Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    In no way does Whites injury make the team better.

    Considering he's produced absolutely nothing in his career to also doesn't make them worse.

    If anyone that gets a rep in his place can actually run an NFL route....because White certainly couldn't....then the team will be better.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I remember, at the start of the season, asking whether or not White would start more or less than 11.5 (might have been 12.5) games as a Chicago Bear. From an outside perspective, that seems like a no brainer. All he had to do was start a handful of the remaining 32 games... Welp, he'd better start all next year.

    Maybe that helps put in perspective not only the very little he's done for this team, but how little was expected of him by realistic fans. Moreover, everyone expected very little of him on the field, anyway. I don't think any of us saw him being "the guy" ever.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I expect a lot out of any guy drafted #7 overall. I liked White's size and his hands and his athletic ability.....and I know he spent a lot of time injured and that's just bad luck....but when I saw him in training camp this year and on the field I didn't see any progress from the man in terms of his route running. That was his biggest question mark coming out of college....could he run and handle an NFL route tree. He never once showed could.
  4. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    I don't take joy in White suffering pain and or the depression he feels about going on IR again. I find joy in the reality that replacing White with Gentry immediately upgrades the position, because unlike you I’d rather win football games than serve Pace/Fox’s agenda. I don't think Gentry will be great, he will be serviceable, something White was not. White was awful.

    Pace/Fox's agenda? Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. Just curious what makes you think Gentry is automatically going to replace White in the starting lineup? I expect Fox/Pace to put the best players available on the field. I unlike you trust the coaching staff to make those decisions. I would assume Wheaton gets first crack if he can get past his injuries. He actually played at a high level in the NFL not too long ago.

    I think Gentry could get moved up to the 53 and hopefully he does and is active. I could be wrong but my hopes for him being the savior at WR are not very high.

    All the WR's were awful. That's because outside of the last 2 minutes of the game the QB was awful.

    You more than anyone defended the White pick and have yet to give Pace his due credit for the fuckup it was, something I knew and said all along.

    I like almost everyone else wanted Beasley. I did like White as a prospect so I did defend the pick. And I have admitted numerous times that I was wrong. Doesnt matter how good you are if you can't stay healthy you are worthless. I know you like to use Whites limited playing time as proof he sucks. Good for you. We will agree to disagree. But regardless it was a wasted pick. Nothing is going to change that.

    Kind of like how you were so high on the Cohen pick. (sarcasm) We all get it wrong more than we get it right. After all we are just fans. I like to judge GMs on ther body of work. Not have knee jerk reactions to every little move they make.

    IMO Pace has done a very good job through the draft and FA upgrading the O line, TE, RB, QB, Dline and LB positions. He hasn't done well with the WR and DB positions and I have been very critical of moves he hasn't made to upgrade those spots despite having the cap room to do so.

    This does not make him an idiot IMO. It means he has room to improve.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I haven't seen anyone call Gentry a savior or even call for him to be the starter. What is being said is he is an upgrade to White and I don't see why that is even argued, to be honest.

    All the WR's were awful. That's because outside of the last 2 minutes of the game the QB was awful.

    I think if you were to look back again you'd see Kendall Wright ran some really good routes.....and Bellamy was open a lot. Bellamy dropped a TD but in all fairness he was held and the Bears should have had the ball first and goal 5 yards closer than the previous spot.

    The receivers weren't really the issue for much of the game.
  6. blang84 Legend Bears

    You're damn right BigRob, I don't trust our coaching staff to make those decisions. Any staff that thinks that Mike Glennon is the best QB on the roster, when he's likely actually the worst, is a deal breaker for me. That among many, many other questionable decisions they've made over the last couple years has destroyed any trust I would have. And unfortunately, my skepticism of their abilities has been proven accurate, based on W/L results.

    Actually I mainly refer to how shitty a WR he was when he was on the field. Poor route running, poor hands, poor awareness. Zero TDs, zero big plays in both preseason and regular season. That's the proof that he sucks.

    I was not high on the pick, particularly after reading an interview with him where he said he has no desire to play football for more than 3 years. Kind of alarming don't you think? I'm glad I'm wrong and hopefully he turns out to be the star we think he could be. I'm thrilled we have him now.

    Same. Which is why Pace doesn't get a passing grade from me. Hopefully that changes.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Spot on, 100%. Don't give a F what the talking heads said, they're paid to make noise for noises sake. White was NEVER a top10 pick. In fact i remember saying at one point that he wasn't a first round pick. Or at least he shouldn't be. It still to this day beggars belief that some idiot "draft gurus" were actually putting out mocks with White going before Amari Cooper. A guy that polished going after a one trick pony like White. Its just insulting.

    It was a slant. The CB had pretty good coverage so he was getting tackled immediately, maybe an 8-9yard gain, but that kind of play is bread and butter for the guys who are gonna make it in this league. It hit him right in the hands.

    But this is whats so important to remember dline, it was Pace himself who f_cked up this plan. By deciding Marshall was a problem, and then dealing him away for peanuts to the Jets, Pace made WR far less of a need for the Jets. In fact even after trading for Marshall the Jets still took a WR in the 2nd round of that draft, so we know the position was a huge need for them. Meanwhile, they're DL was already pretty loaded.

    Pace himself created the situation that then lead to the Bears missing out on a HUGE draft steal AND at a position of need. I remember rob trying to refute this at the time with one of his ten page debates. It failed. If Pace doesn't trade Marshall the Jets take White at #6 and we then draft Williams.
    Al in Cal likes this.
  8. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    You're right, Ev. I had forgotten about that. One of the many I have repressed. That was absolutely a self-created situation.

    Anyone who trusts this staff or management, at this point, is either drinking heavily or in denial. I don't understand what justification there is for giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm not saying they won't get things right, I'm saying that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, we shouldn't trust them when they say it's not Kevin White.
  9. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Gentry is being signed to the active roster.
    acrazyfool and blang84 like this.
  11. Al in Cal Guest

    No they weren't. I think that they almost have to go more to two TE sets and to use Cohen out of the backfield as a receiver.
  12. Al in Cal Guest

    I never liked him getting picked but I do feel sorry for the kid and hope that he heals well. It might be a long shot for him getting back onto the field but those injuries were not his fault.
  13. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    Well said Dline. The part I put in bold was one of the key reasons I have always hated the pick. The fact that we just missed out on Leonard Williams and then turned around to pass on Vic Beasley, only pissed me off that much more.

    The good thing for Pace is this will clear the way to no longer make him part of the plans. He has a perfect cover with Trubisky because if he turns out to be as good as some of think he can be, no one will give a shit that Pace struck out with White.
  14. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    As much as I hate going through old posts I just may because I really want to find where you wanted Vic Beasley. You actually argued against me saying he sucked after year one but may have just been playing the contrarian or kissing up to the genius that is Bears management for drafting White.

    I'm calling bullshit on this one.
  15. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    That may have been me. I was pretty critical of Beasly after year one. That was obvious wrong. In my defense, that was mostly from hearing local radio go on about his under performance that year. I certainly didn't give credit to the Bears for passing on them.
  16. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    While your at it why don't you find your post that said Hackenberg would be the best pro of his draft class. And I never said he sucked just pointed out that he had a disappointing rookie season. Which he did.
  17. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    What point are you trying to prove? Trying to discredit me? I see you made time to go back to old posts. Your above post would be great if I was arguing now saying I told everyone Dak Prescott would be a stud. I said that about Hackenberg, I was wrong. Way to be a petty piece of shit and bring one thing I back I said, believe it was in a thread about making bold statements or something to that affect, while you were going through the posts, care to point out where I was right about players? Been right a hell of lot more times than I have been wrong and I'm know for a fact I'm right a hell of a lot more times than you.

    Pointed out a bad season? You are a complete waste of time, now you are being a contrarian to your own shit that you spew.
  18. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    You may have but it was definitely the Koolaid Drinking Contrarian that I was thinking of because he claims to have been in favor of drafting Beasley while turning and said he sucked after one year.

    I appreciate you saying that but it wasn't you I was thinking of, it was definitely the guy who can't remember which position he took because it was either just to be a contrarian, based on an article he read or one of the Bears management talking points about a particular issue.
  19. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    If you go back and watch the all 22 you will see that Kevin White got open a lot. It was painfully obvious over the first 3+ quarters that Glennon had no interest in passing the ball down field.
  20. Mongo_76 Guest

    I don't know...

    He had 1 decent season in college.

    Then got drafted, earned ~17 million playing around 16 quarters of football.

    And now can either retire with his brains in tact - or convince someone else to pay him some more to figure out he's got the bone density of balsa wood.

    I think he's done fine.

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