2025 Mock Draft

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Campbell, Mar 12, 2025.

  1. Dcat Part Time Starter

    anyone interested in moving up to #5 (Jaguars)? Or #7 (Jets)? Let me know.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2025 at 1:18 PM
  2. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    And Raiders in between.

    I see a quality lowball offer situation developing here
    Dcat likes this.
  3. Dcat Part Time Starter

    I'm 67. I'm getting used to lower balls.
    IrishDawg42, Torgo, Campbell and 2 others like this.
  4. Sbrabo26 Practice Squad

  5. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Sorry forgot about this starting this morning in the midst of church and family obligations.

    Hunter was the correct choice in this scenario. Thank you.
    Willie, Campbell and RTTRUTH like this.
  6. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Not a huge rush @Dcat , but technically the Raiders could jump you (JAX) at this point

    Edit: I mean it's you > me > you otc between 1-3.
    So I guess what I'm saying is you get about another 15 minutes for free. Then I gotta Raider.
    Campbell likes this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    So the Giants take Sanders at #3.

    Not a big surprise all things considered, but i do wonder if it will shake out that way in RL.
    Campbell likes this.
  8. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I apologize for the Sunday start.

    I wanted to make sure we got this in before the 1st of April with the hopes that RT and Joe would run theirs this year.
    Underdog likes this.
  9. Sbrabo26 Practice Squad

    signing Winston makes me think they will take sanders. With the coaches and gm in a make it or go home year sanders just seems like the only real shot they have to win some games and keep their job.

    As a cowboys fan, I also like it.
    Campbell and RTTRUTH like this.
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm viewing the Winston signing as an "Ah, fuck, the Browns are taking Sanders..."
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yep certainly see where you're coming from with that. Right down to the Cowboys angle ha.
    Campbell likes this.
  12. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    @Campbell with the prevailing feelings being that the Titans will take Ward, do you see a chance of Levis salvaging his career somewhere like a Geno/Mayfield/Darnold or do you think he's done?
    Campbell likes this.
  13. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Gotta be honest, I just finished scouting Shedeur recently. I don't think he's worth a top 5 pick at all. But we all know QB is the most important position in football, so they often do get pushed up. And because we're all adults, we can probably agree that sometimes in a position such as that of the Giants current front office, your motivation for picking player S over player W could be as simple as I'm hoping to keep my job for an extra couple years.

    I don't see a ceiling higher than maybe the 13-14th best QB in the NFL for him in a given 3 year window. He might flash early. But he doesn't look like a league winner to me. Daniel Jeremiah did an interview where he said the league basically summed him up as "the whole is greater than the sum of his parts". Which in my opinion is a polite way of saying there's nothing special about him. He's just good at being fairly consistent. Plus you get to deal with the side antics (not a fair argument sure, but also not way off).
    I couldn't be bothered to deal with adding him. I think the teams correct approach is take best Edge/CB/OL/WR, then do what you can with a guy like Winston/Darnold/Geno Smith/whoever you can get your hands on type thing. But like we covered, jobs are on the line. And it's an "exciting" pick. Time will tell. I've been wrong occasionally.
    Campbell likes this.
  14. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    He done.
    He'll get "A" chance somewhere. But I'm expecting more of the same. It just was never there. I still stand by Zach Wilson being a MUCH better prospect right from jump, even if that ended up where it did.
    RicoL8, EvertonBears and Campbell like this.
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Gotta see where he ends up.

    As with Geno - What if he never got drafted by the Jets (With Levis, the Titans) and ended up somewhere stable with support?
    EvertonBears likes this.
  16. ovfd55 Practice Squad

    I think it'll play out
    Aaron Rodgers-Steelers
    Russel Wilson-Browns
    Giants-Shedur but my gut says they throw a Hail Mary to Titans for Ward in a panic closer to draft but don't know if Titans take it or not
    Campbell likes this.
  17. matthewwillson29 Franchise Player Manager Bengals

    Are we able to use future picks or just this draft?
    Campbell likes this.
  18. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    I shouldn't speak for Tim. But we've usually been able to use future picks. We're all adults here. You have to accept the reality that you'll never be able to actually use them if you trade for them.

    And it's considered proper sportsmanship not to sell them away like they're worthless on the other side of that coin. ;)
    Campbell likes this.
  19. Sbrabo26 Practice Squad

    I agree with the above for sure. To be honest that is exactly what the giants should do- offer whatever it takes to get the only legit qb in this class. Ward could win some games now and should develop into a good qb where I also agree with the above post that sanders is only ever going to be good or average (Kirk cousins career) and you have to deal with Dion and the sideshow that comes with him.

    Ward and neighbors could feed families.
    Campbell and RTTRUTH like this.
  20. Dcat Part Time Starter

    Jags select Mason Graham IDL Michigan
    (this is where we post picks, right?)
    Campbell and RTTRUTH like this.

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