Bears vs Packers Must Win Game Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    See fucking Williams, Mr. 4th string for the Packers is fucking showing up for them.
  2. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Unbelievable. Fucking Fuller, again.
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    The dagger. Un fucking believable. I am done with this fucking team. FUCK THE GODDAMN BEARS. FUCK THIS FUCKING TEAM.

    3RD DOWN AND 10 AND YOU GIVE UP A 50 FUCKING YARD PASS DOWN THE SIDELINE. Great job assholes. I hate you fucking all.
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    Every season, every week for the last 4 years I tell myself the most recent loss is the worst I've felt as a Bears fan.

    This week I say it with the the most sincerity. Trubs or not, I don't know if I can go on any more. This is the worst loss.
    vvarder likes this.
  5. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Bears might gave a chance if they didnt have such horrible clock management
  6. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Also if they had a receiver who could catch...
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    Mongo, stop going to games until Fox is fired. You can wait 2 years, I know you can.
  8. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Can’t wait to see what the kid can do with a real coaching staff. Fox’s run and play good D blew up in his face. Couldn’t run or stop the run. Waited too long to take traffic ning wheels off as usual. It’s all about draft pick and new coaches.
  9. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    About the only aspect that wasn't a dumpster was seeing Inman contribute. He looked like an NFL WR. Obviously had a crucial drop at the end but was able to get some yards.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs


    Our muscled

    Out played

    Out hustled

    Packers were better at everything

    Bears showed zero heart

    The last few seasons have been a series of low points for this feels like one of the lowest to me.

    I’m sick of losing and sick of losing to the Packers.

    This franchise is a joke.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    The noise you hear is me screaming "Geronimo" as I dive head first at full speed off the Kyle Fuller bandwagon.

    If there was one single player we could blame for the last two losses it would be him. Dumb offsides penalty gave the Saints a TD, totally gave up a long pass that led to their last FG. And then yesterday, Packers knew they wanted to abuse him and they did, Brett Hundley or Erin, the game plan was the same. Fuller looked way out of his league both in coverage and tackling (first big play to Cobb). Don't want him back next year. Fuck you Fuller another wasted first round pick.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Yeah he has definitely fallen off from the good start he had. Teams are gonna see his performance on film the past couple games and go after him.

    Unfortunately, there wasn’t one single player that lost this game.

    Run defense was embarrassing. Communication on the field was non existent. Offensive line play was awful. Receivers still can’t get separation of any kind. And the QB made some bad decisions.

    I don’t understand the gameplay...and where were the in game adjustments? Why did Tre McBride barely see the field? Didn’t he play well in New Orleans? Why does Josh Bellamy continue to get playing time? Even the touchdown he caught almost got fumbled away.

    The sad fact that this is what they did and how they played after coming off the bye week is downright sad and embarrassing.

    There are so many problems with this team...where do you even start this offseason? Fox has to be fired...that much is clear.
  13. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Me thinks you are overreacting here. Fuller was by far not alone in blame for the past 2 losses. Without him the defense isn’t as good and some of these games aren’t that close. That’s the deal when your dealing with human beings. They are not going to be perfect.

    Fuller isn’t a lock down corner but you could do much worse. Picture him playing opposite a legit number 1 corner. That’s what the Bears need, to hit on a corner like Peters or Lattimore. If your going to toss every DB that gives up a big play every now and then your never going to field a D.

    In the Packers game you need to give some credit to the other team. The back shoulder TD and the one handed sideline catch were great plays by Hundley and Adams. They weren’t blown coverages. If the pass rush does it’s job neither happens. There is more to blame than the corner on those plays.
  14. blang84 Legend Bears

    He's not to blame alone. As BWW pointed out, and I pointed out numerous times on this thread during the game, the entire defense was bad yesterday. But he was the worst player on the field yesterday and a case could be made the same for the Saints game.

    Yesterday he did nothing right. He took a bad angle on the first completion to Cobb which allowed him to get a huge gain. And even the times when Adams was making nice plays Fuller never turned around to look at the ball. The Packers kept throwing at him and kept winning the matchup every time. Davante Adams is not Antonio Brown, far from it. That's a matchup Fuller should be winning at least 50% of the time during a game. I'm not saying cut him now and he has had some good games this year. But when plays like he did yesterday he's a massive liability to the entire team. My point is that I'm cool with not re-signing him and instead re-prioritizing the position in the draft and free agency.
  15. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    You see here you are exaggerating. And I️ get it your going off the emotions of the live game. Fuller definitely had a bad game but to put it like he could do no right is just wrong. I’ll still argue that the TD and big gainer at the end were more great plays by the offense than horrible plays by Fuller. Amukamara had a horrible PI on an overthrown pass and then filled the wrong gap On the TD run.

    Mistakes are going to happen. The offense had a chance to help out the defense for a change and couldn’t. When I️ watch this team now I️ look for things a good coaching staff can get out of these players. Hoping Pace has the ability to get the next coach right.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    He literally could do no right.

    He had an easy interception twice...and missed it both times. Once because he turned upfield and had to spin around on a play that Hundley threw the ball 3 seconds too late...and it could have went for a pick six.
    blang84 likes this.
  17. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    I'll disagree here.

    Like last year with Matt Barkley when people gushed over his couple of decent drives in games; Fuller has been figured out, and Chris Speilman mentioned it calling the game yesterday. New Orleans figured him out, they attacked him. McCarthy did the same thing. They figured out he cant make plays in open space. When he's in man and being aggressive at the line, he excels, its what made him a first round candidate from Virginia Tech a couple years ago. He's done a good job in games he's done well in suffocating the WR at the LOS.

    But when he plays 5+ yards off the WR and LOS, he's a target because he cant make an open field play and he gets lost when his back is to the football for too long chasing WRs. I expect teams to continue to go after him when they see that. I'll give him till the end of the year to fix this. If he cant, guess he's going to need replacing. Full disclosure, I don't see him fixing this. It's not like that's been a problem just in 2017.

    There was one play in particular that pissed me off, amid a bunch that shouldn't go unnoticed. Fucking Pernell McPhee. On a 3rd and long where Hundley scrambled for the 1st down, this idiot calls nothing/says nothing to Mitch Unrein, Unrein does what he's supposed to do, McPhee is supposed to seal the outside--where Hundley took off......

    And McPhee decided to pinch inside of Unrein. And he was sealed off. Then he yelled at Unrein. I've said Edge is the biggest need right now, and this fucktard only validates my point. Floyd is quietly figuring it out. Willie Young I feel I can trust for at least one more year amid his injury and age. After that? Yeah--I've had enough of Sam Acho and whatever else gets rolled out on the field. And I maintain what Mongo said going back to last year. McPhee should be cut.
  18. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I agree with all of this. Fuller was just plain God awful yesterday, and to get destroyed by a third/fourth tier receiver like Adams? Not good. BUT.. we were all gushing over him a couple of weeks ago.

    He has his place in the right scheme. GB was clearly picking on him yesterday and it worked. Look for more to follow. Just another example of being out-schemed. I’m with a few others... why are we so in love with Fangio again?

    Speaking of Fangio, he should have been blitzing someone on just about every play, because when he did, not only did it work, Hundley seemed to have no idea it was coming or where it was coming from. More old fart conservative coaching.

    To the thing I agree with the most - the loss of contain by McPhee. That is inexcusable in pee-wee football, much less the NFL. I would’ve lost my shit if one of my kids did that.

    You are the outside linebacker. If you only do ONE thing on the entire play, you’ve done your job. That job is to keep contain. If he runs past you to the inside for an 80 yard TD, you did YOUR job.

    McPhee’s acting job is complete bullshit, excuse making nonsense. No way that they called a stunt that made the fat, slow, white 3-4 DE responsible for contain with a fast and mobile QB there. No way, no how. Clearly McPhee made a rash decision to just go inside in the hopes of getting a sack.

    Again, on the coaching. The Patriots cut guys like him for doing shit like that. What do the Bears do? Nothing.

    Whole staff must go. Period.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    In terms of the Peckers loss(and the Saints imo), Fuller is being talked about way too much here. He had a bad game no question. But in the interests of brevity how about we list who had a good game?.....

    This loss was about 95% on the coaches. Pretty much every last one of them failed. I don't care if the team had 1 day of rest, to come out and play like that against your biggest rival would still be unacceptable. To do it after two weeks off and facing a wounded opponent? Completely unforgivable and also completely John Fox.

    What was it like 8-9 first half flags thrown with other mental errors of every description all over the field? No heart, no fight. Thats a completely unprepared team. Fox is now 0-3 after the bye here. Andy Reid(you know, a good coach) is what 16-2 after the bye? And is it 4-0 as well when counting the wild card round as a bye? John Fox: dogshit during the week, dogshit wrapped in catshit on gameday.

    Interesting thoughts pat, i'll be interested to see how this pans out the rest of the season. Couple of things tho:

    -You mention Fuller's effectiveness in press v off coverage etc, its not Fuller who makes that call, its Fangio. So if he's not being deployed in the right way its on his coach. We know Fuller can play well. The 1st half of the season Fuller was the 3rd or 4th best player on the D after Hicks, Goldman and maybe Trev.

    - Teams have been throwing at Fuller a ton all season regardless of the technique he was playing or anything else. I remember us commenting in the game thread of i think the Ravens game about how they kept going after Fuller even tho he had it locked down. Doesn't mean teams have Fuller figured out, just that they're throwing on him a lot. And taken over the season as a whole the results have been very mixed in that approach.

    I'm not saying your wrong, his effectiveness is def way down on early in the season, just asking who are we really blaming here? You reference Fuller's college days and pre 2017 problems, are coaches not aware of this too? Most players have weak areas in their game, if Fuller is being put in a position that exposes this while not playing to his strengths then shouldn't coaches answer for that?

    Totally agree. Don't know why Fangio didn't blitz more. It was like they were playing it safe a lot waiting for Hundley to give them an error. Don't know where that came from, but goes down as prob the worst game of the season from Fangio. And made all the stranger for the fact that Fangio has been blitzing a lot more this year. I have no stat, but to the eye i don't think ive ever seen a Fangio D blitz more than it has this year.

    But please, no one mistake all that for me being on the anti-Fangio bandwagon like some of you. The D does have its problems, its also talent deficient with a GM who's been emphasizing the O for 3 offseasons. It also ranks like 12th(?) in ppg and 9th in the league in total yards. Yeah....terrible...
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    It's coaching when we see a lack of blitzes against a backup QB with a banged up o-line, guys missing their gaps, failures to adjust in-game.

    The defense should have had it's best game in the Fangio era against that shit team with shit players outside of Erin. Instead they had one of their worst. And don't forget Fangio's vaunted D allowed 220 rush yards to the Packers last year in one game. Hold this staff accountable for coming out with the worst fucking game plan in the most important game of the season and then failing to adjust in-game. It's not all Fox. This entire staff is garbage. Sunday was the last straw. Fire Fangio.

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