Bear Down Fantasy Football

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by 3rdGenBearsFan, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. It ain’t over yet, confident bastard.

    Bye week stung me a bit. And picking up Parkey. Picking up the Bills D made me look good though.

    I’ll see you again in the playoffs.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    From twitter:

    HC Matt Nagy on whether Bears will consider trying out kickers this week after Cody Parkey hit the upright four times: “There’s zero chance of that.”

    Yuck. Zero accountability. So I guess we'll have to wait till we lose a critical late season game before we even consider cutting that fuck.
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    Meant to post that on the game thread...
  4. Boonie gets the week 10 Terminator of the week, with the highest score of the year. His 2nd, as he makes a push for the playoffs. Shoulda just given it to him last Friday :bravo:
    Hasta La Vista, babies

    Ev gets his 3rd consecutive Bieber, in a Bieb y Bieber battle with Deuce for most shite team of the year.
    Then he saw his team, now he’s a Bilieber!

    10 weeks in, and the league has had only 3 owners win Bieber awards, with Deuce and Ev hogging 9 of them. I’m sure the rest of the owners rest easier knowing those 2 guard and protect us from the horrors.
  5. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I think there has only been 1 or 2 weeks where either the Terminator or Bieber didn't come from my matchup.
  6. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Goddamn it Ev, another week of this shit? Do you need someone to manage your team for you, heh?
    EvertonBears likes this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Well it does make it harder when the commish hawks your best player :PC:

    Better strap in buddy, you've got another two months of seeing this pretty face everytime you log on!
    vvarder and babyfan like this.
  8. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I never bothered to check on this at the time, cos tbh i didn't really give a F. But i thought id set a team this week and had a player i wanted to put on the taxi squad.

    So, i see what you mean in your instructions above. Now, can you tell me 3rdGen, why there would be the option to drop a player from your roster entirely when the page you're on is the "taxi squad" page? It is a very specific tab under the "owners" menu. Also under the owners menu is another very specific tab called "drop players"(!). There is literally no need, or sense, to having the option to drop players from your roster entirely, from the taxi squad page.

    Now you're right that i didn't read the confirmation box properly. I assumed it was just a standard confirmation of the transaction i was on that page to perform. Silly me.

    So one morale here is always double check the confirmation box. But that doesn't answer my question. Why is there even the facility to drop players entirely on the taxi squad page when there is a completely separate drop down for "drop players"?
  9. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    I saw this/agree last week or two when I tried to "taxi squad" one of my guys on a bye. If you don't look carefully, you'll drop someone--but it does scream the question "if i'm going to deactivate a guy for a bye/injury week, why do I have an option to cut him on the same page I essentially deactivate him?" I believe a few guys have done it in the league so far; its how I've/some have gotten hands on some guys who have no business being FAs/dropped in a money league (either that or some of you just suck at fantasy football/numbers). I don't think that's on our commish, that's the website.

    This website, while not bad--is certainly for the advanced fantasy player, and something tells me we're barely scratching the surface of what can be done on the website. If you're a standard espn or yahoo fantasy--this it's flat out sensory overkill, we're long past overload. In the future, I obviously want to stick around in the league--but my vote is going back to the simplistic. Especially when we have a fee/upcharge for using this website.

    And Ev, I cant help but believe you have an undisclosed affection for the canadian heartthrob, seeing as how you love his av.
    blang84 likes this.
  10. blang84 Legend Bears

    Agree with this.

    Also, and I'm sure this has been explained somewhere on the thread but I'm too lazy to go back through, but what exactly is the "taxi squad'?
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Exactly. But its worse than that. Not only is the option to cut a player on the taxi squad page when it shouldn't be, but the cut option is actually more obvious than the taxi option! Thats just flat out fucking dumb.

    Anyone else tried to taxi their Kicker and not been able too, haha? The site won't let you cos you have to have 1 player at each position on your roster. So unless you carry 2 Kickers on your squad every week, which im gonna go out on a limb and say no one does(!), you can't taxi your kicker until you've added another kicker. But to do that you have to first drop another player or you exceed your max number of players! Hilarious.

    Oh no, its horrific. And im talking from a professional standpoint now as well as a player's. Im not a web designer, but a guy on my payroll is as that forms part of my business. Web design was also a minor of mine in college. This site is exceptionally badly designed, which is a shame cos playing on a Bears themed ff site is a really cool idea.

    Maybe advanced players do better with it, thats not me tho i was always here to make up the numbers heh. When aggie comes back he might want to play. Aggie is a good ff player.

    This multiple bieber winner is currently beating you tho buddy : ))))
  12. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Fun fact. Y'all let Drew Brees fall to me in the 5th round.

    And bww may own you, but you're my bitch this week.
  13. There is. If you pick up an extra player to fill the roster spot you clear by putting a player on your taxi squad, your roster is full. Next week, when you have to move the taxi squad player back to your active roster, you must drop a player to make room for that.
  14. Yeah, as a league commissioner, the flexibility and options it gives me are almost endless. I can adjust the page layouts however I like.

    I particularly like how it keeps statistics forever, in 10 years you can look back and see how your all time series record is against every other owner, etc.
  15. Yeah, I’ve complained to the site every year about this... ( my main league has been on the site for almost 10 years). For some reason, the way they have it set up, a player on your taxi squad is not officially part of your roster.

    I could remove the roster minimums, that would prevent you from having to have a kicker on your roster at all, but in leagues I’ve run in the past, some people have used that as a competitive advantage... cutting their kicker and picking up an extra skill position player, and then waiting until gametime Sunday to decide who to cut to get a kicker.
  16. If the majority of folks feel that way... but I’d really rather stick here. I knew at the outset that there was a learning curve involved on this website, but I’m hoping by the end of this year people have gotten acclimated to it. I’ll eat the site fee myself if that’s a block for everyone too.
  17. Pat gets his... Fifth Terminator? That can’t be right...
    Hasta La Vista, babies

    And Mongo, as much we appreciate the playoff tix for the league, it doesn’t mean you get out of week 11’s Bieber!
    Then he saw his team, now he’s a Bilieber!
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I like the site but damn is it hard to find the live scoring results on my phone. You would think developers would make easier access and not bury it within a maze of windows.
  19. There’s a phone app for it
  20. Mongo_76 Guest

    Packers playing thursday boned me. was definitely ging to star Rogers over Trubisky. Logged in too late to make the chang.

    Cost me a win and made me a bieber.
    babyfan likes this.

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