Bear Down Fantasy Football

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I'm fine with it....the only issue I see is the waiver wire will be pretty barren.
  2. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I'm good with 2 QBs. :) I had 2 of the top scoring QBs pretty much the entire regular season.
  3. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    I'm also good with 2 QBs. I'd prefer one as a SuperFlex and not just two QB slots. That way you don't HAVE to start a shit QB on a bye week.
  4. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Also why start 2 TE? There's only about 10 in the league that are worth a shit. The 20th TE is pretty much going to get you squat.
  5. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Wait..... Ignore everything I just said. My mind wasn't thinking 8 teams. I was thinking 10 teams.
  6. blang84 Legend Bears

    Still waiting on 3 teams to join: Ev, Mongo, Vvarder. Are we good with a Monday draft?
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    If im actually gonna take part in this then the Beiber shit goes. I took more than my share of licks with that last year for you guys to have a league, add in the fact its now 8 team which ive never played, and apparently 2 QB which ive def never played, and.... well you get the picture.

    Are you doing an email draft like last year blang? Cos if its some late night EB has to autodraft thing, then my incentive just narrowed further.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Ev I don't want to force you to participate if you don't want. I'd also prefer an email but right now we're still missing 3 teams and unless they all signed up tonight and we started the email draft tonight, it seems unlikely we could finish the draft by Thursday given how many rounds we have.

    To a larger point (and not to guilt trip), it's been hard enough getting 8 people to want to participate, in years past we always had 12 with several others on the waiting list. Either interest in the Bears or fantasy (or both) is dying and it just seems like this is not going work out for this year. Not giving up just yet but will soon...
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Sorry been away guys. Signed up. If I can't make the draft I'll auto-draft. 2 QBs will make that interesting.
  10. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    If we do get to do this thing I'm pretty sure I'll be on auto draft, which is fine.
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I know there's only 8 teams but those rosters are massive. There's at least 1, maybe 2 too many players in the starting lineup.

    There has to be more decent players for the waiver wire or guys who have a bad aurodraft will be screwed.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    No one asked your opinion, shut up.
  13. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Get your tickets to the Best Bears Battle right here!!

    You'll see none other than the reigning Champ Everton Bears and the irrepressible Bww facing off in the ring!!
  14. blang84 Legend Bears

    Still waiting on Mongo to sign up, then we can schedule the draft.
  15. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Sitting around waiting for @Mongo_76 to sign up
    Mongo_76, blang84 and BearsWillWin like this.
  16. Mongo_76 Guest


    Im signing up.

    Really sorry guys. I know this is going to be seen negatively by some, but my world since the 2016 election has been chaotic. the HF industry is in a semi-berzerk state. And while I grew accustomed to travelling a shit ton, I am now travelling weekly to every corner of this planet. If I plan to retire in a few years, I really have to take advantage of a once in a life-time economy...
    blang84, BearsWillWin and tunafat like this.
  17. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    and not a moment too soon. ;)
    blang84 and Mongo_76 like this.
  18. Mongo_76 Guest

    2 days before kick-off. PLENTY OF TIME....:cheers:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2019
    tunafat likes this.
  19. blang84 Legend Bears

    Draft is set for 7pm EST tomorrow. Draft order will be randomized 1 hour prior to draft. Should you absolutely insist on a separate draft time, you have 21 hours to speak up.
    tunafat likes this.
  20. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Blang first off thanks for stepping up to do this shit you are Da man.
    I'm cool with it I have it set on auto-draft. I just need to adjust the board at some point before then as I didn't think it was going to happen.
    Now just to clear we're using TWO QB's I have to set up for autodraft as tomorrow night is tequila night with my girlfriend and just to be clear as much as I like you guys you just don't do some things for me, and also to be even more clear nor would I want you to. :uhuh:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019

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