1 on 1 Challenge

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by ravenmaniac881, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. It's already in the books.....and the bet is 100 posts get a+1 Karma rating.
  2. Get in touch with him....I'm sure he will do it.
  3. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Before anyone even thinks about it . . .

    The last poster who zeroed in on a single individual and bruised their Karma by -1ing each post got banned. :-X
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    It takes 3 minutes to put a negative on another post, even if it is someone different. I can't see someone really having the patients to spend all day trying to bring someone's karma down. The funny thing is you can + karma as many as you want without any wait time at all. I think there should really be a 30 second or minute wait between positive karma too, because it shouldn't just be slapped on every post you read by a fellow fan of the same team. Karma actually means nothing on this site because you don't have to earn it by saying something worthy of it. Look at some of the post of guys with 500+ karmas and you will see a lot of crap with + karma ratings that should be - karma at the best.
  5. It's + PLUS 1

    I don't think Tim will have an issue with it..if he does then we will come up with an alternative bet or make it a bragging rights bet.
  6. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I realize the bet is 100 plus 1's. I was only referring to some nimrod who thinks it would be funny to negate the 100 pluses with 100 minuses.
  7. Ben missing 3 games and coming back to play hobbled in the rest of them should be enough of a handicap. *WALL*

    I'll think about it.
  8. yeolus Guest

    Sent him a PM, up to him now! *YAHOO*
  9. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    SteelerKing wrote:

    That was LAST year. I thought the challenge was for THIS year. Besides . . . who's to say Weeden doesn't get whacked at some point in time.
  10. It is. I'm just preparing for the inevitable.

    After the game on Monday night, this could be the year that Ben finally dies behind that O-line. *HELP*
  11. Kid M.V.P. Ravens

    I'm just stoking the fires here.

    You take every opportunity you can to try talking about how ben is some great QB. You'd throw a ben compliment and Flacco dig in a discussion where you were saying what you had for dinner the night before. It's Brandon Freaking Weeden here! Even if both of ben's arms and legs are amputated, what are you worried about?
  12. Looks like Lyman is calling out SK for a Weeden vs Big Ben challenge.

    Ball's in your court SK.........AV bet for 1 month is on the line.
  13. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    "Calling Out" might be a little harsh. :-X
  14. jeep99tj Guest

    Wait until the season is over and the loser doesn't pay up right away.
  15. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    That will not be an issue with either of us. *THUMBSUP*
  16. jeep99tj Guest

    I know. 8)
  17. Not worried, just burned out with quarterbacks after all the offseason QB debates. Since Lyman's a good guy and has been persistent about it, I'll go ahead and take the Brandon Weeden (+20%) vs Ben challenge.

    You got yourself a deal Lym. What size would you like your Roethlisberger avatar to be? 8)
  18. Kid M.V.P. Ravens

    You're lucky that Lyman is nearly as old as Burghball. He may forget and rechallenge you to this same bet several times throughout the season.
  19. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Actually . . . I'm quite a bit older than Burghball.

    Now, what's this about a bet?
  20. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    SteelerKing wrote:

    Oh, about 2 pixels by 2 pixels. :p

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