That's true, but how does Joe actually feel about them even if they were teammates... id be curious to hear him on that. Have you heard anything along those lines?
no. Morgan is on the HOF executive committee, so he has some clout there. however greenies or pills is still enhancing your body in my book, so Morgan should watch what he says. great read on hall of fame voting...
never liked him - ever. comes off as this know it all when he has an ear piece in his ear feeding him the info. then the whole lets broadcast the Olympics with pink eye. he looked ridiculous and he refused to step down from the broadcast. i think he over calls a game and makes more out of a moment than needed. i think he's a little rat weasel.
he's a bigger rat weasel and the scum of the earth. just never liked Costas. even when he plays himself in a movie, etc. the more famous he got, the more showboating with a broadcast he became. the more over the top his calls and explanations became. the more "im the smartest guy in the room" and everyone else kiss my ass he became.
ok, I was just curious why you 'hated' the man. He does have a lot of knowledge in his head and apparently many people dig him... im one, as a matter of fact. I think the vid that Skinny posted of the interview with Mantle is a classic. Costas has done many classic things in my opinion and especially in baseball.
does he know all this info or is he being fed it in his earpiece ? Will, remember back, i had a fictional plane of death full of celebrities crashing ? Lulz used to reference it all the time? Costas is row 1, seat 1 ! that's how much i hate him !
I've never really had much of a strong opinion on Costas either way, I just recently discovered that he's originally a hockey guy from NY state. You hear the name Micky Mantle many times through your lifetime without really knowing who he was, different time. I think it's cool to have stumbled on this interview of him two years before his death.
well the movie 61* painted a good picture of who he was. he was no Saint for sure and his famous quote is "if i known i would've lived this long, i would've taken better care of myself." His Father and many Uncles all died from Hodgkin's. Now Mantle didn't die from it, but a form of it known as non-Hodgkin Lymphoma did kill his famous teammate Roger Maris.
It's too bad that Mantle wasn't made aware at that time of the reason why his dad and grandfather died young. The toxins of the mines where they worked contribute to the development of Hogkins.
really ? my sister had Hodgkin's for a year and went through horrible chemo and lived. she had in in her mid-30's and she turned 60 last year.
There's many ways to get it, they just linked the toxins in the mine as one of the causes. Miners back in the 30s didn't live long anyway, one thing or another would get them. Mantle had the luxury of not living the same life and failed to realize that his lifespan would've easily exceeded his dads.
well he thought it was hereditary as many of his siblings all died from it. i think one of his sons died from it as well ?
I think it's part hereditary, but the chances go up if you work in the mines. His son was the only one in the new generation that got it who didn't work in the mines. That's Mickey and his four sons (5), only one. If they all worked in the mines it probably would've ended up being one of them not developing it. It's like someone that's prone to getting cancer, being a smoker will increase their chances much more.
well my sister didn't work in a mine and had it for 11 long months ! no saying the mine isn't a cause of it bc im sure it is. for Mantle, he just seemed doomed from the start with his family history. sad as you stated, he didn't know better information.