Chicago Bears vs Philadelphia Eagles WildCard Round!

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by babyfan, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Tuna I can only dream that we'll return to the playoffs next year. But the way things have gone for us playoff appearances have been few and far between.

    Trubs was bad today absolutely. Numerous missed opportunities in the redzone all night. His numbers are totally deceiving. And the D got zero pressure on Foles the entire second half. After we cool down from this one we're going to realize we deserved to get beat by a team that was just better than us. It's easy and justified to blame Parkey. But offense and defense let us down. That Eagles last drive was a gut punch to our #1 ranked D.
    acrazyfool and tunafat like this.
  2. chitownfan312 Franchise Player Bears

    I think Trubisky was just as directionless this game as Nagy. That falls on Nagys horseshit play calling
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

    Tuna, it was great hanging out with you today. I'm sorry your powers are negated by a kicker who literally may be the worst FG kicker the Bears have ever had.

    BTW, I'm watching the post game shows and several ex-Bears including Forte and Lance are seriously questioning Burton not playing. They are almost insinuting there is a lot more to the story.

    Keep in mind, he was an Eagle last year.
    chitownfan312 likes this.
  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    And thank you for the Mack jersey!
    tunafat likes this.
  5. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    The defense did enough to win. Call it 17 points allowed and 2 turnovers. That’s enough to win a football game.

    Nagy and co blew it on offense. By no means am on a fire Nagy train but he made the same mistakes he did with the chiefs. It’s just wjonhe is sometimes it will work sometimes it won’t.

    I think trubs is the bigger problem. If he’s not running to the best of his ability he’s just not that good.
  6. blang84 Legend Bears

    They took it up the ass from Foles and the Eagles receivers on that last drive. Zero pressure. Terrible coverage. They got beat plain and simple.

    Parkey will be the scapegoat but like most losses there is plenty of blame to go around.
  7. Mitch left a lot of plays on the field or that bad WR corp? He threw plenty of good balls....going back to the 1st half he threw the ball back shoulder to #12 and for whatever reason he jumped for it and lost track of where he was and stepped out of bounds....high point the ball and it’s a catch, the throw to Miller was on the money and he let the DB out muscle him and finally that sideline throw to #12 again and he doesn’t get his feet in bounds....Mitch also gave them a 15-10 lead w a clutch drive and then the best D gave it up and again he drove them down for a FGA and Parkey missed it...he can’t play QB, D and K
  8. Oh and Nagy blew the game calling his last TO after the long completion....hurry up spike it and regroup...u can’t call ur last TO w almost 40 secs left...terrible clock management there
  9. Mongo_76 Guest

    Man, 300 yards passing, no ints, 1 TD, and a clutch pass to put us in FG range with 30 seconds to play - against that D...

    I would say when we get to this point where we are not happy with that type of play in a playoff game, we are sitting pretty.

    Guys, we just played the SB winning eagle, who have won 6 of 7 since finally getting relatively fully healthy, and we played them to a point where if our FG kicker could avoid a yellow pole, we win.

    Come on, we lost on 1 play. The final ST play. Period.
    vvarder, dirk275, Lyman and 3 others like this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Mongo thank you for the opportunity to take in this game it was a pleasure hanging out. Remember when you first said months ago it feels like 1984, yeah and it still does.
    That was the hardest walk leaving that stadium and I'm not used to that losers walk. It sucked balls!
    As far as that Mack jersey you are more than welcome. Mongo you've done so much for me over the years It's merely a token of my appreciation.
    I will create a contest on here this season to win a Large "Mack" jersey, and it will be for only Bears fans currently on board.
    You guys to have put up with my football stupidity for far too long and my derailing threads that I feel it's the least I could do.
    I love all you guys as well as the Mexicanadian chick.
    Remember next year is 19fucking85 baby! We own the north and we'll own the NFL.
    Mongo_76 likes this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    Sounds like a bunch of moral victory crap to me.

    Not a single Bears conversation with my dad goes by without him mentioning something to do with that season. Those of us below the age of 35 have seen nothing but long chunks of mediocrity with the infrequent playoff heartbreak sprinkled in. Nothing is given in this league. Worst to first teams almost always lose their first playoff game and we proved that tonight. If we're not a fluke we'll make the playoffs next year. But given that I can count our playoff appearances in the last 20 years on one hand, I'm not hopeful as you are. But take it to the bank and if we suck, you'll always have 1985.
    acrazyfool likes this.
  12. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I got back from my son’s hockey game up north with about 11 minutes left. It was really hard to keep tabs on the game and watch my son’s shifts.

    Can I get a basic recap on why we had so few points? Mitch looked solid from what I saw, and clearly we missed Eddie Jackson.

    We got Ertz’d a little like I thought we would but the stats weren’t that bad. Seemed like the D had no answer for the quick stuff/spread?

    What happened?
  13. Catfish Guest

    an ugly game for both teams. some big plays, some ugly calls, some bad calls, some good calls. coin flip of an outcome. the bears although are down now will be there next year and for years to come. mitch, cohen and howard are a solid 3 on O and Mack and that Defense is just nasty. You will be back Chicago - count on it. Great turnaround from last season.

    as for Parkey - there is a replay of an Eagles player tipping the ball ever so slightly to change the direction and rotation of it. still no excuse for missing it, but it was partially tipped.
    Bear-man 11 likes this.
  14. Catfish Guest

    Steve Bartman has been replaced as the most hated man in the City of Chicago !
  15. Catfish Guest

    so what are trying to say here ...because burton was on the Eagles last year, he missed the game on purpose ? that's a bold claim of collusion.
  16. Catfish Guest

    tunafat likes this.
  17. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    It's cool Blang, Mongo made a mention of it earlier in the year that this team felt like the 1984 team and I agree with him. It wasn't meant to be a direct comparison to that team just the feeling surrounding that team. You could see they had something going but it just wasn't quite there yet. I feel the same way I did then about that team as I do this team. I remember in 1977 when the Bears made it into the playoffs by some tie breaking madness only to get blown out by the Cowboys in the first game yeah this isn't that team not even close. This team can be very special I would embrace it, and the Bears don't suck. I don't want to say they underachieved because they really haven't they just haven't paid their dues, but they paid some dues today no doubt . How much they grow from this loss remains to be seen, but I'm pretty confident that this team is much like that team and next year will be that year. Go Bears!
    bigrobo876 likes this.

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