What was it that happened with Cooper? As usual, I was working all weekend. I can't believe someone let the Bears back their blind, broken asses into a win. Does anyone know if the Steelers were paid as part of a charity event to let Chicago win this one? If you're Howard or Cohen, you've got to be requiring a stipend from the rest of the offensive players, at this point. Each and every one of those motherfuckers should be chipping in to pay those guys what they deserve. The rest of them wouldn't have even earned the couple hundred bucks I made this weekend. If I'm Cohen or Howard, I'm knocking on Glennon's door and demanding they trade salaries. I mean, it has to be insulting to those guys, when a guy who is holding your offense back and making your job immensely more difficult (and further punishing your health) is being paid $15 million. At some point, suck as this team might, they're going to start to get pissed with Glennon. We saw the frustration with Cutler, as the season(s) wore on, can you imagine how the team must be feeling with Glennon already?
I think I might get fired for my reaction to that, at work. What a shit show. Man, am I glad I don't bother to watch the NFL, anymore. I mean, on top of Cooper doing one of the dumbest things anyone who has ever played the sport can ever do, despite being a highly paid professional, the play becomes a nightmare afterwards, with the refs having no idea how to handle things, players running into and out of the field/lockerrooms... I mean, I don't understand how you can do that, as a player. That's inexcusable. I just don't get it. And he said he thought he was in the endzone? I mean, fire him just for that bold-faced of a lie. That's ridiculous. Or, if he really did think he was in the endzone, fire him for being that stupid and unaware. Unreal. The Bears just have zero desire to win a game, apparently. I've watched pieces of four games, this year: Chicago's opener, Denver vs. Dallas, Miami vs. LA, and the highlight above from this past game. Denver vs. Dallas was an obviously superior team just being sure that the game ended in their favor - no fun/point in watching. Miami vs. LA was a case of two teams doing everything in their power to lose. At one point, LA had done everything right getting into position to kick a long field goal, and then proceeded (with no timeouts and 10 seconds left) to kneel the ball down in the middle of the field... They could've potentially spiked it, but their idiot kicker (who is playing football for the first time in his life, as he was a former trick shot artist) started running onto the field (seconds after having to be forced off the field, where he was taking practice kicks, burning more time off the clock). So, the game is clearly over - the Chargers have somehow wasted the opportunity to win the game with their own stupidity. Except, wait - Miami takes a timeout. I mean, you have to be fucking kidding me. But, of course, idiot kicker misses it anyway, for the second week in a row. Then, we have Chicago - a team so bad that the above video really shouldn't come as a surprise, in that they are inept enough to make anything possible. The opener wasn't awful, in that it was competitive. It was, however, two teams playing awfully. It wasn't good football - or, at least, from what I was able to piece together through the power going out. And then this game, apparently taking a cue from the Dolphins and Chargers a week before. And, somehow, the team you see fucking up in the video above won! I can't watch football, right now. Hell, the only football I want to watch is the UM v FSU game Thursday, and I'll be at a hockey game, for that. Stick a fork in me, kids - I'm done. The team got a win. Outside of avoiding a winless season, why do I still feel like shit, and hate the team at present? Oh, wait, that video. Oh, right.
Which is part of the reason why it broke my heart when he went to to the Jets. I mean, fuck, I wanted that guy to win and be rewarded at some point, in his career. We've been blessed with some amazing RB's, in Chicago, and so many of them have gotten the shit end of the stick. I hated seeing Forte wasted on a mediocre team (though I loved having him here), and was glad when he eventually got paid. Howard and Cohen, on the other hand, are going to be run so ragged by the time their first contracts are up that we may be holding funeral services, rather than contract negotiations.
Page 4 of the game thread has those of us still watching and our reactions to Cooper being a fucktard. BWW took it pretty well. I can still watch football, because I love the game. I love studying it, defensive schemes, offensive schemes, strategy, and everything in-between, even what's left of "fundamentals." I don't care that the NFL seems watered down by injuries left and right on top of already bad fundamentals and the inevitability for pretty much everybody who isn't a kicker or punter that CTE is in their future. Even when Goodell plays dumb on CTE, add in vastly inconsistent referees, the same teams making the postseason, fans and politicians miss the point on why Kaepernick/players take a knee during the anthem, and jagoffs like Clete Blakeman calling Tarik Cohen out of bounds when he wasn't on a 76 yard TD run in OT Pittsburgh had no answer to before Jordan Howard sealed it, and still I was expecting a flag--and the college game becoming quickly a one-trick pony sport that still institutionalizes for-profit slavery. Players play for "scholarships" while the companies--errr---universities profit off their jerseys, likeness, and anything else they can. And then there's "academic eligibility," which in and of itself is a joke these days. Just pay the damn kids and stop lying to everybody. I still love to watch the game. The quality of the game is down, and a year ago I put out an article how talent in the NFL has waned, badly. I still just like watching it, though I constantly have it on mute. Tony Romo taking over for Phil Simms makes a great difference, because by nature I love learning about the games (or in general, whatever I'm interested in) as much as I can, and Tony has shown competency in pointing out how plays work, how defenses shut down a great called play, and more. He's quickly becoming the Eddie Olczyk of the NFL, even though Eddie wont be calling NHL games this year with Foley or Doc, which is sad, because those of us who watch hockey know the eyesore with a voice for print in Pierre McGuire is going to be allowed to talk more, mixed in with some new idiot who isn't Eddie O. Speaking of hockey, no Jagr in south Florida? Booooo......you're not going to turn Lightning fan, are you DLine?
I agree with all of the above, Pat. I love the game - I have no love for the NFL or NCAA. I'll watch it in bits and pieces, if it's convenient, but I'm not going out of my way for it. Hell, I've been home for the Sunday/Thursday/Monday night games, and I've either had other plans or ignored them altogether. Hypothetically, if the Bears were an awesome team, I'd be watching them with every chance I had. But, I'd still hate the NFL, and those would be the only games I'd watch. I am glad to hear that Tony's providing that kind of insight to the game calls, and I'd love to hear it, so maybe I'll give that a chance if I'm free. The NFL did get one gigantic leap better with Simms leaving the booth. Also, I didn't know that about the NHL game callers, for this year - that's upsetting. I guess I'm glad I live in-market for the Panthers games. Can't stand the Lightning, Pat. I mean, it's nice to see FL hockey succeed when they do, but at the same time, division and state rivals, and all... The Panthers are in for a rough year. They're a fringe playoff team at absolute best. Two years ago they were on the way up, and last year they decided (for what reason I have no fucking clue) to take the direction of the team makeup in a complete 180. They completely overhauled their defensive makeup and approach, as far as the roster is concerned, but didn't have the coaching approach to go along with it. So, now they've got a roster full of mistakes and poorly spent money, with a defense that has problems playing defense. So as is the case in the NHL, if you make a significant roster mistake, you're going to have to spend the next year or two digging yourself out of that hole. That's where we are, right now. A team full of exceptional forwards is dismantled because they decided to take a good thing and muck it up the year prior. The real saving grace is the new coach - if he can bring a cohesive approach to the on-ice product and the roster makeup, we'll be alright. The problem is that those two things have been disconnected for the last year or two. It's a particular shame, because the same team on the same track from two years ago likely sees themselves as a serious threat, this year. As far as Jagr goes, he's getting up there, man. He doesn't have the speed to play on your top line. He'd be a fine 3rd or 4th line guy, but he wants to play on the first line, and no one is going to put him there. If he wants a smaller role, he has it anywhere he likes. But he wants to be the man, and he just doesn't have that in him, right now. Ah, well. My season tickets will still go to use. I'll be there for the first preseason game Thursday, if I'm able to get out of the office on time. Sorry, all - total derailment, here. Twice. My bad. Ignore me. Just a lot of sports to talk about, and so little time to do it. I'm pent up. Peace, all.
I read through the thread - I saw the reactions to Cooper. Usually I can tell what happened based on those reactions, or at least get an idea. This time, everyone was so pissed that I was just worried for Cooper's safety. I couldn't even tell what it was he did. No I realize why that was the case, and it was well justified.
I didn't know Jagr wanted to play top lines only--now I can see why Florida doesn't want him. The man otherwise is a treasure to watch when he's scoring on kids half his age or when he trolls some 20-something trying to extort him for money by sleeping with him (google that story for a laugh), and it looks like he's going back to the Czech Republic so he can play in the upcoming Winter Olympics, which NHL isn't letting players go to play. The Panthers interested me for some time, although full disclosure I don't follow them as religiously as I do the blackhawks (who have their own problems right now)--what happened to a couple years of Jonathan Huberdeau? He was an exceptional rookie, disappeared for a couple years, and last year I saw him resurrect his career. Dude just turned 24 too. But him, Barkov, Bjugstad, Ekblad, and a couple other really good younger players is a lot more than what other teams have. I still LOL when I see Roberto Luongo as your starting goalie. Nothing against the guy--he was a part of a Canucks team blackhawks fans hated for some years. And then he looked human/it changed in 09. A guy on a douchebag team led by two whiney, bitchy, Swedish twins who each deserved a broken neck and we hated for years choked. He looked like just another guy. He had some years--but man; good for him for staying around going on a decade later. I miss the Canucks and Red Wings as rivals. Hell the Kings too (granted that's more postseason hatred), though never as wild as when the hawks play the two former (and the kings gave a lot of bad contracts to players who did not age well). Anybody else just unable to get it up when the Hawks play the Blues? I think the NHL struck out trying to force this "rivalry." St. Louis needs it more than Chicago does. Same with Minnesota, another opponent I just dont care enough about to hate the way I did Vancouver or Detroit. And I wouldn't feel bad, the Hawks right now have to do a crazy balancing act with Kane and Toews blocking off 2/7 of their team salary. Bowman is trying to make it work, but paying both guys 10 mil per year, then seeing Toews suck with garbage on his line (hence the trade back for Saad to try and resurrect that) make me hate the salary cap era. I just hope they find a way to keep Hartman, and lose Brent Seabrook. Florida doesn't need a 33 year old shell of a defenseman that the entire league knows is slow and constantly is out of position, do they?
You're more optimistic than I. I wanted off that train 2 years ago when the Wild pantsed him in the outdoor game. He's slow, and constantly out of position. And its not a secret. Teams know this, and have altered game plans in attacking him. He had some damn good years, and was a guy who didn't take shit when little fuckers from Vancouver or Detroit started something or attacked Toews/Kane. Now? He makes 6.8 mil per year to be what teams target. That's too much.
I don't think he bothers to get into shape at all. He was a super clutch player at one time. And he's had a few of the most memorable goals in team history. But he falls far short of earning that salary. Toews hasn't produced enough offensively the last couple seasons but he still plays really good defense, wins faceoffs, and he's a leader on and off the ice.
Toews isn't a once in a generational player the way some people thought he was. He was on a garbage line with Panik, Hossa (when he wasn't out or old), and Hinistroza/garbage? He couldn't make Panik and Hinistroza look any better, and I got worried when I saw his numbers just take a dump last year and change. A big reason the Hawks traded back for Saad, that--and Hossa likely being done for his career with that skin rash disorder where his body cant process drugs/treatment to stop crazy rashes from sweat and pads. So Bowman is going to help Toews and make Kane carry a line, which shouldn't be hard to do as Arty Anisimov is a competent 2nd line center; and I'm sure Panarin's replacement will benefit if he can walk and chew gum at the same time. Seabrook, sadly I think his prime ended and he's got a tougher drop off in that than most players in terms of production. He's beat up for a 33 year old player, and it doesn't help that he still tries to play like 27 year old Brent Seabrook when he's nowhere near the same athlete. His offensive production is nice, just--I cringe when I see him on defense, near Crawford, and teams go to his half of the ice to form their chances. Crawford of course being the thankless constant making far less than goalies he's way better than.
I'm as big a Blackhawks fan as I am Panthers fan, it's just harder for me to follow them from down here as it is Florida. You'll find me at the Blackhawks-Panthers game down here wearing my Panthers jersey and Blackhawks hat, and cheering either way. The Blackhawks are in a not-dissimilar position as Florida in that there's been a lot of turnover, but in a case like Saad, the reason for the turnover is familiarity. If Toews can get back going, and the top two lines go back to being some of the most dangerous around, Crawford and an adequate defense can get you somewhere. I don't know if I see a Stanley Cup team, on paper, but there's a lot of time for team to figure themselves out, and show who they are. Watching Jagr down here has been awesome. I've been at every milestone game of his for the past two years, including the record-breaking goal. It was a shot that ricocheted off of him in front of the net and went in. They stopped the game and presented him a trophy, and asked him what it's been like - he said, "Well, when I dreamed of breaking this record, I always dreamed of some amazing goal, or a great assist. Instead, the puck just bounced off my ass and went in. So, I guess I'll take it". If he wanted to play in the NHL badly enough, any team would have him in their bottom 6, or their second line in a pinch. He's got all the strength and endurance to play down low and make plays with his stick across the ice. He just doesn't have the quicks to play with a threatening top line, nor does he always put his body on the line in situations you might ask any other player to (he'll shy away from contact if he feels it's not necessary - and sometimes he's very right, especially preserving himself at his age). He wants to play and get paid on the top line. He owns a team in the Czech Repub, if I remember right, and they've been making jerseys with his name and number on it. There's some speculation he plays there for the year and goes to the Olympics, with the rest of his future TBD. Huby has spent most of the last two years out with injury, at one time or another. He was knocked out for a couple months in the last preseason game, which was devastating. He's a warrior, though, and was just money as soon as he came back - game winning goal that night, if I remember right. I love the guy, and if he's healthy and his linemates are healthy, they're scary. I don't know who they're going to pair with Huby and Barkov, but having those two finally healthy together for the first time in a while is exciting. They're really dynamic together. Ekblad has a long way to go. The team's recent (misguided) focus on the D contributing to the offense as a top priority has thrown him - he's an awful defender, and spends way too much time trying to make offensive plays. He's great on the offensive end, but when you watch pucks go right past him for an easy score the other way... He's got a lot of growing up to do. I think he learned, last year, that Yandle shouldn't be his role model. I'm expecting big progress out of him this year, because while he's still very young, if it does't happen this year, the question of "when?" has to start being asked. Bjugy makes for a hell of a third line center. The position is really a strength for the organization. Trocheck on the second line (my personal favorite) has proven to be able to carry the team. Having our key forwards healthy is going to be imposing. The problem is that all of the talent we had on the wings is now gone. They may hit a home run with a couple contributing rookies/role players as well as signed vets, or our offense may flounder again. Lu is showing his age, no doubt. But Reimer is an average enough starter, in his own right, and improving. I expect Reimer and Lu to split 50/50 again, with Reimer potentially getting a bigger share. The problem is, Lu's contract basically means he's here until he doesn't want to be. The bigger problem is, the team has NO ONE in the tank. I mean, it's a graveyard. So, an average to below average Lu is still our best bet.
For a lot of different reasons, people are tuning out the NFL, the player protests, politics coming into the game, many bad teams, drug abuse by players, information coming out about concussions occurring, etc.
The game isn't going anywhere. I actually enjoyed it more when it wasn't shoved down my throat from every angle year round. It could use a little correction. It's built quite a lead over the other major sports in this country. Might be good if some of the other sports close the margin a bit.
Patg, I agree with you. I thought Tony Romo was going to be a trainwreck and I hope they don't try to change him into a talking head. Found his diagnosis of plays interesting and explanations of plays much more candid then most of his color counterparts.