2025 Mock Draft

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Campbell, Mar 12, 2025.

  1. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Correct. The time slots are for organization and giving a team time if their busy.

    So everyone knows, if the team in front of you has made their pick, you dont have to wait for the penciled in time slot, just fire away with your pick.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  2. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    @RicoL8 is on the clock with the Tennessee Titans and their #1 overall pick.
  3. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    We’re gonna push the pause button on this and set it up for tomorrow.

    The board never got filled in with owner names.
    RicoL8 and IrishDawg42 like this.
  4. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN

    RIP George Foreman
    Torgo and RTTRUTH like this.
  5. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I apologize for it not being completed. By the time I got off the road last night I was straight to bed, never even thought about this.

    I have some phone calls to make and then I’ll start filling out the board and correcting the dates.
  6. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Do we have a good working list of owners?
  7. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN

  8. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    The 'official' list is still up in the air, thats why I didnt fill in all the slots. In my opinion, a pause till tomorrow would be best so we have today to get the owners list 100% nailed.
  9. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    You can not use my personal pictures without my permission, I was a mess that day.
  10. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    PS - @Campbell

    Irish put up a tentative list on teams remaining and nobody has confirmed them except for nybites. I still havnt a 2nd team, so whats left is good by me.

    I'll stand by and pipe down till we figure this out.
  11. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I’m good with the Eagles as a secondary team
  12. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Baltimore Ravens - Campbell
    Buffalo Bills
    Carolina Panthers - StlCrtn
    Chicago Bears - EvertonBears
    Cincinnati Bengals - MatthewWilson
    Cleveland Browns - IrishDawg42
    Dallas Cowboys - Sbrabo26
    Denver Broncos - Sportsfanatic
    Detroit Lions - Quew777
    Green Bay Packers - dirk275
    Houston Texans
    Indianapolis Colts- RTTRUTH
    Jacksonville Jaguars Dcat
    Kansas City Chiefs - Campbell
    Las Vegas Raiders RTTRUTH
    Los Angeles Chargers RTTRUTH
    Los Angeles Rams
    Miami Dolphins Torgo
    Minnesota Vikings - Willie
    New England Patriots - Underdog
    New Orleans Saints EvertonBears
    New York Giants xinik
    New York Jets - Dcat
    Philadelphia Eagles - St;crtm
    Pittsburgh Steelers - nybites
    San Francisco 49ers - LAOJoe
    Seattle Seahawks LAOJoe
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers SportsFanatic
    Tennessee Titans RicoL8
    Washington Commanders ovfd55

    Arizona Cardinals
    Buffalo Bills
    Houston Texans
    Las Vegas Raiders
    Los Angeles Chargers
  13. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    If any of you have a moment to go back and create a list of owners that were looking for an additional team and were willing to take one at random, please let me know so I can get them assigned.
  14. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    Dolphins are fine with me as a second team. I'll brush up on them.

    If any Dolphins fans are around and want to rep them, by all means let me know.
  15. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    I know Shane said he would take 2. I don’t see his name. Also Sbrabo is willing to handle a 2nd, don’t think he cares which.

    Baltimore Ravens - Shane
    Buffalo Bills Sbrabo26
    Carolina Panthers - StlCrtn
    Chicago Bears - EvertonBears
    Cincinnati Bengals - MatthewWilson
    Cleveland Browns - IrishDawg42
    Dallas Cowboys - Sbrabo26
    Denver Broncos - Sportsfanatic
    Detroit Lions - Quew777
    Green Bay Packers - dirk275
    Houston Texans Shane
    Indianapolis Colts- RTTRUTH
    Jacksonville Jaguars Dcat
    Kansas City Chiefs - Campbell
    Las Vegas Raiders RTTRUTH
    Los Angeles Chargers Campbell
    Los Angeles Rams RTTRUTH
    Miami Dolphins Torgo
    Minnesota Vikings - Willie
    New England Patriots - Underdog
    New Orleans Saints EvertonBears
    New York Giants xinik
    New York Jets - Dcat
    Philadelphia Eagles - Stlcrtn
    Pittsburgh Steelers - nybites
    San Francisco 49ers - LAOJoe
    Seattle Seahawks LAOJoe
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers SportsFanatic
    Tennessee Titans RicoL8
    Washington Commanders ovfd55

    *I’m willing to move off any of my teams if it’s the perfect 2nd for someone else.
  16. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    Key draft related item... Kirk Cousins is available for trade. It wouldn't be dirt cheap, but also not outrageous.

    My understanding is that his own team (his agent etc, not the Falcons) is exploring possibilities and might try to help facilitate a trade where he could be a starter elsewhere. I've posted before - and so has the real team - that the Falcons would be fine going into the start of the 2025 season with him as the backup. But if the right trade can be found, I'm open to getting him to a better opportunity.

    And I'm sure this will be such an *absolute shock to anyone who knows me* from over a decade of these mocks - I'm very much open to future picks (2026, 2027) being the key pieces of the trade package.
    RTTRUTH likes this.
  17. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings


    I'll take on any available team for a second team. Right now or after others chime in... Im not particular.

    I apologize for being too gung-ho this morning also... this thing doesnt go until you say so, I miss stepped.
  18. Sbrabo26 Practice Squad

    Buffalo is fine with me as a 2nd team
  19. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    Non-draft item, since we now have a little more time. It's pretty well known that Foreman made more off of partnering with Salton and endorsing the grill in just one year than he made in his entire boxing career. Not quite so well known is the amusing story of what caused the grill to launch into the stratosphere, because it was initially a complete flop. Salton was on the verge of passing the grill on to Ron Popeil.

    But Foreman and the head of Salton were already booked to do a live session at QVC (one of the home shopping channels on cable TV, for anyone outside the USA or too young to remember). So... Foreman is on camera with two QVC hosts, demonstrating how the grill works. He has some hamburger patties, and there are some buns and condiments. He puts a couple of patties in the grill and sets up the plastic tray to catch the grease drippings (It was called "The Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine", so that was meant to be the most important focus of the demonstration.)

    So Foreman runs the grill as the QVC hosts start chatting about healthy eating, and they keep on with their brainless musings. Foreman isn't a TV person, so he isn't entirely comfortable being on camera with nothing to do. So... he puts together a bun, slaps on a patty, gives it a little ketchup, and simply eats the burger right then and there while the two muppets continue blathering away.

    Epic disaster, right?

    But... the phones immediately started going wild. So many calls came in that off camera, everyone in the building was pressed into duty manning the phones and taking orders. It was so hectic that at one point QVC logged sales of over 40,000 of the grills in a span of 3 minutes.

    25+ years later the Foreman grill line is still among the top selling kitchen appliances. And it launched into orbit because the big guy ate a burger on live television.

    RIP, George.
    RTTRUTH and IrishDawg42 like this.
  20. Sbrabo26 Practice Squad

    Dallas will be looking to move back from 12 to get an additional pick/picks.

    if we could add a 2nd we would move down from darn near anybody

    If not a second still need more picks
    RTTRUTH likes this.

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