Bears 'optimistic' Roquan Smith will be in camp soon

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by News Desk, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. chitown king Special Teams Bears

    Would somebody slip the bellboy a 20 so we can get this dead hooker loaded in the trunk already?

    I cut up and bagged the body two pages ago and the smell is starting to leach into the furniture.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  2. Still ducking and dodging my real point.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders must be your hero.
  3. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I was thinking about the Roquan situation driving in this morning - this is not a situation that is going to end in compromise. One side is going to have to give. Realistically, this could go into perpetuity. Look, the next kid they draft is going to want the same assurances in their contract. It's not like the dam is never going to break - the Bears just want to delay it / not be at the very front. Fuck it - give the kid what he wants, get him in camp. When this all comes up again next year, we'll all really wish they had just gotten it over with right away, and had him in camp. At some point, you've got to weight damage to the team / potential damage of language in the contract. Right now, the team is suffering, and so is this kid's future with it.
    babyfan likes this.
  4. From what I understand, the Bears have given him what he wants concerning on-field penalties. Now his agents are pushing to get him protection from off field bullshit he might do. Which I would rather the bastard never sign and drop back into the draft next year rather than see the Bears give in to that.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Aahahahaha. You are so butt-hurt. This is hilarious.

    I couldn't agree more, this is the funniest thread on the site. You've been laid bare for all to see, and yes, it is priceless. I'm just glad it happened on our board for all the guys to see and not the main board where some of em might've missed it.

    And the fact you're now desperately scrabbling around trying to come up any kind of comeback is only making this sweeter. "Oafish idiots" ooooooohh! Careful you don't tear your pajamas swinging that feather pillow so hard.

    Don't worry about the comedy gold, i don't have to be done humiliating you. Are you ready to talk football knowledge now? Would you like me to share with the group the very first thing i ever saw you say on this site? Its pretty good.

    Take a moment, i gave you the chance to walk last time and now a lot of people know just what a bet welching little biatch you are. Any further embarrassment you feel will be brought entirely on yourself.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Exactly man, that is my understanding too.

    Fuck Smith and fuck his ridiculous demands for off-field protection. Besides, if he was to get that how do you stop others getting it? How soon do you lose control of the team when you are so powerless to enforce discipline?

    It is a MUST that the Bears don't back down. And if that means tossing him back then so be it. Watch his draft stock plummet next year if he continues the same way. I wonder how much those off-field guarantees will mean to him when he's making 3rd-4th round money.

    FWIW i don't think either Pace or ownership would have the balls to see it thru like that, i see them folding before week 1. But its what id rather see them do instead of giving in to those demands.
  7. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    I don't think its Smith so much as his agents. I'll play devil's advocate.

    Smith has a history of clean behavior off-field, albeit being an idiot when it comes to his playbook Ipad and other important belongings in an unlocked car, so I don't exactly know.

    Now I can't prove it, but I think next CBA is going to get ugly (another can of worms, but I expect a long holdout over guaranteed money and rule making), and I think this is an aggressive agent testing the water against the perfect target. Because if you were an agent, which team would you think would be a good idea to punk with something like "hey, if my client gets caught beating his girl or drugs, let him keep his guaranteed money"?

    A perpetually silent front office with a team that's been bad for the past years. That's who you'd punk.

    Also, this "rumor" came from Trib writer David Haugh, who's an idiot. Nobody else has corroborated said rumor, not Rapaport, not Schefter, hell not a lot of local guys short of him. Those echoing the sentiment is from other websites who reference Haugh. If it were about that, you'd think national writers and the national media would have a field day with it.

    Now if its true, Smith does himself no favors by not saying "hey, let me sign."
  8. firehalo Guest

    Can’t stay off my jock, I see.
  9. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    If thats code for repeatedly rubbing your nose in your own shit, then yes, i "can't stay off your jock".

    And frankly frankie, its gonna stay that way, cos skull fucking you is fun.

    Cue dad joke from firehalo in 3,2,1.....
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Thats an interesting theory. And if it were true then yes a team like the Bears would make some sense.

    I also think the next CBA is gonna be ugly.

    There's a lot worse Chicago media than Haugh imo. Its all well and good suggesting this is largely made up by Haugh, but then explain what the hold up is? If its not this then why isn't Smith in camp? Until i hear something more plausible or better substantiated this is the explanation.

    Im glad you said that, cos the old "its not the player its his agent" excuse means zero to me. Smith is the client in that relationship, Smith calls the shots.

    Urlacher made it very clear to his agent when he was drafted that he wasn't missing TC, no matter what. I really don't give a chit what the sports agents real motive is behind this, its irrelevant. Smith is responsible for this situation.
  11. firehalo Guest

    Is Smith really responsible? What’s in the language of his contract? Until someone knows that, this is all hyperbole... regarding blame anyway. Urlacher era is a bit different from today. I’ll bet a few sheckels that the contracts’ language looks considerably different versus a contract from 18-20 years ago.
  12. firehalo Guest

    Skull fucking me? Not feelin’ it. Condolences to yer ol’ lady... or man (I honestly don’t know). And I don’t judge in that regard either. You’re ok, I’m ok.

    And I’m not “dad joke” prone due to me electing to save the world from a mouthy li’ spawn from hell that will insult you to the point of making you cry yourself to sleep in a (hopefully) fluffy pillow. That could change though... my gf may want kids somewhere down the line. So let me fix that for ya... dad joke in 1,2,3 ... years? You’re welcome.
  13. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Keep the discussion on sports and drop this juvenile chest-beating macho crap.

    This is beyond stupid ffs.
  14. firehalo Guest

    I didn’t untrack the discussion. Wanna point of reference?
  15. Still using Trump’s 3rd grade response “HE STARTED IT, WAHHH”. You must be a big fan of him.
  16. firehalo Guest

    Ask your homie Everton. He seems to understand my politics. He brought it up in the Roquan discussion. Remember?
  17. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Dude, please keep the politics out of it too. It gets tiresome when you come here to read about football and have to see that stuff. Just asking nicely - please, if you want to talk politics do it on a politics board. Thanks man.
    firehalo likes this.
  18. chitown king Special Teams Bears

    If I say that the dead hooker has the same broken condom attitude as Roquan Smith would that be football related?

    Because I'm pretty sure if I call him a low football IQ fuck stick social justice wish she was a warrior lady of the night with a need to seek out a free clinic it probably doesn't qualify.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  19. chitown king Special Teams Bears

    If the hold up is language around protecting Cockquan if he gets in trouble off the field then they should refuse to sign him and let him go back into the draft pool next season.

    No one be protected from their own stupidity.
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Sure, thats why you keep coming back making whiny "Ev came at me" & "Ev made it personal" wah wah bitchouts. Because your not feelin it. Keep telling yourself that.


    I never said you were a dad, i don't give a F if you are or not. I said you make dad jokes. That was me insulting the quality of your chat/smacktalk. Urban dictionary it you stupid motherfucker haha.

    "He started it he started it WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!"

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