns over to Trubisky but it is far from too late. 12 games is plenty of time to get things going in a good direction. As bad as Glennon has been he is not the only one who has played poorly. It starts with him and he needs to bE the first to be benched but he shouldn't be alone. I think now is a good time to make Tanner Gentry's move to the 53 permanent. He has obvious chemistry with Trubisky. Waive Bellamy or Thompson I don't care who.

    If anyone on the team is ready to walk cut them too. Fox once said "your getting better or your getting replaced". Time to put your money where your mouth is.
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'm not saying it's too late right now, if they were to insert him immediately after the game, reassuring the team and everyone that the Glennon disaster is over, and they want to change things to win.

    But we both know that won't happen. Glennon is going to start next week, and he honestly may start the entire season. Even if Trubisky got his first start next season, how does anyone have any respect for the people who kept him off the field, all year, and how does that inspire any confidence in him or anyone that hard work and good play results in you getting your shot?

    The longer he goes without playing, the greater the damage. We better hope Trubisky isn't easily dashed - kid's gonna have to have a strong spirit, once he's given a chance. Based on the sideline shots from last night, in the little bit I saw, he looked pretty dejected.
  6. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    You might know it's not going to happen but I don't agree. Just like I had a feeling Trubisky would be drafted in the first place. I don't think Fox and Company wanted to make the switch this fast but Glennon has now dug his own grave. I would be surprised if he even gets a backup job after this.

    Fox has had no problems making the switch in the past and that was with inferior talent then he has in Trubisky. What has he done in his career to make you think he would stick with Glennon for even one more game?

    If Trubisky can't handle waiting for his shot he's the wrong guy. The real pressure starts the moment he steps on the field. He and the rest of the team aren't going to give a flying fuck what happened before it will all be about now and what's next.
  7. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Rob, I don't think I'm going to go off of your hunches. It's not personal, it's just that, well, you do land on the wrong side not-infrequently. I hope they switch him out - I just don't see them doing it.

    You're presuming Fox is making the call.

    I'm not saying Trubisky can't handle waiting. I'm saying that showing him and the team that performance doesn't matter - that that's not what gets you on/off the field - can destroy whatever effort they're willing to give. And if they bring Trubisky in once they've proven that, then you've got to hope they can turn the atmosphere around - something that gets harder and harder as each game goes by.

    And it's easy to say that, "They're pro's. Anyone who doesn't go 100% at all times can go home", but how many times have we seen that, year after year? We've watched teams completely give up. I'm just saying, I don't want to see that happen, especially if that's what Trubisky is going to inherit.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Forget watching teams give up....I watched a HC and his OC completely give up on the team last night. That's something you don't see much in this game but it happened last night in the 4th quarter.
    vvarder and Bear-man 11 like this.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    I actually do think Fox will make the move and not because Pace wants him to. I think Fox realizes if he lets this disaster go on anymore that he will lose the locker room completely, and then it will be just as ugly or worse as Juicebox's last season. That's the case he will make to Pace to justify the move, and it's the only reason Pace would let him do it.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Glad I saved myself the watch. Glad the weather kept it off the TV for most of our time at dinner.
  11. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    You might be right. I mean, Fox has to know that this season will mean he's fired, if he doesn't dramatically turn it around. Or, he's going to listen to Pace, in the hopes that that's his best bet at not being fired - doing what the GM wants.

    I just don't see it happening. I don't see Pace changing his mind on who the QB is. Have there been any comments from Fox/Pace/Loggains on Glennon, after the game? That might continue to be telling.
  12. mainwolf Home Town Favorite Bears

    See for yourself.
    From Friday’s presser on Bears youtube channel: “Fox talks quarterbacks, improving”

    2:56 in…
    Reporter: “Is Mike still your starter…?”

    Fox: “I’m not really trying to be clear (to a room full of laughter); actually probably quite the opposite, again we’re re-evaluating every day.”

    Well, he’s not going to show the Vikings his hand 10 days out but if I’m the Vikings I’m prepping on Trubisky starting. Now that’s a change from all previous pressers where he emphatically names Glennon the man. But not today!

    Yes, I’m reading this into this, yes I am I am.
    bigrobo876 likes this.
  13. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

  14. Im willing to bet Trubisky starts Monday night. You can see the team has lost any confidence in Glennon. Is the kid going to struggle? There is a strong possibility. But he can put fear into defenses with mobility, accuracy and the balls to throw it deep. I think the team is more likley to say "Lets go bail this kid out" then think "Great Glennon F'd us again" when he makes a mistake.
  15. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    You guys have a lot more confidence in this management than I do, right now. I keep hearing everyone talk about how they have 10 days in between games, and how having that extra prep time makes it an ideal chance to get him in. Remember - they have to give these guys breaks away from team facilities, during that time. That's the whole deal. So they can't have him work any more than usual.

    They should make the switch. I don't have confidence that they will.
    bigrobo876 likes this.
  16. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    At least that extra time can be spent getting mentally ready regardless of how much they work out.
    I want to believe they will, but if I had a nickle for every time the Bears would do what I believed they should I would have 5¢, they drafted a QB in the 1st round this year.
  17. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    They did give up, it was pathetic. No idea why Trubisky is the backup QB if he is not going to play when your starting QB was a dumpster fire.

    This team is poorly coached on offense and severely lacks discipline. They come out and look unprepared and lack direction. 2 out of 4 games they have played, the offense came out so horribly, they gave the team zero chance to win. That is deflating to the entire team.

    The offense is built to be run oriented. When you have this type of offense, you cannot turn over the ball. When you have this type of offense, you pass off the run so it helps to have an athletic QB. I would argue the Mike Glennon is the most unathletic QB in the history of the NFL. He is physically incapable of doing a bootleg and has struggled mightily to get handoffs on stretch plays. This is easily one of the worst free agent signings ever. Not only because of how bad he sucks, he really doesn't fit what they wanted to do in the first place on offense.
    blang84 likes this.
  18. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    They get extra time because they had Friday to review film instead of getting ready for a game on Sunday. They will have Saturday and Sunday off but that will give the team a chance to watch there next opponent play. They will be back at practice Monday which is an extra practice because that would usually be a day off following a game on Monday.

    That being said it's not that having a Monday night game following a Thursday night game makes it an ideal time to make the switch it's that making the switch last week going from a Sunday game to a Thursday night game is extra difficult.

    You knew when Glennon got the start against the Steelers he was going to start against Green Bay. When teams have a Thursday night game they will typically use some of the practice time for the Steelers game to also prep for Green Bay. You only get 2 walk throughs in between the two games.
  19. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    I have zero confidence in this offensive coaching staff and Head Coach. My confidence in Pace has always been luke warm at its best and has waned significantly based on the Glennon signing alone. Missing that badly on a Free Agent QB, one that looks like he doesn't even belong anywhere on an NFL roster, is completely inexcusable.

    That being said, my feeling is to give Pace one more chance to get the coach right. I don't know how much influence Accorsi had in the hire of Fox. Pace was a fresh new GM and may have leaned on the guy who helped him to get the job in Chicago. The owners and I'm sure Accorsi wanted an experienced guy who could fix the locker room culture and Fox fit the mold. While the locker room isn't the disaster it was when Juice Box was canned, it can't be great now considering Fox has only won 10 games in a little over 2 years. That being said, this year you hire the best candidate and pay what it takes to get him here.

    I just don't know if I can stomach blowing the entire thing up again, unless doing that brought us Jim Harbaugh and a GM of his choosing, similar to what the 49ers did with Shanahan. Since I don't believe the McKaskey's will want to pay Harbaugh what it will take to get him here, the best road at this point in my opinion is to give Pace one more shot to get it right at HC and hope he can make better choices with Free Agents.
  20. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    This is where I cut him a little slack (just a little) as it was a huge gamble, but the terms of his contract spells a one year bridge even though that bridge came at a stupidly steep price.
    He rolled the dice and lost, and to be honest he is even worse than I expected him to be.

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