Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I agree, LAJoe isn't a prickface troll. And ive spoken to catfish on other threads and hes been decent. But i do have to question how stupid you must be to come down here after such a close, crazy tough loss and try to get Bears fans to admit that it wasn't their team who gave it away but the Eagles who straight up won it. And to do all of that on our board....

    Which btw, i would accept if it was true but since it 100% isn't, no chance.

    Anyway, dline, may be best to just let it go brother.
  2. TopDawg Legend

    Brutal loss for the Bears...

    Just wanted to say this about the way that ended. I know it's no consolation, but it's bullshit that the NFL allows teams to call that cheap last second timeout, just a split second before such a crucial play. That all started with Mike Shanahan when he was coaching the Raiders, and he pulled that crap against the Browns. Now somehow it's just an accepted part of the NFL...I hate it. Bullshit way to lose.
  3. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Thats interesting topdawg, i didn't know that. Someone at work asked this morning if i was pissed off about the iceing timeout. TBH i just shrugged and said not really its just part of the game. Which kinda proves your point. And thinking about it now, it is a pretty shitty move and they prob should just get rid of it you're right.

    And please don't think im saying that just cos Parkey missed. If you watched that sequence of events the whistle was blown in time that Parkey knew he had a free shot at the first one. He should've relaxed a little more and swung threw it and yet still put a shitty kick in and it barely went through. I hand on heart believe that even if Pederson hadn't iced him, Parkey would've missed that FG anyway.
    TopDawg likes this.
  4. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I agree Ev. Parkey made the one because he knew the timeout had been called. Mental midget.

    I think teams have every right to call the timeout and I don’t think they should change it. But I won’t lie, it makes me smile every time the kicker misses the first one and gets a free second chance and makes it. In practice I hate it, because it’s just mindgame nonsense. I read somewhere kickers are actually 5% BETTER after the ice timeout. But credit to Peterson, he knew who was kicking.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    They have every right but I question how it goes down. Opposing coaches seem to wait until the longsnapper is moving his hand sometimes before screaming for a timeout.
  6. TopDawg Legend

    "Iceing timeout"...hmmm, I guess so.... No doubt it's a complete mindf#@k for a Placekicker.

    I think it's a b#@ch move and I'm surprised they still allow it....Simply calling a TO as the kicker trotted onto the field is what they used to call "iceing the kicker"...What they allow in today's game is just not right IMO.
  7. Kyreal Franchise Player Ravens

    The video on espn today showed that the Eagles managed to get a paw on his 2nd kick, which deflected it just enough to hit the upright.... has been changed officially to a blocked FG. In the end, doesn't matter much. He has missed too many kicks this past season to not be annoyed with him.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    I'm fine with it. If you're a good kicker whose not a mental midget, then you will do your job and bang the second kick through too. Pederson is a smart, good coach and he knew it would fuck with Parkey's mind to call that TO when he did. You can't take your TOs with you into next week, may as well burn em anyway you can before the clock hits 0.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  9. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    He's waiting to hit three during a Sunday night game on NBC and they have them tuned to play the NBC chimes.
  10. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I agree. It’s like when batters wait until the pitcher is already in his windup to call timeout. I know it’s the umpire’s discretion in that case to give it to him, but you rarely see a timeout denied.

    Two bitch moves that need to be disallowed.
    TopDawg and tunafat like this.
  11. but it's bullshit that the NFL allows teams to call that cheap last second timeout, just a split second before such a crucial play.

    Great Post by TopDawg.......I agree and the NFL needs to address this's not fair.

    The First kick was good.........BUT the time out was called a split second before the ball was humped.

    BUT..........EVERY Coach does this in the NFL and it certainly does "Ice" kickers.

    What I find Ironic was the Bears BEST Kicker (Robbie Gould) was at the game and witnessed the Drama.

    I'm sorry for ALL Bears is very painful to lose in that way......BUT hold your Heads up high.

    Da Bears will be back.

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