Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    No, they don't. But even a ultra-dumb fuck like me knows when a conversation is getting out of control. One of the first rules of public speaking (communication) is : "know your audience". These guys have every right to be a little salty this morning. After the season they had, to have it end the way it did - I don't fault them one bit.

    Just walk away.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Well said. And I wouldn't call you "dumb" by any means.

    Moreover, Catfish - if it's really on the fans here, and not you, then you'd have stepped away. It takes two, bud - if you don't like it, stop being one.
  3. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    Our team just suffered a demoralizing loss. Do you really expect us to be kind and rational right now when an opposing fan comes over to the board? I agree that the whole “good game guys I like your team!” But is condescending as fuck when it comes IMMEDIATELT after The losss. Like go away we hate your guts right now
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Calling you out for this crap, Joe. You may have felt like you were coming in here trying to be a classy guy, but this was your original post:
    The entire thing was, "I thought", "I was right", "I knew"... And then the last sentence was, "Thanks".

    So, you know... maybe take a look at the horse you're riding on, first.

    And, for the record, Catfish is indefensible here, too. So that's not a good hill for you and your horse to die on.
  5. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I’m feeling better here the day after just a touch, and will go read the threads and stuff. But my opinion on Parkey hasn’t changed a bit. Yeah it probably was deflected a bit but he fucking split the uprights the play before when the timeout was called. He has a history of choking this season. We started going for two because we couldn’t rely on his XPs. Fuck he missed one LAST WEEK. He sucks. Should be cut. And yes I know they’ll probably go with competition in camp nonsense but I don’t care if he’s a practice hero. He has shown, multiple times, with the game on the line he IS NOT CLUTCH. That’s not a guy you keep if you’re in win now mode.

    Bear-man, he is an Uber religious dude and I don’t fault him for it, but at the end of the game they showed him in the prayer circle and I thought- god is telling you that you are not an NFL kicker. He keeps giving you signs, and you keep doing it. I mean the amount of luck required to hit two bars in a single kick? If you believe in god, how could that NOT be a sign?

    Which brings me to who I blame most for that kick, and it’s Pace. He brought him in with no competition, he paid him the money this is entirely a miss on his part. And I know, with a lot of confidence, he will compound the error by keeping him. Nagy has had his back, the team is rallying around him now. That’s their job. It is YOUR JOB, Mr GM Pace, to be the “bad guy” here and improve the team.

    And someone said we’re blaming it all on Parkey. No, even in my original post I say there’s a lot of blame to go around. Christ. But this thread is for Parkeys future with this team. And I think he shouldn’t have one, but will.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Blaming it all on Parkey isn't wrong though. That doesn't mean others couldn't have done more. That doesn't mean everyone played their best game. They didn't.

    Plenty of other plays could have been better. Too many to name.

    But you pay a kicker to make kicks. You need your kicker to make clutch kicks if you want to make a SB run. Playoff games come down to kicks ALL THE TIME. You need to be able to trust your kicker. Our kicked choked. Talk about the tip of the ball all you want...I'm not gonna buy it.

    I'm happy for him that he believes in an invisible man in the clouds. Parkey...seems like a really good guy. He's certainly a good teammate. His teammates like him a lot....Massie consoling him immediately after the miss is awesome. I like that this team is legitimately that close that they immediately defended Parkey and had his back. That tells you a lot about their character. I also really respect Parkey's reaction. He didn't duck the media after the game. He faced them head on. That tells you a lot about the person he is. He made a comment about just wanting to go home to his wife and dog because they would be the only ones that didn't care about what happened and would just be happy to see him. That hit me pretty hard because while I never did anything with as much scrutiny behind it as what he did....I've had those days in my life. Days so bad you wish you could forget it and can't. And at those times I always had my wife, my kids, my pets to turn to and money can't buy that. So much respect there.

    But.....Parkey needs to go. He shouldn't have still been on the roster. He's bottom of the barrel bad in terms of kicking field goals and extra points. Improve the position. Failure to do so is gonna be a massive mistake. Parkey is not gonna wake up sometime during this offseason and suddenly be a new man and a better kicker. That's not gonna happen.

    Football is cold, cruel game. It doesn't matter if you're a good matters if you're a good player. Parkey isn't. Cut his ass.
    EvertonBears, Bear-man 11 and vvarder like this.
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    And none of this matters to me. I don't care if he finds a cure for cancer or makes world peace.

    I'm a selfish and long-suffering Bears fan that wants to see us win the Super Bowl one goddamn time in my life. Just one. And this fuck costs us a chance.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Calling me out for what? Nothing but you reading into it wrong. You are pissed if defend or if I talk shit about Parkey. I get it, just post nothing. I did stop posting once you guys got upset and only came back on when you are calling me out for nothing.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Exactly my friend. He seems like a really nice guy and that quote I hadn’t heard, but that hits me too. We all have shitty days where your wife kids dog are the ones to have your back.

    That said, this game is a business and it’s not built on warm fuzzy feelings. Enough is enough. The bears cut the all time best kicker ever because he missed a handful of FGs and had a down couple years. This guy has flat out blown chunks on the field and needs to go.

    Watching the Vikings game last week there were XPs that barely went in. I know it’s longer now but that’s the equivalent of a free throw. When your role on the team is to hit 99% of the free throws you fucking hit them.

    Clutch kickers aren’t that easy to find. But they ARE important. And we need to prioritize it this offseason. I am concerned that they won’t, in typical bears fashion, address a top team need.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I agree.
  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Sadly, I agree. I don't think they cut him.
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'm not telling you to post nothing - I'm telling you that your entire post (very literally) was you extolling your opinion, your previous statements, and your experiences. You finished it with "Thanks", and "Your team is gritty".

    Just asking - how did you intend for that post to be read / received? What did you perceive would be the reaction to it?

    Let's take this not as an attack on you, but as a potential learning lesson.
  13. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    I intend for it to be received in a civilized way especially when I did post in the game thread during the game without being negative to you or pumping up my team or gloating in any way. When it was obvious that you did not appreciate any of that and wanted to attack me in a procedure attack on yourselves I just as I had to stop. Either only posted again to show you that Parkey didn't actually miss, but at that point it doesn't matter he was your scapegoat and it didn't matter if I say anything good or bad about him or the team so I only posted after just to defend myself. I'll leave you guys alone for the next while,but I'd appreciate if you just stopped assuming everyone is an asshole.

    P.S. things you are accusing me of doing in the past this season we're actually done by Catfish.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    That was my mistake. I was replying and didn't look at who I was replying to. I also didn't sleep at all. Still haven't.

    There was no reason, good or bad...classy or malicious, for you or cat to post here today. Post about the game on the main board....have at it. We're obviously going to be pissed off about the game and the result. Respect that and stay out the way for a day or two. Is that really too much to ask? Had the Bears won...I wouldn't post on the Eagles board. Not even to say good game, sorry you lost. Because I know that I, as a huge diehard fan, just wanna be left alone when one of my teams loses a crucial game. It's heartbreaking and it causes your emotions to run over.

    We don't need a pat on the back. We don't wanna discuss the game with you. Saying the kick was actually blocked, which after watching the video 9000 times now it's still not clear the tip made the kick miss, doesn't help and isn't gonna cure the hangover every real Bears fan feels today. Just go away and come back another time. I don't think you're an asshole.....but today was not the day for either of you guys to post here. Obviously it's an open forum and you can post here anytime you want. It doesn't mean you should.
    babyfan and blang84 like this.
  15. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Not assuming you're an asshole, Joe. I'd also appreciate if you separated me from other posters.

    I'm asking you, very seriously, how did you intend for that post to be received? What did you think the reactions were going to be? Honestly. And don't give me the cop-out of, "Civilized". If you thought that what you had to say was worth hearing, clearly you must have thought that it would have engendered some kind of thought or emotion in the readers - what was the thought or emotion you thought you were eliciting? Or, if that's not the case, then maybe what you had to say just wasn't worth hearing.

    I'm asking you honestly, Joe. Again, separate me from the others, and let's have a real conversation. I'm interested in a real response to this question.
  16. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Can you just get out of here please? You’re clogging up our board with your shitty posts about nothing. Thanks.
  17. blang84 Legend Bears

    I don't think you're an asshole, as I explicitly said before.

    At this time, whether it's morally right or morally wrong, the fans need a scapegoat. And Parkey absolutely deserves to it. You gotta just let us have it that way. I'm sure Eagles fans have scapegoats in their past that may or may not be justified.
  18. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Yeah like Santa Claus. That guy was a real scapegoat.

    While I disagree with Joe on how much to put on Parkey, I don’t get that he was stirring up shit, myself. We’re all just in a shit mood rightfully.
  19. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    We are. And any fan with a brain should understand that....because every fan of every team in the world has been here before at some point.
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Me too, im sure they don't and its absolutely sickening.

    As for feeling sorry for the little cocker, not a chance in hell. That dick twitch is gonna make more in 2 years with this team than most working stiffs will slog out in their entire lifetimes. And he'll get it for kicking a damn ball 8-10 times a game. AND its not like he can even say he's done everything he can to be better. Scrub-ass little puke wouldn't even practice his kicking at Soldier cos he couldn't be arsed dealing with the traffic.

    Fuck Parkey to oblivion.
    vvarder and BearsWillWin like this.

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