Bears vs Lions Game Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Keep in mind the Lions are one of the worst rushing offenses in the NFL. And without their starting RB.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    Looked like Trevathan broke his arm. Hope I'm wrong.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs


    QB keeper....a play call that doesn’t suck
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    No internal clock.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    How do you take that sack?

    that‘a fucking awful
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    That’s not even an internal clock problem

    it’s simply poor awareness and inability to make a decision because you’re playing scared
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    For fucks sake
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    If the defenders body wasn’t under Burtons leg his second foot probably touches
  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    So great they moved Whitehair to center

    how many bad snaps have we seen already?
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Very valid question.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    No doubt progress was made from last week to this. Last week: zero first downs in the first quarter. This week: one. Next week I'll be looking for two.
    patg006 and EvertonBears like this.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Just fucking awful

    I’m gonna go golfing
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    Trubs finally makes a good read and Gabriel drops it.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Hit him right in the hands. Pathetic.
  15. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    That's a good flag pickup, Jacksons allowed to go for that too.
    blang84 likes this.
  16. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Blatant facemask that Noquan got away with there.
  17. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I meant to write out a whole big thing the day after the trade deadline, but instead just settled for saying, "This year is over". That wasn't just related to Trubisky being our QB the rest of the year - it was that the defense, given no hope for the offense, was absolutely going to give up. We've seen this story before. One side of the ball doing enough to win games, the other side hopeless and the season clearly done for, both sides of the ball just quit and call it a year.

    This defense has talent. But it's not without its flaws, and when the team is headed to the dumpster, the players likely aren't going to playing hard enough to cover those flaws.

    The team has given up. Nagy, this is Trestman territory. And Pace - this is Emery territory.
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    This O-Line is a straight up joke.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Over here that's known as a hospital pass.
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    That was the right call. Thought he would sneak tho.

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