Miller sent down because if had played more NHL games he'd have to pass thru waivers. Just ignore me.
I make the same mistake 3 or 4 times a month because I forget to look at age, games played, cap hit, the IR list, etc.
lulz, you ever see Tommy Boy? almost named Rocky Road evidently. something tells me that you might not like it but thats your own fault. [video][/video]
nope, i haven't. i can count the number of SNL alum that i continued to like after they left the show on one hand, with a few fingers to spare. farley was always a novelty act to me, and those wear thin in a hurry. spade to me has always been a non-entity. i have nothing against him, and i have nothing for him, either.
i agree on Spade, loved Farley though. the most nimble big guy Ive ever seen. makes Vince and Bianca Wilfork look slow.
churning out a funny fat guy is always like finding a funny black kid (gary coleman, webster, urkel) for a sitcom. farley was funny up to a point, but that 5hit wore out quick. Spade was funnier.
farley was funny when he died. and he was lying there in that crazy shade of purple. he earned some SERIOUS style points. drugs & hookers in a hotel room. 5hit man, that's ACES.
I dunno, you're too serious about comedy for my tastes. To each their own; Spade just reminds me of a jack-off that needs a smack.
Bruins recall Niklas Svedberg, makes me happy. Not sure what the reason is but Sully tells me its because the Bruins will trade Chad Johnson because apparently he has any value. I think its more likely that regardless of Johnson's #s Chiarelli can see that he's not very good. and whats the deal w/ the Godfather mask here?