Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by Dogside18, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Dude I'm not crying. I'm embarassed for you.
  2. rediiis Guest

    To Irish Dawg
  3. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    I am not reading every little thing but Irish isn't wrong. He may be reacting a bit over the top (not necessarily overreacting) but you don't need to bring some of that stuff in here. Yes you can technically post what you want but alienating and driving people away is gonna mean there isn't a board to post on. There are other places to post certain things. Some people apologized, some did and then threw it away. There was some misunderstanding but egos and principles seem to have gotten the better of everyone. And as for rediiis, you did miss something. Don't need to fan the flames.

    I'm not saying you need to kiss and make up but I think you at least respect each other not to make this about more than it really is. It's not a conversation any of you really need or want to happen.
  4. rediiis Guest

    Thanks for calling me out. I did not read all of the posts and just commented on one. Wow
  5. rediiis Guest

    I sure got the double barrel of shit though.
  6. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Irish is dead wrong but thanks for your input after you clearly didn't read "every little thing". This train wreck was completely unneccessary. SAS has never asked anyone to defend him, 9 times out of 10 he is the aggressor and there's no chance anyone is going to "alienate or drive him away". His ego is waaaayyyyy to big for that. Irish overreacted for no reason. The mods are trying to mod something that didn't need moderated unless you're turning over a new leaf. And if you are you better start with @sASS because no one throws more darts than him.
  7. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    All I asked for was for everyone to take it down a bit. That included everyone involved and was not intended to single anyone out. There has been no suggestion of any type of moderation on this thread.

    What this is turning into is what I was looking to get ahead of.

    Could just be naivety on my part, because I truly enjoy my interactions with everyone involved so I guess I expect other people's experience here to be the same.

    Anyway, that's all I got on it.

    Just one last thing -

    I would like to think that I have had enough conversations with everyone involved over the years that they would understand that I don't take sides or try to over moderate things on the boards. I just enjoy talking football with everybody and hope that everyone else does the same. If anyone ever feels like they are not getting their fair shake here I would ask that they hit me up in a PM to discuss it.

    The office door is always open.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    The Browns have their own little internal drama that seems to be mutual and they live with it. If SAS goes and pisses you off on the Steelers board in a way you really don't appreciate then he should stop. As for what is dead wrong, I'm not focusing on everything he says, just the main point. I skimmed everything enough to know the gist of it. You are going off on principle quite a bit and Irish is very defensive which is amplifying both of your responses. At this point it doesn't really even matter how it started. It's just silly that no one wants to back down.
  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    As was said we don't want to moderate anything. But the site is around because of the people and driving people away is bad business. Let's keep that in mind. There shouldn't be a fine line between no moderation and anarchy but when it feels like it there is this lame "moderation" talk has to rear it's ugly head. Nobody wants it.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    First and foremost: I have appreciated and understood Tim's involvement and position on this. It goes without saying that I respect him and said position.

    On the other hand...

    Joe, no one does a better job of alienating people than SAS. He won't see the vast majority of this conversation, given that he's blocked at least several people here. You can't have a constructive conversation with him, because he is incapabale of understanding other positions, or that he might be wrong. Browns fans have already voiced / acted on their intent to leave because of the lack of constructive discourse, largely due to SAS's aforementioned inability. You wanna get on any of us here? I get it - I want as many people talking real sports on this site as possible. But you better make damn sure that whatever you say to the parties here, you say to SAS with at least as much magnitude.

    Irish - not sure where my not wanting to offend readers beside SAS and apologizing accordingly took a sharp turn into you slandering Bears fans at every opportunity, but I'm gonna need you to either support your claims, or knock them the hell off. This went from me wanting to shake hands to you spitting at my (our) feet awfully quickly, and I don't appreciate it.
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Irish is wrong and so are you LAOJoe.

    You say "he may be reacting a bit over the top"..... is this the first time you've read his work haha???? That guy is the biggest oversensitive sally ive ever come across on a message board. I've been posting a long time. Needlessly overeacting is what he does.

    I actually suspect he likes it tho cos some of the responses ive seen in the past, to perfectly innocent comments, could only come about from someone who wants to be offended. Anyway, good to see so many others calling out this cuck. Its not everyone here that is nasty, its one poster who cries like a baby at every opportunity.

    BTW Joe, i have to say, i've never seen you come riding in on your white horse to save the Bears board. Our board gets trolled more than any other on this site and where are you? Every idiot on this site stops by to troll us whether its Irish, BARFL, Spress, Gideon and plenty more. Maybe you think Bears fans can handle themselves and you'd be right, but thats not the point. This isn't a complaint, this is me pointing out a glaring inconsistency in your work here.

    Bears fans have to live with it cos they can, but a little whiner like Irishdawg gets people running in to protect him. I guess the old saying is right huh, the squeaky wheel gets the oil....
  12. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Okay last comment from me and I'm moving on... Everton's point rings true with me. Don't want to call it moderating? Fine, call it intervention or mediation.

    The point is the guy flaming and quite literally trying to drive people away with his "get the F out of here" crap was Irish and you're running in here grabbing his back Joe. This shit would have been over 25 comments ago without the intervention.
  13. firehalo Guest

    The busting of said balls seems to be a 2-way street here (e.g. beachbum’s “pet names”). I suggest going commando... no nickers, no twist.
    SAS likes this.
  14. firehalo Guest

    br00nz-A-Vizhun!!! Only $49.95!!!
  15. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Well...I came on this morning to offer an apology to those not involved directly in last nights debacle, since I had already addressed it with dline last night... but, quite frankly it seems this site is better off without me, so that would be a better remedy I believe. I love the fantasy leagues on here, so I will stay and keep my focus on just those boards.

    The whole point of the post was geared towards one small aspect of another poster berating a Browns poster on the BROWNS SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE. He didn't even realize he was in the Browns section, thought it was the general section, when he realized, he apologized and we could have moved on...but in the end, it seems there is an overwhelming notion that I am a trouble maker or pussy or whatever else anyone wants to label me...so, I will alleviate any future animosity by simply staying out of your lives.

    To beach, I am not trying to DRIVE anyone away from this website. What I would have liked is respect to the Browns posters in the Browns section.

    To the Bears fans...I went on ONE tangent over a year ago on the Bears boards due to some Browns bashers in there. I realized what I had done, apologized and was called a pussy and other things...and it hasn't stopped since. I went on for a civil conversation this past draft weekend, only to have that incident brought up from a year ago and the name calling began again..so I left the board and didn't return. It was pretty simple really..but NOW, it happens on the Browns board, I step in and an outright chaotic situation arises. I take full responsibility for my part in it, but the reasoning behind it still stands true to me. I absolutely went over the top with my original post.

    There are sections on this site that are public domain and everything goes, imho. The sections reserved for "fanbases" to discuss amongst themselves, I welcomed open conversation from everyone. Some take my debating as outright disregard for others, but it sincerely is not that at all. I enjoy the back and forth. When someone outside the fanbase comes on and starts to berate fellow Browns fan...then I take offense to them being ON THE BROWNS BOARD. If you want to take it from someone like SAS and continue to come here, that's on you. You know what you are in for when you come here. In my simple world mind, you have that choice and make it. He isn't going on the Steelers board and berating you, he is doing to a Steelers fan what some Browns fans do...and it happens on all other fan boards as well...You make the choice...

    I am making the choice to do my Browns talking elsewhere and enjoy the fantasy football boards that I love on this site, that should make everyone happy and a little less irritated...

    I apologize to ANYONE and EVERYONE that I have offended and/or caused any animosity in the past.

    Enjoy the day everyone!
  16. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    This is where you are wrong, Irish. Explain, if you would please, how an internet forum is better off with FEWER opinions. Do pissing contests happen? Of course they do. Throw a bunch of Alpha Dogs in a room and a pissing contest is inevitable. That doesn't mean you need to avoid them, just expect them to happen and - maybe - learn something about someone else's point of view.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  17. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I agree. No one was calling for you to go anywhere. In fact, you're the only one who suggested anyone leave. I'm not saying this as an attack, but a reminder (in conjunction with Lyman's well-said sentiment) - we're all here to discuss openly. I don't know what incidents you're referring to on the Bears board, but that's because I try to forget people and discussions after they happen, so as not to bring biases with me to future conversations. Obviously, there are exceptions when a few people stick out so abrasively, but otherwise, I read posts without looking at names, etc., and I try not to take anything personally. I would suggest you treat it similarly - whatever incidents have passed, let them stay in the past.

    Keep discussing, keep engaging, and keep learning. Hell, this all started in part because of my berating SAS, caused by the fact that he doesn't do any of the aforementioned. One less person trying to talk sense around here doesn't do us any good.
  18. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I can vouch for Irish's experience on the Bear's board as the same exact thing happened to me a couple years ago. I mistakenly used the word "hope" when referring to the upcoming season as in, both the Bears and the Browns should have hope for improvement. That's when the insults started coming from every angle. It was like wading in a pool of pirahna. Haven't been back there since.
    SAS likes this.
  19. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I will say, as having talked sports with a lot of the Bears fans here for... a long time, there are incredibly substantive and worthwhile conversations. There's also plenty of defending and attacking positions, so it's certainly not a lovefest. Make a statement, be ready to back it up, no matter what colors you wear. We get into these arguments and fights all the time - and none of us take it personally, or walk away worse for it. If that's the experience you, Irish, and others have had, then I would encourage you to treat it similarly - keep discussing, and know that iron sharpens iron. No one is going to hit "ignore", no one is going to tell you that your contributions and insights are invalid - they'll simply attack the position until you can defend it.

    If it goes beyond that, and gets personal, I won't defend that behavior. We're all adults, so I'll participate in the way I see fit. We have had plenty of people, over the years here and elsewhere, come by just to troll, so there's no doubt that the pile-on can get pretty gnarly, in those cases. If you can bring substantive conversation, I'll be happy to discuss with you, and ignore anything personal, if there should be any. It may not be until closer to the season actually starting that we have material to really discuss, but I would encourage you to do it.

    Also, a note: Bears fans haven't had hope for improvement in quite a while. So, if you came bringing a message of hope, much as I've been told by fans here that wallowing in sorrow is an isolated activity, it may not have been received well. We have a lot in common, Bears and Browns fans, over these last handful of years. I chose, sadly, to be a supporter of both. But maybe that mutual understanding can help bridge the gap.
  20. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    That's fine and dandy, Dline. But tell me what the Cuyahoga River catching on fire in 1969 has to do with the NFL in 2016? Those guys wear throwing insults like a badge of courage. If that's their bag, more power to them. They can wallow in their own misery without me.

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