Where is LFK? Been to HK several times but im sure you know it better than me. Ive been out drinking in Wan Chai a bunch of times, those brit ex-pat bars are great. A couple i always seem to end up in at some point are Churchill's and the Queen Victoria, you probably know them. Have you ever been to a place called Cockeyed(hilarious name)? Is that a strip club or just a straight up brothel?
There was a guy I used to work we called cockeye, he embraced that nickname and yes, yes he had a cockeye.
LKF is Lan Kwai Fong. Good place to hang out and drink. Generally don't get pressured from the ho's. Wan Chai itself is just a big brothel. There pretty much isn't a bar there that I know of where you can't find em... There are ac ouple decent ex-pat bars there, but the hookers still find a way in.
I know you two guys are trying to develop your game plan for Som Lon Dong or whatever, .....but I found this guys analysis of the Bears Eagles game with coaches tape and I found it interesting He points out numerous mistakes by Leno, and while he is all too eager to polish Trubisky's knob he does make some good observations nonetheless. At 14:25 of this video you'll see on the play that Mitch nearly throws an interception over the middle in the endzone after escaping the pocket that was the play where I said AR12 is all alone by the right pylon.
I remember one time in Wan Chai i was propositioned by a hooker while i was in McDonalds! It was a surreal moment. Yeah the jokes practically write themselves: Hong Kong McDonalds: Fast food, fast fuck. "Welcome to McDonalds, can i take your order?" "I'd like a Happy Ending Meal please"