Houston benched Tom Savage for their 1st round pick. And without that penalty just now, that was looking like another 3 and out.
I keep missing the good stuff. Who stepped up??! No reason Gelnnon should be on the field. We had Hoyer, went with Giraffe for $15 mil and Buttfumble to hold a clipboard. Get someone else on the field. A couple good draft picks don't make up for disastrous roster management. And your only possible saving grace, as a GM, is sitting on the bench...
I keep missing the good stuff. Who stepped up??! No reason Gelnnon should be on the field. We had Hoyer, went with Giraffe for $15 mil and Buttfumble to hold a clipboard. Get someone else on the field. A couple good draft picks don't make up for disastrous roster management. And your only possible saving grace, as a GM, is sitting on the bench...
Haha, guess i'll pass on Skip & Shannon then. Shannon was a douche straight out the womb. Don't know much about that Skip character, thought maybe he'd be entertaining if he was insulting Shannon a lot, guess not. Thanks for saving me some wasted time fellas.
Holy shit, a throw to anyone other than Cohen! Whoo! I want Cohen involved as much as anyone else, but Glennon has to know someone else exists. Let's let Cohen have a longer career than just this season, huh?