I will do my best. There are some Packers fans over there that can be real bahstids - if you can believe that, so I will not target them.
Eh I'm not going to make any judgements. I mean ... look at the Bears fans here. Can it get much worse?
No one has seen them since CBS I think. Am I right? The fans here would love to have them come on board here. They could argue. And argue. And ... ad nauseum, ad infinitum.
Hey Toots I was cleaning out my old emails and came across a few from you way back when with these attachments the good ole days I would have PM'd you, but did not see that option what the........
That's SO cool Packerzzz!! Holy smokes I forgot all about those pictures! LOL we had some pretty fun times back on CBS huh? I've given Bww, Lombardincoke's email to see if he can convince him to come this way. Fingers crossed, he was a really good poster.
Good times gang stinging the Wolf Man LNC was a good poster and it would be nice to hear from him again
I'm gonna tie this thread to the site Twitter account so ya'll might get a couple of new Bears fans on here tonight!
Babyfan take the packers for one simple reason. Aaron Rogers 14-4 vs the bears lifetime(He has a higher winning percentage vs the bears than any other team played more than 5 times[he is undefeated vs the browns, chargers and raiders all 2-0 and 4-0 vs the rams]). Sure this packers teams has some questions but not as many as some of those teams he went 14-4 vs the bears. Also some of those Bears defenses during that time were pretty damn good yet not good enough to stop Rogers. Yes I know the Bears won last week and that has Bears fans thinking hey maybe we aren't that bad but they beat the Steelers who have managed to loose 9 games under Tomlin when favored by 7 or more. Its also a Thursday night game and road teams have a pitiful record for Thursday games (yeah I eneded up giving you more than one reason but the first one is still the best one).
I really don't see how the Bears can beat the Packers. I'd suspect they'd be smart enough to go and watch the Tampa game and then compare it to the Steelers game to see what worked and what didn't. Still can't understand why the Steelers didn't feel that just stacking the box and making Glennon throw wasn't the right game plan... I don't think this will be close. Hope Im eating crow in 4 hours...
Not sure who watched the Steelers game and thought they aren't that bad. Maybe for the D but certainly not the offense. One was also when the Packers committed a penalty on every other play. The ended with like 19.
Be wary, brother, lest by mentioning his name, you summon Jprin here from whatever Bieber fanboard he lurks on currently.
Over/Under for the game 1) Glennon throws 27.5 passes 2) Cohen rushes for 53.5 yards 3) Howard Rushes the ball 21.5 times 4) Rodgers throws 2.5 TDs 5) Bears score 16.5 points in regulation time 6) Bears turn ball over 1.5 times 7) Packers sack Glennon 2.5 times 8) Glennons QB rating for game is 80 9) Packers called for 4.5 less penalties than Bears 10) Trubisky throws .5 passes Bonus: Receptions by Bears WR's = 4
Over/Under for the game 1) Glennon throws 27.5 passes - Under 2) Cohen rushes for 53.5 yards - Over 3) Howard Rushes the ball 21.5 times - Over 4) Rodgers throws 2.5 TDs - Over 5) Bears score 16.5 points in regulation time - Over 6) Bears turn ball over 1.5 times - Under 7) Packers sack Glennon 2.5 times - Under 8) Glennons QB rating for game is 80 - Under 9) Packers called for 4.5 less penalties than Bears - Under 10) Trubisky throws .5 passes - Over? meaning he throws more than 1 pass? EDIT - oops, didn't realize that said Trubs. UNDER Bonus: Receptions by Bears WR's = 4 - Over - Giraffe cannot duplicate that kind of ineptitude 2 consecutive weeks
1) Glennon throws 27.5 passes - Under 2) Cohen rushes for 53.5 yards - Over 3) Howard Rushes the ball 21.5 times - Over 4) Rodgers throws 2.5 TDs - Over 5) Bears score 16.5 points in regulation time - Under 6) Bears turn ball over 1.5 times - Over 7) Packers sack Glennon 2.5 times -Under 8) Glennons QB rating for game is 80 - Under 9) Packers called for 4.5 less penalties than Bears - Over 10) Trubisky throws .5 passes- Under Bonus: Receptions by Bears WR's = 4 - Under