Bear Down Fantasy League

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    On a side note is anyone doing a best ball league this year? I'm going to do one but I'd like to know if anyone has done it before. I'm sure I'll have to change my draft strategy somehow.
  2. I don’t even know what a best ball league is.
  3. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Essentially you draft your league and never touch it again. No trades, no waiver wire, no free agents, and your weekly lineup is always your highest scoring players for that week. It's weird but it puts a HUGE emphasis on having a great draft.
  4. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    A colleague of mine did ten of them last year (really as working out mock drafts for his real team) and ended up winning 3 of the leagues.
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'll be honest with you, this is precisely the only kind of league I think I'd be able to participate in, right now. That sounds like a fun way to see if you've got supreme drafting skill (or bad luck), without any of the time or responsibility invested over the course of the season. Is it as meaningful as an actual league? Hell, no. But it definitely sounds interesting for people like me that, on Thursday afternoon, realize they forgot to make a waiver claim, change their lineup, etc.

    Sorry for not being able to participate, all. Just too much going on. Gonna ease myself back into football proper this year, and maybe see if fantasy is on the horizon for me next year. Based on the participants, it seems like it'll be another great, competitive season for you all. Of course, based on the participants, it looks like I'd come in and kick ass again, but... I'll defer.
  6. MFL ( our new site ) has an option to put in your cell phone and it will text you reminders to set waiver claims, check your injuries, starting lineup, etc.

    Sorry, the Pimp can’t let you go without a fight :cool:
    babyfan and tunafat like this.
  7. Alrighty. A 10 man league it is. Changing some settings to accommodate having fewer teams.
  8. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

  9. babyfan likes this.
  10. That does sound interesting, but I got super burned out on fantasy a couple of years back, and I'm really trying not to let it happen again.

    But damn, other than the draft, there's nothing left to it?

    Alright, you twisted my arm... if you do set one up and need an owner to fill a spot, I'll do it.
  11. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    If its free Id be interested in a league like that.
  12. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Thanks 3rd, it's a one- time thing I promise :)
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    I vote for the email draft style. Damn hard to get everyone to agree to a time, especially with Ev now too old to pull all-nighters these days.
  14. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Likewise. If it helps, I already know who I want #1 so we can get this started.
  15. Mongo_76 Guest

    Emails may be easier as I am in the UK and Asia over next couple weeks. But Im OK either way as long as I'm not on a plane.
  16. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I'm open to whatever works for everyone.
    babyfan likes this.
  17. Ok, then. I'm scheduling an email draft to start 8AM EST on Saturday.

    I'm shamelessly copying Tim's format, which has gone swimmingly.

    Timer will be 8 hours, and will pause between 10 PM and 8 AM EST.

    Good luck, gentlemen! :vik:
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    The funny part is i actually read this post at about 3.45am. So should've dropped a post back saying hi with the time stamp, dammit.

    Open goal missed, but in my defense, it was the middle of the night.

    Also, i prefer doing real-time draft cos they're way better. But if it keeps people from having to auto-draft then happy to do email draft.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    That actually sounds great. The draft is by far the best part of FF, waivers can be a grind as the season goes on.

    But what do you do about injured players? Isn't the team which gets the most lucky with injuries the most likely to win at the end? Or do you have a larger sized bench to compensate for this?
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Whats the draft order?

    Also is that this Saturday(tomorrow)? You're gonna make me do an all day email draft on my wedding anniversary. Yep, im gonna be popular....
    babyfan likes this.

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