Just looking at that fumble again there..... that may have been Jacksons FF afterall. He looked to have his hand on the nose of the ball when the hit came in.
Fair enough, just don’t like extending the half there. Then again it’s the bills and peterman had his Michael Vick moment and thought he’d run for a TD in a Hail Mary situation lol. Also the bills could have at least put up 3 points there but they didn’t even seriously attempt a 7 point play
Definitely. It doesn't happen without Smith's hit, but since you can't split a FF I guess you'd have to give it Jackson. Good play by both tho.
Much appreciated to everyone keeping the good observation going in the second half. I've gotta go. Here's to another like the first, or better. Cheers, all.
Yea. They're really protecting Peterman. And by "they" I mean the refs. Guess its good for no one to have to play Barkley.
Great accuracy from Mitch to the Bills defensive back. He was wide open and Mitch put it right on his numbers.
Guys on the radio said Eddie Jackson was on the field for an offensive snap on our last drive. Love it!