ESPN owned by Disney = Fuck Star Wars owned by Disney = Double Fuck Bears owned by McCaskeys = Triple Fuck
The best $5 million this franchise could spend would be to Peanut Tillman to teach these idiots how to peanut punch.
How the hell does Fangio have any support from the fanbase? The only time we stop a team is when they stop themselves. Otherwise this D cannot get off the field and doesn't understand the concept of a turnover.
And in case your night hasn't already been ruined and you still had any hope for anything: Last 2 times #Bears had 2 points at the half: Tonight (Trubisky's Bears debut) 9/13/2009 (Cutler's Bears debut)
That play even caught the refs off guard so badly they didn't realize they should have thrown a flag on the Bears.
Does John Fox know how to add? Why the fuck would you kick the extra point to go down by ONE???!! Go for two for the tie, if you miss you still can win with a FG! Wtf is wrong with this guy???
Fox growing balls and going for the fake punt, only to play it safe and not go for 2, is the most John Fox thing I have ever seen in my entire life
There is no “safe” there. A FG STILL puts you ahead on the next possession. Made ZERO sense to kick an XP there. Zero.
The defense has realistically given up only 14 points so far. Not terrible. That run hurts but we you have street ILBs and backup safeties in there. breakdowns like that are inevitable when you're missing your top 4 ILB in a 3-4 defense and you're starting Amos + a rookie at safety. Sigh.