Bear Down Fantasy League

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    I'm in.
  2. Blang - confirmed - need email
    BWW - confirmed - need email
    Duece - is he around anymore?
    EvertonBears - confirmed - need email
    Mongo - confirmed - need email
    acrazyfool- confirmed
    Tunafat - confirmed
    Scotty - haven't seen him post in years
    3rdGen - confirmed

    my waiting list
    Boonie - mia?
    Aggie - mia?
  3. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    This is when these members were last seen on the site:

    @vvarder was last here on July 5th 2018
    @Deuce was last here on September 18th 2017
    @Go Bearsssss was last here on March 21 2018
    Scotty was here last on April 27 2016
    @aggie16 was last here on November 19th 2017
    @Boonie120HB was last seen on June 4th 2013
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Call missing persons
  5. Thank you for looking that up.

    In that case, I’d better throw it open now then.

    Blang - confirmed - need email
    BWW - confirmed
    EvertonBears - confirmed - need email
    Mongo - confirmed - need email
    acrazyfool- confirmed
    Tunafat - confirmed
    3rdGen - confirmed

    5 spots open. Mongo might be/is? offering playoff tickets to our winner!
  6. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    3rdGen, if you end up not having enough people for your league you can count on me as a last resort. I have never played something like this and I'm almost completely daft about football and players and teams and well ... everything but if you need me I will be there.
  7. I appreciate the offer and we’ll see. The kind a league I’m trying to build here I’m hoping for stiffer competition... uh...

  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    In other words No Mexicans!
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    <glares at tuna>

    I totally get it 3rd ... I'm just saying if you don't get enough people to run it I would help out by joining. I'm not any kind of competition, never mind stiff LOL
    tunafat likes this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Yeah like a chick has never done that to me before.
    <<<tuna glaring back>>>
    babyfan likes this.
  11. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    <glares right back at him>

    I've probably had more practice doing this than you have tuna ... maybe you should surrender right now?

    Hee Haw.

    Is that better than LOL?
    tunafat likes this.
  12. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Give your competition Viagra, that should make them stiffer.
  13. And I wasn’t dogging you in particular. I type Lol all the time too without it being really true. But I did genuinely lol at Tuna there
  14. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Later tonight, I'll email everyone on the short list to see if they are interested.

    If you come up one short and need an extra to fill in, I'll throw my hat in the ring.
  15. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    It was during that last season with this league that I just quit fantasy sports altogether. I have so little free time in my life, and stressing out about fantasy football was killing me. I have to admit, I've been a lot happier without it. I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back into it - we're having to move houses at the last minute, and finding a new place has been stressful, given our living situation. I want to say that I'll have a better idea once we're done moving, but realistically, this league will be drafting by then.

    So, for now I'm going to have to regretfully bow out, but I'll be thinking about it in the coming weeks, seeing if maybe I can squeeze out the time for it, and not stress myself out because I lost to one of you giant assholes. I have to say, playing with you all was a lot better than any other league I've been a part of, so if I'm gonna get back into it, it'd be here.
  16. Groovy, thanks brother
  17. Two years ago I cut down to one league, my main... I was crazy burned out, and a friend of mine even took over my main for that year so I could completely relax. Last year I ran my league again, but it was still the only league I was in.

    The break was fantastic, but it was amazing how little interest I had in the NFL when I wasn’t in a lot of fantasy football.

    So, this year I joined one of Tim’s dynasty leagues, and I’m getting this one going again. Holding the line at these three so I don’t get burned out again. I really want to see this Bears league last a long time.
  18. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Interesting to hear you had a similar experience, man. I felt like a pariah amongst my friends - they still call me at the start of the season and try to goad me into playing. But I found the exact same thing - a lot more relaxation, a lot less general interest in and knowledge of the league and players in it. I might've well as not been paying attention these past two seasons.

    Let me think it over, as we figure out this moving situation - it would be good to get to play with you all again, and keep the legacy going. Hell, I was the first trophy winner, if I remember right. And I think we had the league going prior to the trophy, and I won a season back then. Maybe I'm misremembering that last part. But, shit, I feel like I've been playing fantasy football with you assholes forever. Would be tough to give that up indefinitely...
  19. Here’s our new site, check it out

    Just try it, you’ll like it.... I am the fantasy PIMP after all :cool:
  20. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    The last couple of years I've been the same way, I haven't followed the league like I have in the past hell I didn't even know who, where, or when the Bears were playing the following week. but as I approach this season apprehensively I can't seem to ignore the buzz this team is creating. A solid defense going into the year despite all the injuries on that side of the ball, and Fangio returning. They still have an unproven offense but no question whom the QB will be, a new head coach, a new offensive philosophy this season, and a few weapons that will leave opposing defenses perhaps reluctant to stack the box.
    So I guess you could say I'm apprehensively intrigued. You could say my Defcon level has been lowered slightly.

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