2022 Off-season Frustration thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Hi ginny it's nice to have you back!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  2. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Omar Khan is probably going to become the Steelers next GM. Colbert is supposed to be retiring after the draft this year.
  3. ginny Franchise Player Bears

  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    For some reason I can't imagine Georgie wanting to interview McDaniels. Too much of an asshole for good ole Georgie.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    With all these really good names popping up....how do the Bears totally screw this up?

    Pull a Wirtz and tell them championships are too expensive? Make them do a mock press conference? Announce the hire before the candidate actually says yes?

    You know they are gonna screw the pooch. It's just a matter of how.
    vvarder likes this.
  6. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Because you just know the Bears are gonna' "Bears". Sounds like another contest opportunity for us with the winner getting to ride in Babyfan's fully stocked party van.
    babyfan and BearsWillWin like this.
  7. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Just got the go-ahead from the border, see you soon!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
    tunafat likes this.
  8. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    You better trade that van in on a Greyhound bus.
    babyfan likes this.
  9. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Well i don't know what they do to arrive at those final names, possibly gather all the candidates together and play a big game of pass the parcel. Or maybe twister.

    But as far as the specific names, i think if we look at the 2 lists then pick out the worst names we won't be far away.

    So Jeff Ireland & Leslie Frazier? Fucking fabulous.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  10. blang84 Legend Bears

  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    EvertonBears likes this.
  12. blang84 Legend Bears

    Yes part of me agrees but it also seems like he's straight sabotaging the relationship which would never end well for either him and the team. I've heard that Tua was babied at Alabama so he probably needs some tough love but with how sensitive and soft the modern athlete is, not sure Flores had the right approach here.
  13. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Whether it's right or wrong at least you know where you stand with him. It should be Tua's job to prove him wrong. If the Bears bring him in it will be the shortest interview ever if they ask that question first, because that wouldn't mesh well with the Bears Kumbaya mentality which further exacerbates that coddled approach. Perhaps on his way out George could hand him a participation trophy, and Flores could smash it in his face, problem solved.
    I'm also not sure what's right or wrong when it comes to today's athletes I just know if someone tells me I can't do something it will put a chip squarely on my shoulder and I'll do everything I can to prove them wrong. Sounds old school to me, because 11 years of singing Kumbaya has gotten the Bears zero playoff wins.
    It might not give them the locker room they want, but the locker room they need.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    It was widely reported that Flores wanted Justin Herbert and Grier took Tua instead. Now, i know GM's GM and coaches coach, but damn, if that's true i would be pissed as hell just like Flores. I mean there is just no comparison between Hebrert & Tua and there's not likely to be. The GM & HC going head to head and the owner sides with the guy who took Tua??

    Two seasons in there's no question Tua is an amazingly limited QB. I dunno how someone with his physical traits makes it to the top5 of a draft.

    Preach, Reverend Tunafat, preach!
    tunafat likes this.
  15. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    How long will the search take before all the positions are filled?
  17. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Also, a lot of Steelers fans/media believe Brandon Hunt is next in line, not Khan--whoever that guy is.

    Why would a GM retire after a FA period and draft when his team just got in/scraped into the playoffs? It makes no sense to leave after main FA period and a draft; why not see the entire thing through? Sounds like something a kid who loves fantasy/mock drafts in madden would do. The fun part's over, now he has to play the season. I'm aware John Clayton reported it, and he's been wrong before plenty.

    Also, PFF suggested Art Rooney 2 recommended him personally to Georgie. Schefter reported bears made an offer for an interview, and its since been confirmed its been accepted. Does it mean he'll get the job? Different story, the bears are interviewing a ton of names so odds right now are low even making it to the 2nd round of interviews. .

    Read similar reports that they didn't get along and Flores would get on him hard in practice before he benched him for turnovers/shitty play. You like to see that from a coach though I would have ridden it out and let Tua figure it out--which he eventually did to stabilize the Phins to win 7 out of their last 8 games.

    The only question I don't know the answer to with Flores is: how does he elevate Justin Fields? Is he bringing somebody who can fix him? If so, who's that name--and can he instill the knowledge and aptitude that goes beyond 1 year--(because said name would be a HC for someone else if the bears O is successful)?

    I don't doubt he can get more out of some middling guys, but is he going to be another Lovie where the overall discipline and defense just improves and the offense, with QB1 who's the reason you don't have the 7th overall pick just being left high and dry? He's already been put in a shitty situation where he's going to learn 2 playbooks in 2 years, technically 3 if you count what Lazor did being different from Nagy. We've also seen that movie countless times, and it usually doesn't end with playoff appearances let alone wins.

    You need B+ play or better out of your QB to make it right now. The league, how it protects QBs/ball carriers and stops defenders from playing football/hitting someone hard is just stacked against trying to win a SB/even contending otherwise.
    vvarder and blang84 like this.
  18. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    The only thing that gives me pause there, is why the Steelers would be willing to let him go and go with Hunt in the first place. I read not only that Hunt is next in line, but that Khan is pissed about it. Based on franchise sustained success, we could definitely do worse than someone familiar with the Steelers FO. Especially if they have an expanded role of all things football.

    Hoge and Jahns had a Colts reporter on to break down all the Colts candidates, and it was interesting in the sense that they are Ballard disciples. When we could have had Ballard back in the day, if our front office hadn't screwed the pooch. "I don't want to report to Ted" was Ballard's request? And we love Ted so much that we passed on him for Pace? Fuck off. Which is one thing Hoge has harped on, that I agree with quite a bit. It is telling, that in the press conference George decided to say that Ted *chose* to focus on Arlington, etc. Hoge says this means he's still going to be in charge, or it at least gives that appearance. To me, it's more the fact that the fans *don't like Ted*, and all you had to do here, was say "we are making a change and Ted is moving to focus on Arlington". It doesn't throw him under the bus, but it isn't a ringing endorsement either, it says they are making changes. The way he put it though, IS a ringing endorsement. Ted had to *convince him* to let him move away from football ops. And yet, Ted is still going to negotiate the GM contract, still going to be in the interviews. George has put a lot of his trust in someone that has helped make the Bears money, but has ALSO been president over a terrible football team for decades. This is the dumb fuck who last year said, "have we gotten the QB situation right? No. Have we won enough games? No. Everything else is there". And a year later we fire the GM/HC which EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD could see we should have done last year. I guess everything else WASN'T there because we just fired them. Backing into an expanded playoff slot because OTHER teams won/lost to let us in after the Packers shellacked us in the final game really should tell you all you need to know. And this is the same fucking guy that oversaw landing the Spaceship on top of the old Soldier Field not a scant 20 years ago. I loved the reporters that called him out too, "Why are you involved in the hiring process then Ted", and what did he say, something along the lines of he has something to contribute? Fuck off my friend. Shit George, if you want Ted involved so bad, just lie and say he won't be involved and them include him anyway. At least then you wouldn't be raked across the coals by fans yet again.

    Well that wasn't what I intended, but a rant about Ted Phillips will never go astray for me. In summary, Fuck Ted Phillips.

    And what the hell, this is an offseason frustration thread, so more ranting. This is the same clown car fucking show that didn't hire the reigning Coach of the Year candidate in Bruce Arians, because they made him do a mock fucking press conference, and told him he would have to keep Marinelli, who fucking left ANYWAY. This is meddling, from George and Ted, the "I'm not a football evaluator" making a football decision like keeping a coordinator. The way out of this, is for them to hire someone good. That's the only way. They say they learned, but then we do the exact same thing this time, just replace Accorsi with Polian? There are some good names on this list. They could bumble-fuck into the right one. I am just concerned that we haven't really solved the problem, because they haven't actually learned anything. George is right that he won't win over fans unless they win. That's 100% true. But we'd have confidence those wins will come if it felt like there was competence up top. Where's the mock press conference for fucking George, because two years in a row now we've hit franchise-lows in press conference fucking quality.

    Again, I struggle with this, because on paper, Nagy fired, Pace fired, Ted moved away from football entirely organizationally ON PAPER was my wet fucking dream for the office season, right next to them selling the team. And then you have a press conference that undercuts what you did right. But you DID do the right things? Fucking beyond frustrating.

    Finally, not sure if you guys saw the athletic article on how Nagy ripped Trubisky, here's one link: New Report Says Matt Nagy Never Wanted Mitch Trubisky From Day 1 - the bit about Nagy ripping Trubs for making a play because it didn't go to the right guy? That's the arrogance we all could tell was there. His utter belief in a system that doesn't fucking work. We all remember Foles on the sideline yelling at Nagy, and Foles was supposed to be the guy who could make the system work. He GOT HIS GUY after Mitch failed, but HIS GUY couldn't make the system work either. And worse, we all knew that LAST FUCKING YEAR. Yet we ran this shit back again hoping things would change? Fuck right the fuck off.
  19. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    There's no set timetable. They can start interviewing now, but a lot of candidates are still in the playoffs, so they won't even interview potentially for a few weeks at least. It's also not a race, they need to find the best candidate, so it may take a little while.
    babyfan likes this.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Thank you V :)

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