Babyfan's 9th Annual Pickems Contest - Weekly Results and Year to Date

Discussion in 'Babyfan's NFL Pickem Contest' started by Campbell, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

  2. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    SPress likes this.
  3. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    The above are your revised Leader Boards.
    SPress and Catfish like this.
  4. Catfish Guest

    u get -5 for asking a silly question and causing trouble. it's 10 for winning it you boob !
  5. Patschamp Franchise Player Patriots

    Week 11

    Thurs Nov 16th

    Tennessee Titans vs Pittsburgh Steelers

    Sun Nov 19th

    Detroit Lions
    vs Chicago Bears

    Jacksonville Jaguars
    vs Cleveland Browns

    Baltimore Ravens vs Green Bay Packers

    Arizona Cardinals vs Houston Texans

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Miami Dolphins

    Los Angeles Rams vs Minnesota Vikings

    Kansas City Chiefs
    vs New York Giants

    Washington Redskins vs New Orleans Saints

    Buffalo Bills vs Los Angeles Chargers

    Cincinnati Bengals vs Denver Broncos

    New England Patriots vs Oakland Raiders

    Philadelphia Eagles vs Dallas Cowboys

    Mon Nov 20th

    Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks

    MNF Score: 20-17
    babyfan likes this.
  6. CBBLUE Starter Cowboys

    Well! That fixed that! THANKS!!!!!
  7. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Well, that didn't help me at all! Doggonit!
  8. Week 11

    Thurs Nov 16th

    Tennessee Titans vs Pittsburgh Steelers ........YAHOO the Old AFC Central game

    Sun Nov 19th

    Detroit Lions vs Chicago Bears

    Jacksonville Jaguars
    vs Cleveland Browns

    Baltimore Ravens vs Green Bay Packers ........Pack could still make the playoff's

    Arizona Cardinals vs Houston Texans

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Miami Dolphins

    Los Angeles Rams vs Minnesota Vikings

    Kansas City Chiefs vs New York Giants .......Giants have to Fire the Coach

    Washington Redskins vs New Orleans Saints

    Buffalo Bills vs Los Angeles Chargers

    Cincinnati Bengals vs Denver Broncos ..........upset special

    New England Patriots vs Oakland Raiders .......this game is in Mexico City

    Philadelphia Eagles vs Dallas Cowboys

    Mon Nov 20th

    Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks

    MNF Score: Falcons 38.........Seahawks 24...........the MNF game of

    WOW I'm on the leaderboard at 12-2.........I guess those new Boots are working and fit nicely......\_/ beer

    I'm so sorry to hear news of your dog.....animals are like get very attached.

    Thoughts are with you Baby.
    babyfan likes this.
  9. rediiis Guest

    Week 11

    Thurs Nov 16th

    Tennessee Titans
    vs Pittsburgh Steelers

    Sun Nov 19th

    Detroit Lions
    vs Chicago Bears

    Jacksonville Jaguars
    vs Cleveland Browns

    Baltimore Ravens vs Green Bay Packers

    Arizona Cardinals vs Houston Texans

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    vs Miami Dolphins

    Los Angeles Rams vs Minnesota Vikings

    Kansas City Chiefs
    vs New York Giants

    Washington Redskins vs New Orleans Saints

    Buffalo Bills vs Los Angeles Chargers

    Cincinnati Bengals vs Denver Broncos

    New England Patriots vs Oakland Raiders

    Philadelphia Eagles
    vs Dallas Cowboys

    Mon Nov 20th

    Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks

    MNF Score31-20
    babyfan likes this.
  10. rediiis Guest

    Baby, I'm a dog guy and losing them is always hard. My Jack Russell is 14 and am dreading the day. My 18 month old mini blue heeler helps ease the pain of seeing my buddy fade.
    Catfish, CBBLUE, SPress and 1 other person like this.
  11. My Jack Russell is 14 and am dreading the day.

    Wow he is senior Citizen Red......JR's are a very active breed......I wish him the best.
    Catfish likes this.
  12. rediiis Guest

    shit, he is jack lalane, but can't see or hear well. today on a walk with my better half, he walked right into a stream that he had to swim across and she called him to no avail. Wifey had to go upstream to cross and retrieve. still luv my 'lil t"
    Catfish likes this.
  13. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    Miami did come back it was even bigger than the Heidi game.......aww heck even the most hardcore lollipop Dolphin fan wouldnt believe that lol
    Catfish and CBBLUE like this.
  14. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    That's interesting that you have a Blue Heeler rediiis, my dog before Daisy the Crazy Jack Russell was a Blue Heeler. So she hasn't eaten for 4 days now and she slept beside her water bowl last night. She hasn't moved since last night except to get up to vomit on the floor. This is so hard. Her eyes are sunken and she just looks so bad. I'm going to cancel my morning class and make the decision as to having the mobile vet out here today. I can't let her suffer like this for much longer.
    Catfish likes this.
  15. CBBLUE Starter Cowboys

    Week 11

    Thurs Nov 16th

    Tennessee Titans vs Pittsburgh Steelers
    babyfan likes this.
  16. Catfish Guest

    a suffering animal is the worst thing ever. i see those commercials for the ASPCA and turn them off. im an old softie when it comes to hurt, damage, sick, dying, malnourished and mistreated cats and dogs. people who harm animals should get real jail time - not a slap on the wrist. make a statement and throw those abuser assholes in jail! so many shelters out there - take it to a shelter. don't leave it locked up with no food or water. what's wrong with you people? not you guys - you are all cool, but those abusers or people who take in an animal and just leave it later on for no real reason! wtf!

    my sister lost her favorite rat terrier dog (a type of Jack Russell) on her own freaking Birthday! She was devastated! After 3 weeks of being miserable, her husband found another rat terrier dog that replaced her lost one in every capacity. Thank God bc my sister was losing her mind over her lost dog !

    saw a story of a landlord going to an apt after a couple moved out appropriately to see the apt and assess damages if any and cleaning services. they left their cat behind and a big bowl of food and water and a litter box. real nice asshats. thankfully the landlord found a new home for the cat.
    babyfan and CBBLUE like this.
  17. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    My wife and I took in TWO stray cats because of this situation. Family across the street moved, and just turned the cat outside to fend for itself.

    Another family down the block had a cat; later they bought a dog, the cat & dog didn't get along, so they just opened the door and threw the cat out. This one didn't even have claws. Another neighbor would leave food outside so it wouldn't starve, but we'd hear her at night sometimes walking around crying. Finally during one of those mammoth snow storms my wife was outside shoveling and she heard a cat meowing - it was hiding under her car, trying to stay warm.
    babyfan, CBBLUE and Catfish like this.
  18. Catfish Guest

    wow Axe - good for you and Mrs. Axe. That's so nice of you to do that and so bad for your neighbors to do what they did!!! I mean a declawed cat has no means to defend itself. just horrible to do that. try harder to make the cat and dog co-exist. you move-find a shelter or a home for it. don't just throw it the hell outside to fend for itself. what's wrong with people?

    even though you're a Cowboys fan, i can always say you saved 2 cats lives that really needed it. Nice going man! A++
    CBBLUE likes this.
  19. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    My day is coming. We have two dogs. Both were obtained through a rescue operation. One of them is a 14 year old boxer/mastiff mix that we have had for 13 years. While he is now gray where he once was brindle, he still gets around pretty well for his age. It takes him longer to climb the stairs and sometimes needs more than one try to jump up on the bed at night. But, other than that, he's doing okay. But I know what's coming.
    babyfan, CBBLUE, rediiis and 2 others like this.
  20. Catfish Guest

    hang in there Lyman - cherish every moment you have !
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