1 on 1 Challenge

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by ravenmaniac881, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    A couple years ago I mad an av bet with someone that never lost one in like a dozen tries that TCU would beat Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl. That was fun.
  2. jeep99tj Guest

    They can be fun. But you can get some real assclowns sometimes too. I remember over on CBS there was a guy that wouldn't accept any bets but he was the first to get on people to pay up. A real douche.
  3. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    So how does the av bet work?

    You create and av for the loser and they have to sport it for a set amount of time?

    I can't get involved with the shenanigans, gotta rep the company logo but that's probably for the best seeing as I'm getting my ass handed to me.

    I'm permanently relegated to the midget league...

  4. That's ok Tim.

    At least you are participating.
  5. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    No participation trophy for me, I'd prefer to take my beat down and think up another bet for next season to get whipped around some more.

    Maybe a Tebow vs Ray Lewis TV ratings bet.
  6. [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdFLPn30dvQ&feature=player_detailpage[/video]

    Here is what you have to look forward to.
  7. jeep99tj Guest

    Yea. Makes it a little more exciting and worthwhile.
  8. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm in a situation where I would have to know what the av was ahead of time.

    Takes the fun out of it IMO, cause there are a few posters here that I would have a blast with creating an av for and not knowing what they would create would add to it.

    We have 2 more contests in place for next season that we are going to offer merchandise to the winner for (free sign-up) and we are looking at having some contests with an entry fee and a bigger prize to make things more interesting.

    I'd be open to suggestions on contests if anybody has some.
  9. jeep99tj Guest

    I'll have to put some thought into this one.
  10. It's pretty simple Tim.

    you generally have 2 rival team fans create a bet. Generally you have to fly an avatar, non offensive of course, of a player on that team for an agreed upon amount of time.

    Lyman and SteelerKing have one from the end of the season till the end of the Super Bowl.
  11. Lyman's toast. [​IMG]
  12. WOW...smack talk.

  13. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Could also be any picture on the internet if it works. Sometimes there are some you find that don't need editing that you know the other guy will hate.
  14. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Hell, I surrendered back on 9-23-13. Working on my Ben AV as we type. *SORRY*
  15. It'n not over Lyman

  16. Tim

    How about if we do the same kind of challenge but get a minimum of 4-5 people to enter one challenge vs each other. It would have to be same position players though.

    Winner gets some free merchandise.
  17. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'd consider it, but there are a lot of variables and we would need a lot higher of a registration number.

    More than likely a minimum of 40.

    I believe there was over 50 originally for the pick-em contest.
  18. jeep99tj Guest

    The sooner you start pushing this the better. Give people time to think about it and plan accordingly.
  19. Stats from last week will be up tonight.....sorry for the delay.
  20. Ravenmaniac881 (Alfred Morris) vs Dunder Mifflin (Trent Richardson) Bragging Rights ONLY
    YTD TOTAL Ravenmaniac 122.10 vs Dunder Mifflin 65.60

    Week 1
    Alfred Morris?.45 yards rushing (4.5) 1 Touchdown (6.0) 1 fumble lost (-1)??.9.50
    Trent Richardson?..47 yards rushing (4.7) 30 yards receiving (3.0)?.7.70

    Week 2
    Alfred Morris?.107 yards rushing (10.7) 13 yards receiving (1.3)?..12
    Trent Richardson?.58 yards rushing (5.8) 21 yards receiving (2.1)?.7.90

    Week 3
    Alfred Morris?.73 yards rushing (7.3) 1 Touchdown (6)?.13.30
    Trent Richardson?.35 yards rushing (3.5) 1 Touchdown (6)?9.50

    Week 4
    Alfred Morris??71 yards rushing (7.1)?.7.10
    Trent Richardson?..60 yards rushing (6) 1 Touchdown (6) 6 yards receiving (.6)?12.6

    Week 5
    Alfred Morris?..Bye Week
    Trent Richardson?..56 yards rushing (5.6)?.5.60

    Week 6
    Alfred Morris?..81 yards rushing (8.1) 1 touchdown (6)?.14.10
    Trent Richardson?..40 yards rushing (4) 13 yards receiving (1.3)?.5.30

    Week 7
    Alfred Morris?95 yards rushing (9.50)?.9.50
    Trent Richardson?37 yards rushing (3.70) 1 Fumble (-1)?.2.70

    Week 8
    Alfred Morris?.93 rushing yards (9.30) 1 touchdown (6)?.15.30
    Trent Richardson?.Bye Week

    Week 9
    Alfred Morris?.121 yards rushing (12.10) 1 touchdown (6)?18.10
    Trent Richardson?.20 yards rushing (2) 33 yards receiving (3.30)?5.30

    Week 10
    Alfred Morris??.139 yards rushing?.13.90
    Trent Richardson??2 yards rushing (.20) 33 yards receiving (3.30)?3.50

    Week 11
    Alfred Morris??93 yards rushing (9.3)?9.30
    Trent Richardson??22 yards rushing (2.2) 31 yards receiving (3.3)?5.50

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