Bear Down Fantasy Football

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Also 3rdGen, how is the waiver order determined? Im 8th despite having the 2nd worst record in the league. Last week i was like 6th or 7th. Surely that should be recalculated each week based either your relative points total or win-loss record. I believe thats how it works on espn ff.
  2. People make weird transaction moves all the time. I didn’t even notice until today when I wanted to bench Wilson and was looking at FA QBs. I was somewhat surprised Cam made it past the waiver wire, but in a small league, it’s not uncommon finding FA studs.

    I really don’t mind moving him back to your roster, I’ll find another FA stud :razmataz:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2018
  3. It’s a rolling waiver. It does not reset every week. If you make, and receive, a waiver claim, you move to the bottom of the waiver list. If you make no waiver claims, and other people do, then you move up higher on the list. I was 3rd in waiver claims, I think, this week because last week I made none, so everyone else that did got bumped to the bottom, pushing me up the list.

    It’s a more strategic waiver system.
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Seems like you enjoy that Leave it to Bieber award, but don't get to used to it because now that Ingram is back Kamara will start putting up RB numbers instead of QB numbers.
    I found out about the IR one week too late I could of put Mixon on it and I wouldn't of dropped Njoku when I tried to pick him back up I got Pimped, so I said okay I picked of Tyler Eifert but then he proceeded to break an ankle. Lost a chance at McDonald this week and got the Swaim whom will be the next Jason Witten because things happen for a reason. :smokey:
  5. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    For next year I'd push to change the waiver process. I saw Calvin Ridley was dropped last Thursday and put in a claim that morning but he was locked for a full week. Still not likely to have got him, but seems crazy to me that a player dropped on a Thursday is locked up for the whole week.

    3rd, thanks for running this. I'm sure it's super fun dealing with our bitching.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  6. I set it up that way to help keep waivers consistent. All players, no matter when they are dropped, are available on the following waiver Thursday. It gives everyone an equal chance at every player. A locked period of just a couple days means that owners that have the free time to constantly monitor the league will get a jump on those players over owners that have busier lives and don't have time to constantly check.

    I don't mind the bitching, I've been running leagues a long time and heard it all. I get it... and when I'm in a league, I do the same thing. Everyone just wants the best for the league.
  7. Pat is the week 5 Terminator of the week, his 3rd in the first 5 weeks!
    Hasta La Vista, babies

    Deuce, again, is the Bieber of the week in week 5, his 4th in the first 5 weeks. Been doing fantasy for 26 years, and I’ve never seen a team start off this bad, brother.
    Then he saw his team, now he’s a Bilieber!
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Amazes me that between OBJ and Julio I have a total of 1 REC TD in 10 games.

    And somehow I've still beaten 3 of you bitches.
  9. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Thanks for keeping my chair warm, Bww.....

    6 of Drew Brees' remaining 11 games are in a dome. I'm pretty good with that.
  10. I’m calling it already. Tonight’s game can’t stop...

    Acrazyfool from being acrazyTerminator of the week in week 6 with the highest score of the year!
    Hasta La Vista, babies

    And Deuce, AGAIN, is the Bieber of the week in week 6. That’s 1,2,3,4,5 Biebers in the first 6 weeks. Maybe try golf instead? :foil:
    Then he saw his team, now he’s a Bilieber!
    babyfan likes this.
  11. Acrazyfool is acrazyTerminator of the week in week 7, his 2nd in a row.
    Hasta La Vista, babies

    Duece is our.... sorry, habit.
    Duece ALMOST got a win!
    Boonie is our week 7 Bieber of the week. Rough week (and year) for one of the highest scoring teams in the league.
    Then he saw his team, now he’s a Bilieber!
    acrazyfool likes this.
  12. Duece, and Ev, you both know... that big orange O next to your player's names means they're Out for the week, right?

    babyfan likes this.
  13. Duece, seriously, bro. You picked up a guy on IR and played him last night...

    wtf? Are you trying set a record for Bieber awards?
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  14. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Sorry about posting here. I almost spit out my coffee on that one
  15. Ev, you quitting?

    3rd week in a row, haven’t changed your starting lineup, got bye week players starting
  16. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Was on holiday for nearly 3weeks. Enjoying my time touring the Greek Islands or playing ff........ im sure i don't need to go on.

    Team is set now.
  17. Ah, groovy. How'd it go with the waitress?
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Depends on how we judge success.

    Im def not gonna have to worry about court ordered DNA tests or paying Greek child support any time soon. So there's that.

    Glad i got my team set tho, just in time to slap the Jamesons taste out of bww's mouth. And that takes a big slap.
  19. Mongo_76 Guest

    Well... Gurley deciding to not put the ball in the endzone to go up by 2 scores on the Packers with 50 seconds left just cost me the win this week... WTF was that?
  20. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Stupid. If he scores there is no time for them to come back

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