They would've given it to him, anyway. They just have to get within two or three yards of the marker or endzone, and they'll get credit.
This guy's amazing. I wear my Hester jersey every game. This kid has the same kind of knack. I had a flashback to returns, on that direction change, coming back across the field. If he can bring that kind of instinct/ability to the offense... Wow.
Glennon has maybe the worst vision I've ever seen. Cohen is going to be a tired man this year. Glennon just stares him down. Howard, you animal. These two are gonna be insane.
YEEEESSSSS TD!!!! Wow Loggains, you may have found something there. Wildcat with Cohen and Howard back there, love it.
I liked the playcalling a lot on that drive. Even if it was the athletic ability of Cohen that made it happen.
Falcons were basically 50-50 run pass in that half. If Sarkesian has a brain he'll bump that pass number up to at least 66%.