Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by Lyman, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. TopDawg Legend

    Well my fellow Browns backers, I do believe that tomorrow we will finally see that "statement game" that lets all the doubters know the Browns are for real...

    Also, last minute decision, but I'm taking my son to his first Browns game tomorrow....WOOF WOOF!!! Gotta love modern tech.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
    IrishDawg42 and brett11253 like this.
  2. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    This game has the feel of a real bloody affair.

    I think I'll need to bring in a pro to address this properly -

    Difficult game to pick this week.

    The turnover battle is probably going to decide this one. If the Browns can keep from making mistakes in their own end that gives the Chargers short fields to work with they should be able to gut out a W against a team that may be the first to not really be looking past the Browns in 2018.

    This is one of my favorite match-ups for this week.
  3. techheart Guest

    It's good to see the Browns are back to being the Browns, you're welcome for the Steelers knocking off Bengals
    gidion72 likes this.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Where’s the in game thread?
  5. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Fuck You!
  6. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Ya . . . I'm still a little salty after THAT mess.
    bluez and techheart like this.
  7. TopDawg Legend

    What the hell happened to our defense? That was a joke...They did NOT come to play today.

    We can't keep dropping passes and expect to keep pace in thne AFCN. It's getting ridiculous with the f#@king drops
  8. rediiis Guest

    Some teams need some byes. It happens as the season wears on.
  9. kenibals Home Town Favorite Browns

    I think our Brownies were smelling themselves a little, with all the interviews and accolades. Lesson learned. I hope.
    techheart and bluez like this.
  10. rediiis Guest

    I still see your Brown's have risen above the Titans and Raiders. 30 more to go.
  11. rediiis Guest

    I have Mayfield in a couple of leagues after Gripptheleggo went down. I do see some signs of improvement on the Browns.
  12. CLETAXI Guest

    damn it
  13. techheart Guest

    ouch ... but been there done that too
  14. techheart Guest

    at least there's still ohio state .... :)
  15. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish


    The Steelers get one game up on the Browns and they all come out of the woodwork. I wonder how it will be on their boards when the Browns pass them up for good? It's coming...even after the disgusting display that was yesterday, we all know it's coming...very soon.

    We all said, there will be rookie days, yesterday was one of those days....
  16. TopDawg Legend

    Yeah...The weather was perfect. You know it sucked when that's all you can really say about the experience. lol!

    I don't know what the Browns were doing on defense, but it reminded me of an Ohio State game I was at back in the 90's. The day Tim Biakabatuka ran all over the Buckeyes. It felt the same as that. What was it, about 12 yards per carry? smh. Ridiculous. Same play left or right. Just wide open... We were sitting elevated in end opposite from Dawg Pound. I love sitting there because you can just see the plays opening up. So yeah, we had an awesome view of Melvin Gordon's amazing day. And all those rainbow like, up for grabs throws, that the Chargers kept coming down with. smh....It was brutal.... I figured Browns would have some stumbles along the way, but that was really bad.

    On a side note. Speaking of brutal. I've never heard booing as loud as it was raining in on the refs when they were going off the field at half. I was seriously concerned for their safety. Thought maybe someone was gonna take a shot. The non call of a false start on one of Rivers' first TD passes was just absurd. They kept showing it on the big screen over and over. People were seriously getting upset with the NFL's officiating. It wasn't the place for women and children after that BS, I'll just say that. Pretty ugly......Obviously that call had nothing to do with the outcome yesterday, it was never in doubt, but how the hell can all seven refs miss a LT kicking out into pass protection a half second ahead of everyone else? That was just absurd. Everyone in the stadium was screaming it when it happened live. I just don't understand how that can even happen. It was a on a long TD pass play for crying out loud! That was as bad as it gets....
    techheart and bluez like this.
  17. bluez M.V.P. Browns Indians

    Yesterday showed we have a ways to go yet . the run defense SUCKED ! We have one WR that can catch and that's Landry .the rest can hit the bricks . I still have 6 wins penciled in .

    also ..MOVING SUCKS !
    techheart and TopDawg like this.
  18. bluez M.V.P. Browns Indians

    go sodomize yourself with a rusty tailpipe !
    techheart likes this.
  19. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The Steelers have two weeks to polish off our end around plays.
    IrishDawg42 and TopDawg like this.
  20. TopDawg Legend

    lol! smh...always right on que.... Yeah, I think they needn't worry. I'm pretty sure Georgia Tech could have run for 500 on us yesterday. The effort just wasn't there. I saw it with a lot of teams this weekend, both college and pro. Time to regroup and see who rises up, and see who falls into the abyss....
    SAS likes this.

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