I keep on wanting to write my thoughts but all I can say is fuck shit fuck fuck fuck shit fuck. Those are the only words that come out.
The only justification from Pace's perspective that I can think of is if Georgie/Teddy gave him an ultimatum to make the playoffs or be fired. That definitely wouldn't surprise me and reminds us all where the ultimate failures of this organization come from.
This is exactly where I'm at. From a mental health standpoint, this team just has to take a backseat for me. It's just too frustrating. I'm also a life-long Florida Panthers fan, and they look really good right now, so I'm giving them all of my attention. I still read the game-day threads here, watch highlights, and watch stuff like NBCSports' aftershow, etc... But spending hours of my Sunday to be in a bad mood is something I'm avoiding, right now. I will personally contribute money to any campaign that makes Pace feel bad about his time here, once he's finally fired. The fans' voice needs to be recognized, and it feels like this franchise, from top to bottom, has zero care about us whatsoever.
Other than the fact the Bears lost, I woke up today and couldn't remember exactly how that game finished last night. TBH i dont care to refresh the memory. That was the most shitfaced ive been in a gamethread this season, so unlike pretty much anyone at Halas Hall, at least i am raising my level of performance as we reach the business end of the season. Yeah thats about it. Could talk about the joke ass offense, or joke ass gameplan, or joke ass coaching in general. Or the choke job imposters masquerading as a Defense. But to save time i'll just point you to page 7/8/9 instead. Same shit, different day. Fields got no help from his play caller and no help from his receivers either(3drops by my count), but i also thought he didnt play as well yesterday which was disappointing. He's taking way too many hits this year too. I kinda hope he doesnt play on thursday, its come around too soon.
I'm hoping the kid doesn't play another game this season under Nagy anyway. They are talking about an issue with his spleen now, and the only communication I want to see between that bald-headed visor-wearing cocksucker, and Fields now is "See Ya" by the end of the season.
I texted my buddy around 3pm CST and asked him, "be honest, should I even watch this game?" His answer, "Depends, do you like to watch Dalton play?" at which point I looked up the score. The result was what I would expect, though I didn't know Jackson was going to be out. Yeah, the defense choked at the end, but they had some sacks, got some pressure, and let the practice squader look all pro - I hate them the least of the 3 phases. They also let up 16 points. You cannot win games scoring 13 fucking points in this league. Full fucking stop. You don't win games by having punts deflected. I did watch the condensed game, and man I can see how watching that live the end is an absolute kick to the balls. You convert 4th and 11 get the TD with under a minute left and they drive the length of the field to get a TD themselves. Brilliant. The problem is this team has been bit by the injury bug. Which gives them an excuse no one will buy. But it's not like it stopped them last year from touting the bullshit late season wins, or backing into the playoffs after getting stomped by GB, only to be stomped by the Saints. "Collaboration". "Have we won enough games? No, but everything else is there" Fucking delusional from the top on down. I read too much reddit and the fucking homers there absolutely kill me. That this team is "almost 5-5", that Pace is a good GM and you can't blame him for Nagy's incompetence. Up until a week or so ago people fucking defending Nagy. People thinking that Pace understands where this team is at. No, he fucking doesn't. He is still in "win now" mode when we should be rebuilding back up with younger talent. We are going to give NY a top 10 pick, the only question is will it be fucking top 5. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Lions beat us, but the Bears, for all their faults, are still technically better than the 0-9-1 team. I'm having a hard time seeing the wins left on the schedule outside of the Lions and NYG, maybe Minn one game? Which....would actually be what I predicted pre-season. They are who we thought they were.
One key holdup: No HC in the 101-year franchise history has ever been let go during the season. So what? Isn't the future of the team more important than this bs?
The Mara's and the Rooneys don't hire Angelo, Emery, Trestman, Pace, Fox, Nagy in the first fucking place. Sunk cost assholes.
Just a bit of context to blang buddy's post. Id never heard of this guy, he sounded like some run his mouth nobody. So i quickly looked him up. Imagine my surprise, it seems this guy hosted a podcast with ARob as recently as a few months ago. So there's your credibility! Now, what i don't know is if this "locker room" thats lost is a lot of people or just ARob. God knows he's got every reason. But according to the old college crew thread on my whatsapp today is Tits Tuesday and that has a way of always making me feel a little more optimistic. So im saying this tweet it totally true!
Agreed. Nagy is a disaster, and Ryan Pace had CBS A team announcers doing good PR for him. He's in job saving mode--and he only has one action if he's trying to save it, which is attaching himself to Justin Fields and detaching himself from his head coach--which Tony Romo helped him with doozies like "the OLine is really coming together" before Fields got flattened in less than 2 seconds after the ball is snapped. It's what Nagy should have done the second he got drafted--instead, you hear visor talk about how happy he is to have Andy Dalton in the room. Andy Dalton doesn't matter. Andy Dalton isn't the reason you don't have a top 5 pick next spring. Andy Dalton is now on his 3rd team in the past 3 years, and he's gone after week 18. And it baffles me that Nagy won't reflect that as part of his strategy or use his young QB to attack the worst secondary in the NFL. Its terrible leadership from somebody that's totally lost, which is why you see stuff like a couple of posts ago where players allegedly want him gone. He's more angry about his headset not working and not about losing or trying to change. There are just 7 more games of this shit.
I would love to see the Bears shed, Shed Head right after they lose this game to the Loins. Make Tabor the interim HC or whatever idgaf. Then the Bears show some slight improvement the rest of the season (just enough as to not pull Pace from the hot seat), but showing prospective future coaches that this team isn't as bad as it seems if you remove a coach whose brain was displaced by his own ego.
What do you guys think of Doug Pederson? I was surprised the Eagles fired him given that Wentz's immaturity and injuries was what sunk them last season. Of course we could've had him this year to work with Fields had Georgie done the right thing and fired Nagy last black Monday.
Not sure if this is reliable but Nagy may in fact be fired this Friday regardless of the outcome on Thursday. I'm not going to believe it until I see it. https://patch.com/illinois/chicago/matt-nagy-will-coach-his-last-bears-game-thanksgiving-source
Yeah I'll believe it when it happens but that would be welcome news to me. Should have happened after the season ended last year. Or after this years Browns game. Or Bucs game. Or any game.
I'm not opposed to it. I'm open to a lot of ideas at this point. I don't think we have to have an offensive minded HC. I think we just need a good, smart head coach. And if that coach isn't offensive minded then he has to be good enough and smart enough to hire an OC that is. And a DC that can handle his shit on defense. The only problem you run into there is if you find a stud OC...you run the risk of losing him as the next great HC. Because that's how it goes in the NFL. Just hire good, smart people. That tends to work.
One thing that makes me skeptical is why would he agree to coach Thursday? To do a favor to the team who has a short turnaround week? Why would he care?
I thought that too. Happens with college coaches a lot. They get told they won't be back but can you coach this last bowl game for us. And NFL coaches in their last game of the season. I don't know. It's weird. I want to believe it because the reporter that first broke it is a long time Chicago guy that isn't known for flinging poop or trying to scoop stories just to scoop them. He's a solid guy. Firing a coach but asking him to coach one more time would be a very Bears type of thing to do.