Bears vs Saints Game Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    You know what fucking kills me the most? They switched this to NY review specifically to PREVENT shit like this.

    It's times like that I think the NFL might be rigged. Because on no planet was that not a TD, and the irrefutable evidence for it wasn't captured on camera, if it wasn't.

    There was that phantom holding call we benefited from sure, but that was likely not a game changer.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    This is the explanation from the corrupt official:

    “We ruled that he was going to the ground as part of the process of the catch,” Cheffers said. “So when he goes to the ground, he has to survive the ground. He went to the ground, he temporarily lost control of the ball. The ball hit the ground, therefore it’s incomplete. The ball hit the ground out of his control. So as part of the process of the catch, he did not complete that process, and therefore it was incomplete.”

    Ball hit the ground? What the fuck is he talking about? The NFL needs to come out and admit it was a blown call or it will be another damning reason why fans, and maybe myself, are starting to tune out.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    To make it worse. There are reports that Miller’s injury was so bad he could lose his leg. Had emergency surgery with severe artery damage.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Reading that report this morning made me sick to my stomach. Forget about football.....this news is just gut wrenching and brutal.
  5. blang84 Legend Bears

    Damn. Feel awful for him. Been a great player for us when he's healthy. And he has a great attitude and spirit for the team.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Yeah, I heard about it on the radio on the way into work. I can't say how awful I feel for the guy. I can't stand injuries like this. I missed most of the second half of the game... I don't think I'm going to go back and watch it. I really hope it's the best case scenario, going forward, and there's no permanent damage. That's the only concern, here.
  7. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    Awful play calling , I can call the plays from my couch so how do we think the opposing teams can do ????? I'm hating Fox more and more each week , he challenges the incomplete pass by Brees , looked to me like he was saying " fuk it " when he threw the flag , brilliant just brilliant to lose a time out on the play that was never ever going to get overturned.

    Barth is a complete joke for a kicker , he sucked last year and now this year ... this is on Pace , why is he still employed ???

    How's that's not a TD is hard to fathom , unfortunately it won't be the last time in this day and age of NFL football.
  8. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Ultimately what matters most here is that Miller doesn't lose his leg. I'm not big on praying personally but I hope like heck he doesn't lose the leg, feel so bad for Miller.

    I know the TD didn't matter compared to that horrible injury, but I was so fucking mad when those shitheads overturned it. That's prob Miller's last play in football, the LEAST he deserved was for it to be a great play. And those fucks robbed him of it, wrongly! It now makes the injury seem so meaningless, that really pisses me off. I hope Miller can recover and be able to walk normally again/jog/run one day. If it is a career ender(probable) then I don't know what the rules are but I hope Miller gets one hell of an injury settlement.

    As for the NFL, fuck you! How is it that the more they try to "improve" things with replays the more they seem to fuck it up? How the F can we still be trying to figure out what a friggin catch is?! Prob one of the worst overrules ive ever seen and id say that even if I wasn't a Bears fan. And the NFL? They're trying to quietly sweep it all under the carpet. Hell it took until just recently(nearly 24hours later!!) to even report on the severity of Miller's injury on The bullshit Disneyworld image of the league has to come first huh.

    You fucks.
    Mongo_76 and Campbell like this.
  9. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I'll never understand that rule when a ball carrier can break the plane and fumble and it's still a TD. You should either have both or preferably neither, but damn it be fucking consistent.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I agree with all of and everyone above.

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