10 guys in the box on first down. They know the run is coming. Frodo, how do you keep missing this?! How do you not change the damn play call?
Their DB doesn't play the pass.....holds the WR after the 3-5 yard cushion from scrimmage. But now the refs pocket the flags...... Makes me want to turn the damn TV off and go do something else. Good comeback catch by Inman here.
Wtf Just let it go and let Howard punch it in Fire this motherfucker and ask Jim Harbaugh if he is ready to come back to the NFL
Definitely out of bounds before the ball came loose. But whatever doesn't fucking matter this team is steaming pile of shit either way.
Haven't read the thread yet, but FUCK YOU FOX. I thought he was out, and then dickhead fucking announcer says oh oh oh he started to lose control. Fuck these refs. Fuck this team.